Wednesday, December 29, 2021

GOP supporteres are destroying our country!

 Yes this is true!  Now I myself have  no more than 5 friends who are republican. At times I can say that is enough or that is to much! for the most part these five friends are good people just mixed up! If any thing due to my current living standards I would be better of with a GOP administration, then they would. So my feelings towards them are this. We never ever talk politics when we are together if this happens, I will only say it once STOP! also if we are in my home and there are other people here trump and GOP bashing deal with it! In other words keep quiet or express peaceful dialogue. However i would prefer if they say nothing. Better yet post your comment  on my blog.

Monday, December 20, 2021

Joe Manchin

Senator Manchin you must be the Democrat of the GOP. You do not have any kind of morale right to hold things back. Why are doing this?Where is your profile in courage? You are doing wrong to your party and the President Biden. You need to be primaried. With Democrats like you who needs republicans. So do the right thing stop being a spoiler! 

Friday, December 10, 2021

Roe v Wade on the line

 Well after last weeks supreme court hearings on a Mississippi case, it seems like the conservative majority is looking to either overturn Roe or to modify it.Which means even if Roe is not overturned it will be weaker. It also tells me that the court is no longer objective but now political. To be continued.

Monday, November 29, 2021

White privilege ?

 Yes! Of course there is! I mean just look at our history or even our current events. The net worth of white Americans compared to people of color show that difference. Housing.employment,  our Criminal Justice system all contribute to White Privilege. Segregation in the south, redlining of housing . I mean what more do you need! Please leave a comment if you agree or not.

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


Well I am sure what you all know what I mean when I am talking about when I mention Kenosha. Of course the Kyle Rittenhouse case. Not Guilty! In stead of blaming the jury for this I believe we have blame bad self defense laws. Instead going through the laws step by step I would like to say this. Any one walking down the the street with an AK47 is the the threat.I believe that Rittenhouse provoked this action by doing just that. He illegally crossed state lines and and had an illegal weapon For now we will have to hope that the civil courts can find him him in fault for wrongful death.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

The violent GOP

 Yes that is right folks. GOP politicians along with a percentage of their constituents are becoming increasingly violent. We can thank Donnie Trump for contributing to this on going problem! When Arizona congressmen Paul Gosar threatened A.O.C. with a cartoon showing her being killed that is a national disgrace and dangerous! There are lots of stupid right wingers  in this country who would act out a situation like that. Expel  him from Congress. AOC get an order of protection against him.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

UnVAXED Out of Pocket!

 Here! Here! Yes what the post says is  so spot on! If you refuse to get vaxed and then get covid then pay for the medical expenses on your own dime.With the colder weather here covid cases have spiked. Due to people spending more time indoors. This will add up to more hospital stays and once again can put our health care system at a breaking point. Therefore the least the unvaxed  can do do is pay for their own treatment, However if everyone is vaxed then we are all safe. Can there be breakthrough cases? Most likely. However less serious and way less if even that. So ther you have it get VAXED!

Friday, November 12, 2021

Covid on the Rise!

 With the cold weather on the rise unfortunately covid is to. People are now having more indoor activities and with the holidays upon us it is all fuel for the spike. However this does not have to happen .                            Once again I am talking to all you anti vaxers. When in the name of humanity will you people learn it is not just about you. You may have the virus and not even know it! You have no right to do this!                    If you do not care about yourself then at least care about others! Think about it.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Vax Mandate YES!

 To mandate VAX or to not mandate VAX. That is the question! I am talking about the emergency vax mandate that has been set by Executive order by President Biden. The order specifically saying that any employer who has over one hundred employees working for them must comply with a vaccine mandate.         The mandate says that all employees must be fully vaxed or get tested at least weekly.  So what is wrong with that! Well it is being reviewed by the Appellate Court. 26 red states have filed the against the mandate. What else is new? What appears to me is that red states do not give a damn about the health of their populations!                                                                                                                                                                              

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

End The Filibuster

 The Filibuster  which has delayed legislation and given the minority party in the senate the power to stranglehold almost any legislation they do not approve of. Yes at times it has prevented some terrible legislation from passing. However it has prevented some very good legislation from passing!  Examples of this are The John Lewis voting rights act which the GOP is holding up in the senate.                                                          What is the filibuster? Basically in a nut shell it takes at least 60 votes to bring a piece of legislation for a vote to the floor. In todays world of partisanship and division good legislation is being prevented from making it to the senate floor. How do we change this? All it takes is a vote of 51 U,S senators. What is holding this up since the democrats have a slim majority to accomplish this? Two senators. They are Joe Manchin of West Virginia Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona. The two so called moderates. The media should get it right and call them Right Wing conservatives!                                                                                 

Monday, November 8, 2021

Your Fired Aron!

 The Aron I am talking about is none other then Mr Macho unvaxed Aron Rodgers. Quarter back for the cheese head Green Bay Packers! The man literally lied! Yes Lied about his vaccination status.                          You may not believe this Mr Rodgers but you are not some mythical character in some fictional story like superman. You can get covid,you got covid and you may have spread covid! As far as I am concerned you are so arrogant and dangerous you are not worthy of keeping your job. YOUR FIRED!

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Wake up Rural America

 What I do not understand is why you folks in the rural areas vote against your own interest. You vote for a party that wants to either end programs that can help you or that will not start programs that can help you economically. Example Child Care, health care relief, tuition free community colleges, expanded Medicare for dental and vision services and extended help for seniors in general. This makes no sense. I believe that you folks are to hung up on the cultural wars. By that you are hurting not only your own personal welfare but  the welfare of the country.

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Virginia Governor Race Part 2

 First the main stream media with the exception of Rachel Maddow have made this election a gloom and doom event for the democrats. It is not! As Rachel said on her show last night, this is what Virginia does.. The people of that state tend to vote  99 percent of the time against the party in power. But yet the main stream media has made a field day of this loss.                                                                                                           Another point I would like to make is that New Jersey tends to do the same thing as Virginia by voting against the party of the president in their governors race. However this did not happen! The democrat Phil Murphy won reelection. However once again the main stream media made this out to be a disaster. Why? He only won by a very small percentage.                                                                                              Well let me say this. The Democrats have done great in the past year and will continue to do so.  I would also like to mention that if Democrats in name only spoilers Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema did not hold up the presidents legislation the democrats could of won Virginia!

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Uninformed or Stupid

 Ok you see the title of this post. Now what do I mean. I am talking about the United States voters. Here is an example. First before President Joe Biden took office the vaccination rate was barley one percent.       Now 58 percent of the U.S population is fully vaccinated! 75 percent of Americans have at least one shot! Yet many of the voters  still blames President Biden for covid. That in my opinion is STUPID!                    Manny voters are also upset because they say the president is not getting anything done. Ok a civics lesson for you guys. The democrats have a 50 50 majority in the U.S. Senate. And they have a slim majority in the House of Representatives. Another point is that the Senate has two very uncooperative democrats that are holding up legislation. There you have it! If you do not like the word stupid then the best I can do is ill informed. Think about it!                  

Monday, November 1, 2021

Manchin and Sinema

 The title represents Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema.  Senators from West Virginia and Arizona. Now West Virginia  is the most Trumpiest state in the union. Being a National Democrat from that state is a endangered species. However,this does not make it right for a so called Democrat to hold up Legislation !        Obviously the Senator needs to read the book JFK wrote  Profiles in Courage! It should also be noted that the Senator is bought and paid for by the oil companies so there you have it. Democrat in name only! He needs to be primaried and voted out!                                                                                                              Now for Senator Sinema she has even less of an excuse! Arizona has been trending blue for a while now. The state has two democrat senators. The state went for President Joe Biden in the last election. So she has no excuse what so ever, Primary her !

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Virginia Governors Race

Well folks this should not be a close race which is now the blue state of Virginia . Just proves to me that many of our citizens need a a class in how our government works! Let me help some of you folks out. First lets talk about gas prices. The president nor the Congress makes up gas prices. That is the job for the oil cartels, such as OPEC. And we all know how greedy they can be,                                                                              Inflation why is this happening. Well here goes there is a work shortage. Why because employees are tired of low wages. The only good issue that comes out of this is that unions may be making a come back. Next there are several climate disasters due to global warming and climate change.    Droughts along with Floods and brush fires are the main  contributions to these issues. Lets not forget an increase in hurricanes and tornadoes.                                                                                                              How do we improve these issues? Better environmental and economic policies. However when the President is dealing with a slim 50 50 majority in in the Senate  and a slim majority in the House of Representatives  along with a hostile Republican party and two very uncooperative Democratic Senators it is very difficult to get any thing done. These are just two examples of  what is currently happening in our country. There will be more to come in future posts. Please send in your comments.                               

Friday, July 16, 2021

Suppressing the Vote!

 Republicans are now a national disgrace. They started their downfall with Ronnie Reagan . A good Hollywood actor but lousy politician. However to his credit he never supported suppressing the vote. Unlike many red state governors who are trying to make voting difficult for people of color, the elderly and democrats in general. What the fascist republican party is trying to do is make the United States like the old South Africa apartheid system! That was when the white minority ruled buy suppressing the black and what they referred to as the colored vote. People of mixed blood ,Middle Eastern and Asian decent.               Just look at what the terrible governor  of Texas is doing right now! The Florida governor should also be ashamed of himself for what he did in changing voting laws!                                                                   It is once again up to the Federal Government to step in and change this,just like they did in the 1960s.

Be smart get the VAX

This post is dedicated to my unvaccinated friends. You all need to wake up and smell the coffee . If this delta variant hits you,the chances for your survival can be limited! Even if you do survive you may have long lasting symptoms. So please do the right thing! There is nothing political about this. This evil virus could care less about your political affiliations. So do not be STUPID! Get the VAX!

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Florida The Stupid State

 Well folks here is what I mean by the title of this post. First the state of Florida opened up at 100 percent capacity in the fall of 2020. When the pandemic was going string and killing a large number of our citizens. Next the far right wing governor welcomed and encouraged tourism. The worst was when he welcomed spring breakers to the state! Pathetic! Which is why the there was a rise in cases through out the country. Remember when the idiot tourist went back home many spread the disease! Last but not least there is Mara lago s there where insurrectionist Donnie Trump is now living. It is also a state where Trump won during both the 2016 presidential and 2020 presidential elections. To be continued.

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Selfish and unvaccinated

If you are reading this and still have not gotten your shot! Then yes I am talking to you! Who in the hell do you think you are! You are a typhoid Mary that is who you are! You should be ashamed of yourself. You are selfish and could be putting peoples lives at risk. Grow up! 

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Isreal not a free nation

The nation I am talking about is Israel. Through out their history since their creation in 1947. Time and time again this nation has proven to be unworthy of the the gift they were given by the U.N. Israel has become a Fascist  and  Terrorist state. An apartheid state just like the old South Africa. Their prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is no better then a cheap sociopathic war criminal!. I would also like to add members of the Israeli army who are carrying out the attacks.Buy carrying out the attacks I am talking about the ones who are firing the missiles and murdering Palestinians. When a nation steals peoples land, occupies their country arrests thousands of their young men and holds them without trial that is CRIMINAL! I am tried of my tax money going to economic aide for Israel . All they use it for is to buy weapons to unjustly kill their Palestinian neighbors! I  also believe that they should be disarmed. However that would require to much violence. Send these murderers to the Haig to be tried for war crimes! i want to make this perfectly clear that I am not anti-semitic  but anti Israel there is a difference.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Independce Day

The Fourth of July as we all know is independence day! Known for the day when the United States won its independence from England! However if there was no American Revolution everyone would have free healthcare . Just a side note. Back to the article Independence day now has two meaning. Again the separation from England but now the victory over the war with COVID 19 !We have not won yet, however we have covid on the run and it is just a matter of time! So everyone victory is in sight! Did any of us ever think that the word normal would be so exciting! 

Winning the War

 By winning the war I am actually talking about the war on covid19. We can thank our president Joe Biden for leading us to victory! I would also like to thank the brave Americans who followed all the cdc guidelines and received their vaccination. . For all of you who are not getting vaccinated WAKE UP! What is wrong with you! Screw all your conspiracy theories! Do not be STUPID!  Do your duty as a citizen! GET VACCINATED!

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Pandemic Blues

Well it has been almost a year with covid. I have not dealt with it as good as I should. It needs to go I want the vaccine. If any one has any suggestions on how to handle this please let me know. 

Friday, January 22, 2021

Democracy saved for now

 We dogged a bullet this time by electing Joe Biden but this just goes to show Democracy is fragile.