Thursday, March 20, 2014

Still Nothing

The GOP in Congress is still doing their do nothing failures.Still no extension of unemployment benefits,no raise in the minimum wage.A new form of slavery is what these insurgents want ,however they will not get it!Disgusting!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Greedy Doctors

I had it with greedy doctors.By greedy I mean the doctors who refuse to take medicare and medicaid.Also doctors who refuse to see patients who are behind in their co payments.Shame on you.I assume that the oath you took when you graduated medical school no longer applies.Money is all that matters.There should be laws that either force you to take patients or you should no longer be allowed to practice medicine

Health Care

Why is the GOP hung up on people receiving health care.Or I should say Affordable Health Care is the humane thing to do.Tea Party insurgents there is no room for this disgusting attitude.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

milimenium generation.

The millennium generation is a generation of hope and progress.Socially progressive anti conservative .anti greedy and humanist values.So all you old backwards conservatives you are on your way out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Give it up

Give it up GOP health Care is here to stay.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Arizona Gov

Governor Jan Brewer did the right thing by vetoing that obnoxious anti gay bill.I would also like to thank both U.S.Senators and Mitt Romney for their support of the veto.Tea Party elected officals and there far right counterparts need to stop the hate.Old grumpy White folks need to either grow up or get out.