Saturday, October 7, 2017

Irma and the GOP

I know hurricanes   have been around since time with out beginning.However they are more intense and happen more often.Why climate change.It is the destructive right wing GOP climate change deniers who are responsible for the destruction.Got you again GOP!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Diveded We Stand

Yes this country is about as much divided as it was in the 60s and 70s or even during and after the civil war period.However does that mean its a bad thing.maybe not.I will tell you why.First of all in many ways are daily lives are divided.This happens in work,family,and with friends and social groups.When this happens this does not mean we will get physically or verbally abusive.In fact division can be a good thing.Why,because it not only will teach us  how to work out our differences through dialogue ,but help us learn about each other.The main thing be yourself.Stand firm but listen to the other side.I myself can be very hard headed and spark up anger when someone disagrees with me.This does not mean I will get mean and violent in any way.But by using our anger in the right way through positive dialogue the situation can be worked out.Learning is a live long if you believe you said something wrong or controversy,do not beat yourself up over it but learn over might not even of been wrong or bad no matter what others may think.