Thursday, December 31, 2015


Well it is  hard to believe it will soon be 2016.So Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The president is protecting us

Thanks to cooperation between federal and state and local authorities many potential terrorist cells have been broken up this week in New York City.See the president does know what he is doing.So to the ignorant ugly speaking old white man I talked to last month.What do you have to say to about that!I still believe all this hate over the President Obama is all about him being part African American.If you disagree then have the courage to post a comment. By the way GOP what happened to Dr Carson.Seeeeeee!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Trump Keeps Trumping

Donald Trump continues to rise in the polls.However this just shows how low the GOP has fallen!They went from a moderate party to a disgusting hate mongering party.Similar to the brown shirts in NAZI Germany.There are a few exceptions but even the candidates who speak out against Trump are still bad!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Big Blowhard

When Hillary Clinton said Hell No to Donald Trump when he wanted her to apologize for speaking the truth!Good for her! Trump is endangering this country.His supporters are just to naive and ignorant to understand this!Not to smart! If they had common sense they would not be for Trump!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fear and hate

Over reaction of fear and hate are poisoning the USA,Along with that  comes prejudice and hurt.The GOP candidates are the mostt guilty of this.So I say this, think before you speak and act.Do not react!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bored Billinare

Trump is a bored billionaire.We all know damn well that he cannot get his anti constitution agenda passed.However since he has what I call the high school drop out club they keep cheering him on.Well what do we except from such an ill informed crowd.He is also causing disruption and violence from his rhetoric and that is BAD!The only good thing coming out of this is the destruction of the GOP.Please if you are Trump supporter please post a comment.Or if you agree also post a comment.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hate and fear

Donald Trump has now gone beyond from bad to worse!His preaching of hate and fear is now in the danger level to say the least!By preventing an individual from entering the country because of their religion is unconstitutional .He knows this.However his uninformed supporters ignorant as they are just cheer him on like sheep.He is making fools are out of you folks,I think it is time for you all to take a U.S.Government class.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

What is really going on

Lots of my s right wing friends including some family members are now extreme right wing!Here they go beating the drums of war when they really do not understand any of it.That is why Donald Trump has for the most part has a not so intelligent  crowd.What is going on is a war of  philosophy.For the most part a war like this is not fought with weapons but education.It is a war of ideology and thought.The nation must educate itself so all of us know how to change this.It means becoming more in tune,thinking before reacting Taking a more analytical approach. It is also a conflict that will involve Federal State and local law enforcement.Along with intelligence and CIA operations over seas.And yes if needed some special forces.But military troops cannot stop a lone wolf.That is what is happening.I did not see right wingers want to go to war with right wing rednecks after the Timothy McVeigh incident.However when a minority is involved well all they want to do is demonize all of them and talk crazy.Now I am not saying all of my right wing facebook friends are like this but it sounds that way!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

goverment shut down

Well if their is a government shut down it will once again be the fault of the pathetic right wing extremist tea party republicans,Once again they stand against everything what the U.S. stands for!They want to destroy this country due to their hatred and greed.! They are pathetic and it is time the GOP stans up to them!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Frankenstein Monster

The GOP created a Frankenstein Monster in Donald Trump which is going out of control! How, it is really very simple.By their anti immigration, anti refugee, anti minority, anti worker talk they have become the party of HATE!.Now they have lost control of it.Donald Trump is a runaway train filled with racism and hate! He is fast becoming the new republican mainstream.Well they got what they wished for.Now they either own it or speak out strongly against their fascist values!Lets not forget their deceiving a president when he attends a summit in Europe.Their war mongering their hatred of the poor, who want to see people without health care.Yes they have become a wall of of shame and the party and only the party is responsible.Look at Trumps supporters a group of older not very bright white folks.Folks who live on hate and fear!Folks who do not represent what the country is all about!