Friday, July 16, 2021

Suppressing the Vote!

 Republicans are now a national disgrace. They started their downfall with Ronnie Reagan . A good Hollywood actor but lousy politician. However to his credit he never supported suppressing the vote. Unlike many red state governors who are trying to make voting difficult for people of color, the elderly and democrats in general. What the fascist republican party is trying to do is make the United States like the old South Africa apartheid system! That was when the white minority ruled buy suppressing the black and what they referred to as the colored vote. People of mixed blood ,Middle Eastern and Asian decent.               Just look at what the terrible governor  of Texas is doing right now! The Florida governor should also be ashamed of himself for what he did in changing voting laws!                                                                   It is once again up to the Federal Government to step in and change this,just like they did in the 1960s.

Be smart get the VAX

This post is dedicated to my unvaccinated friends. You all need to wake up and smell the coffee . If this delta variant hits you,the chances for your survival can be limited! Even if you do survive you may have long lasting symptoms. So please do the right thing! There is nothing political about this. This evil virus could care less about your political affiliations. So do not be STUPID! Get the VAX!