Monday, May 28, 2012

happy Memorial Day

Hello everyone and a happy Memorial Day to you all. As we pay tribute to our veterans and military past and present,I wish to pay a special tribute to the brave men of WW1. In other words the Dough Boys.WW1 was short but it was a bloody and dirty war. The first war to use nerve gas. In the years following WW1 the Dough Boys were overshadowed by WW2. Not on purpose of course. My father was a WW2 veteran and along with living during through the depression many call them the greatest generation of all times. However they were the children of the Dough Boys like my grandfather who today I have his picture in full uniform hanging in my office. Manny of theaseWW1 veterans, like my grandfather were recently arrived immigrant's to the U.S. Also like grandpa they were awarded citizenship for their brave service. So here is to grandpa his brother uncle Joe and my dad along with many others for service to our country and protecting freedom around the world. I will be happy to except any comments posted on this issue. Thank You Tony

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