Friday, December 28, 2012

Public Pensions

It is a disgrace what many state,county,and city governments are trying to do to their pensioners.Cutting pensions is wrong.The people who are living on the pension system earned them.When they were hired they were legally promised the benefits as they are now.Therefore the unions should not concede these benefits in anyway what so ever.I have a dear friend who says that might be the only answer to save the system.I say to him NONSENSE HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST THAT.My answer to him is simple.The folks that are still working must put more into the system.My colleges who I worked with are making more then enough.Therefore instead of paying 8.5% it should raised to 11.5%.That is fair because you will get the money back.If you do not like it there are many others waiting in line to take your job.I would like my dear misguided friend and others to place a comment on my blog.

1 comment:

  1. forgot to mention that new rules should be put in place. One such rule would be that no one can retire until that certain someone retires at the county.
