Thursday, January 12, 2012

uneducated or just ignorant

I recently attended an event in Orlando where there were a couple of right wing idiots. The folks  were not rich infact they sounded like they were struggling to make ends meet.They vote republican. One of the guys attending this event was a true redneck. From the discussion we had it seemed like he was struggling to make ends meet..Soif this is the case why in the hell would a person like this vote republican.I will tell you why ignorance and racism. If this person had an ounce of brains in his skull he would know that he is a pawn for the right wing.The one percent who takes advantag of you angry white guys is laughing all the way to the bank while you try to make ends meet. My answer get some education idots while you can,before the 1 percent and the republican party take that away also.Next Iwill discuss how another angry white guy is for school prayer.