Sunday, October 31, 2021

Virginia Governors Race

Well folks this should not be a close race which is now the blue state of Virginia . Just proves to me that many of our citizens need a a class in how our government works! Let me help some of you folks out. First lets talk about gas prices. The president nor the Congress makes up gas prices. That is the job for the oil cartels, such as OPEC. And we all know how greedy they can be,                                                                              Inflation why is this happening. Well here goes there is a work shortage. Why because employees are tired of low wages. The only good issue that comes out of this is that unions may be making a come back. Next there are several climate disasters due to global warming and climate change.    Droughts along with Floods and brush fires are the main  contributions to these issues. Lets not forget an increase in hurricanes and tornadoes.                                                                                                              How do we improve these issues? Better environmental and economic policies. However when the President is dealing with a slim 50 50 majority in in the Senate  and a slim majority in the House of Representatives  along with a hostile Republican party and two very uncooperative Democratic Senators it is very difficult to get any thing done. These are just two examples of  what is currently happening in our country. There will be more to come in future posts. Please send in your comments.