Friday, December 25, 2009

Senate passes health care

First of all Merry Christmass. Next I would like to welcome Mary Beth  as a fellow blog supporter .We all Bknow a watered down health care bill was passed. Along with this bill not only is there not a option but also a tax on cadallic insurance plans. They are palns in which manny union workers along with other people enrolled in employer based plans offer manny benefits. According to the Senate they are plans that are worth more than 23 thousand dollars. Now we all know that if the insurance compannies have to pay a tax they will pass it down to us. Once again      we can thank trader joe liberman for this gift. Along with ben all for my state nelson and blance lincoln. Now the house version of the bill does not include a cadallic tax plan ,but does include a public option.. Instead they will tax people earning over 500 thousand per year. So folks stay tune to my blog. Again happy holidays.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Senator Frankien hushes trader liberman

Yesterday when Senator Al Frankien was persiding officer over the US Senate trader liberman was speaking on the floor. When trader joes time was up he requested additonal time to speak. Senator Frankien then told trader joe that as Senator of Minnesota he could not grant him any more time. I would just like to thank Senator Frankien for his leadership. All you trader joe fans send me a comment if you have the guts. Tony

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Joe must go

Now lets talk about sen joe liberman. Or as I refer to him as the BENDICT ARNOLD of the 21st century. Who the hell does he think he is. Well he is a SUCK UP to the big insurance industry. A traitor to the democratic caucus. If he continnues with this GROSS SUCK UP behovior then he should be removed from his chair of the homeland security committe. Infact he should be ousted from the caucus all together. He is a disgrace he proved that when he backed John MCcain for president. Joe you are usless to the good cause a coward a traitor and a selv interest lacky. A man who does not deserve the title of statesman,but the title of traitor. hey Joe send me a post if you have the guts. Tony

Sunday, December 6, 2009

unemployment drops

Thanks to the presidents economic recovery program unemployement has finally dropped from 10.2 percent to 10 percent.Now I am sure that the right wing oppostion will once again find fault with the president and his administration however it will not work. Why will it not work becouse all talk and no action is what the republicans are about. Just look at their leaders big fat ugly rush limbo and sara facist baracuda palin.comon right wing post something no guts ha. Tony

Friday, December 4, 2009


Well this decsion of sending 30 thousand troops is most definite going to bring criticism on both sides of the fence. Personally I would of prefered if the troops were withdrawn immediately.However when you consider the fact that Pakastan an unstable goverment in my opinion has nukes,in a way I can see his point. That is the point that the taliban along with bin ladens gang are hiding around the border between Afghan and Pak it just may be the right thing to do. i support the timeline of getting out in 211. Yes this can be a make or break for President Obama along with health care and the economy, however he did take time to work thease problems out. Also someone has to clean up the mess Bush made. Post a comment and let me know how you floks feel. Tony