A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Give it up Republicans
Okay GOP insurgents its time to grow up and the pass the presidents plan.Not only are you folks greedy but also not to bright.On november 6 2012 the president and the democrats won you lost.GET OVER IT.JACKASSES.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
What you said on m Meet The Press today is inexcusable.The fact to even suggest that eventually raising the retirement age to 67 is WRONG.Oh yes it may be easy for you since you have a nice cushy job with N.B.C.,however most folks are not in your situation.Why doesn't anyone talk about our wasteful defense spending.Again it was the useless Iraq war that put us where we are now. Also Afghanistan is now no better.This has nothing to do with our troops but all to do with the former BUSH administration that put us there. Anyone disagree post a comment if you dare.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
watch your step Illinois
That is right Governor Quinn do not take the cola away from pensioners.Make the people working contribute at least 3% more each year.That is what the unions have proposed and that should be the decision of the state.Remember current employees will get their money back when they retire.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Public Pensions
It is a disgrace what many state,county,and city governments are trying to do to their pensioners.Cutting pensions is wrong.The people who are living on the pension system earned them.When they were hired they were legally promised the benefits as they are now.Therefore the unions should not concede these benefits in anyway what so ever.I have a dear friend who says that might be the only answer to save the system.I say to him NONSENSE HOW DARE YOU EVEN SUGGEST THAT.My answer to him is simple.The folks that are still working must put more into the system.My colleges who I worked with are making more then enough.Therefore instead of paying 8.5% it should raised to 11.5%.That is fair because you will get the money back.If you do not like it there are many others waiting in line to take your job.I would like my dear misguided friend and others to place a comment on my blog.
Right on Harry Reid
Harry Reid tells it like it is . When he accused House Speaker John Boehnar of being a dictator he was right. He said this because he believes that Speaker Boehnar is more concerned about keeping his position as Speaker of the House rather then do what is right for the country.You go Harry Reid.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
loafing equalls republican house of representatives
Yes that is right especially republican representatives.You guys should be in Washington fixing this fiscal cliff problem.Come on Mr Boehnor it is time to get back to work.
Time is running out
Okay Speaker Boehner in 2010 you said you would not abide by the majority of the majority rule.Well now is the time for you to keep your word and do what is right for the country.If it means risking your speaker ship SO BE IT.Remember the words political courage.Well here is your chance to prove it.It is now or never.I believe you have all the democrats and at least 25 republicans who will vote for the presidents plan. If we go off the cliff we will remember.You might not only loose your speacker ship you could loose your seat all together.And rightly so.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Fiscal Cliff Still
Well folks it is still hanging around.I again ask the Speaker of the House.Have political courage and bring this to a vote.You have it in your power to stop tea party insurgents from damaging this country.So put aside your personnel ambitions and do the Right thing.Be a true patriot.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Political Courage Mr Speaker
Yes Mr Speaker I mean you.Here is what you need to do If there is a majority of both parties that agree to do what the president wants then bring it up for a vote.If it cost you the speaker ship so be it.By 2014 Nancy Pelosi will be speaker anyway.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
NRA Shamefull.
Yea all you wacko gun freaks that's true.If you say no to reasonable background checks,waiting periods, a psychological test,against aban on assault weapons,then you are making it a heck of alot easier for a terrorist to get a gun.Remember we are also seeing lots of domestic terrorism now.New Town a prime example,along with several other tragic events that happened in the past couple of years.As far as I am concerned that is supporting terrorism If any of you NRA supporters see this,please post a comment.Laws must be reformed now.So all you politicians it is time for political courage.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Over the Cliff
Man oh man John Banner and the far far right just can not learn that the country is against them. News Flash we won big this election.Oh well over the cliff we go.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
gun controll
Lets hope after this tragic incident in New Town Connecticut that the United States Congress and State legislators across the country will take the issue of gun violence seriously.Gun control does not mean that the government will take all guns away.That is what the NRA wants you to believe.It means tougher restrictions on who may have a gun.However it should include safety locks and just what kind of guns shall be permitted to the general public.Remember the right to bear arms is subject to interpretation. Suggestions would be that everyone who wishes to own a fire arm must pass a psychological test.Also that test must be paid for out of their own pocket.Also anyone who is not a professional Law enforcement officer should NOT have the right to carry a concealed weapon.By professional law enforcement I do not mean security guards.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
hypocritics equalls republicans
I am talking about republicans in our Congress.Oh they are so against National health Care.Why they say it is government run.However the Affordable care act is not government run.It actually gives more impute to the private sector.I will tell what is government run health care . Why it is the health care that our representatives in congress have.I do not see big mouth Paul Ryan giving up his government run health care,nor Eric Cantor nor Speaker Banner.Once again the hypocrisy of the right wing will never cease to amaze us.If any of you right wing fools are are reading this,I dare you to post an opinion.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
right to work baloney
Michigan republicans what is your problem.You really do want to destroy the middle class.Well that's what happens when you are BRIBED by Cooperate America.Yes BRIBED it may be legal in this world of unregulated fiance reform.However what it does show is a strong lack of political courage.Of course if you did have political courage you would not be republicans.
Shame on you Michagan Republicans
Governor Snyder and the Republican Michigan legislator are not only and enemy of the middle class,they are also just plain stupid.I would also like to say that this was a lame duck session that passed this terrible Right to Work for Less Law. These morons just do not learn.They lost big in the 2012 election from the White House on down.Well here is my prediction.First since Michigan is for the most part a strong union state.Most union members will stick with their union and continue to pay their dues. Next Mr right wing tea party Governor Snyder will loose reelection in 2014. What he did do by signing his own death warrant was to energize the unions just like what happened in Ohio.Republicans you guys really are idiots.
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Hands Off
I will say it again hands off medicare social security,do not touch pensions.raise for the top 2%.Lets get this economy going again so no one else gets hurt.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Yes the party of conservatives and republicans are the party of Scrooge.They just do not get it.They LOST. Either they are arrogant or just plain stupid.I say both.They just refuse to give all the fat cats a slight tax increase that will help out the country.Well if the U.S.goes of the fiscal cliff we know who to blame.BA Hum Bug.
Friday, November 30, 2012
public internet
Warning to all using facebook on an internet public sharing site can be a real pain.Think twice before you do it.At least it has been hard to on this public star bucks site.No more starbucks.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
U.N. Ambassodor Susan Rice
All right Senator McCain enough is enough.Stop being so damn selv rightous . Leave her alone.You republicans just love attacking either a minority or a female.or in this case both.
Monday, November 26, 2012
A Deal?
Well i will not get my hopes up .However it is encouraging that the right wing republicans are moving away from their ridiculous Grover Norquist pledge. Again hands of entitlements.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
hands off pensions and entitlements
We won this election.This means that republicans must except this fact and keep their hands off well earned pensions and entitlements.Remember government is a good thing not a bad thing.You tea party folks and your treasones attitudes will not be tolerated.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
thanksgiving weekend
Hello again everyone.last Thursday was the thanksgiving holiday.As we all know the name of the holiday explains all.Givings thanks for what we have,are loved ones and opportunities.This season we all should give special thanks to the reelection of President Obama.For those of you who did not vote for him,I believe now is the time to give him a chance.After all he won and he will also be your president over the next four years.
Friday, November 23, 2012
black friday greed
Well here we go again.Only this time it is worse then last time.The greedy giant retailers such as walmart, target and macys and yes lets include best buy.These greedy stores are opening their doors f any where from 9 pm to midnight on thanksgiving night.They could give a damn about their employees spending a nice thanksgiving with their families.This is the problem with a consumer obsessive society.STOP IT .I mean it is both shoppers and retailers,your greed is nauseating.You are all a disgrace to humanity.please post if you like.
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Grumpy Old Men Again
Willard and grumpy old man McCain just cannot get over the fact that they lost. Fist silly John McCain blaming the U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for making false statements concerning the Benghazi incident,and Willard Romney once again blaming the 47 percent for taking give aways from the president.Give u you guys you lost move on.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Well victory is sweet and it proves a point.First with the president winning this is a absolute rejection of the far right wing.Both socially and on the economic front.People are now more open to progressive ideas.Demographics are changing and most folks believe that the wealthy need to pay their fair share.Also we will never ever go back to the social policies of the 1950s.With the exception of Elvis and Rock&Roll.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
republicans are at it again
Yes that is right the rats are trying to steal this election again.In Pennsylvania they are asking for voter IDs when the courts rejected that rule.In Ohio voting machines are not working.The only way the Willard the rat wins this race is by stealing it.Another issue i would like to bring up is people I grew up with in Chicago. Which still is a great Democratic city.However many of my former classmates have switched parties.Why because they were easily brainwashed by the racist Republican party.The stupid tax complained well class mate Friends you are wrong.I am so glad most of you folks live in a blue state where your vote do not count.Your voting for Willard is a disgrace.I unrespectfully disagree with you all.Well goodby former classmate .If you all think Willard is so great then why not give up your medicare when it comes time.You wont why?becouse you all do not understasnd what is going on.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
here we go again
Now we have another dangerous right wing extremist who wants to be a U.S.senator in Indiana.This nut says a women who is raped should have a child because it is Gods will to have the child.These people are dangerous radicals who should have no place in politics.Willard Romney should also be ashamed of himself for not condemning this man in person.Also why would he endorse such a person like his.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Willard the flim flam man.
Really Willard Russia is our number1 enemy?Letting the car industry go bankrupt is good for the economy?Now you are a dove when it comes to Iran?What a joke you are chump.You are a phony con artist,a wolf in sheep's clothing.If any of you folks vote for this guy you are either greedy or pathetic.Hey all you Romney chumps please post a comment if you have the balls to do it.PS the Russians are coming the Russians are coming
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Knocking on doors
With my last post I mentioned the annoyance of phone banking.Knocking on doors a must for getting out the vote but at the same time you are intruding on ones privacy.As I said last time just two and a halve weeks left. That is all for now.
election blues
If you live in a swing state I believe we are all getting burned out over this.I support the president I volunteer for the president but let me tell you it is taking its toll on me.Phone banking and knocking on doors has its faults. With caller ID many people no longer answer the phone if they do not recognize the name or number of who is calling.With cell phones it is even more difficult due to the only a number and not a name being displayed. Now i know why con artist do so well in this country.Anyway in a little more then two weeks this will all be over.Why any one who is not a billionaire would vote for that corporate raider Willard Romney I have no idea.Now I know why scam artist do so well in this country.If Willard wins all you morons who voted for him will get what you asked for.
Friday, October 19, 2012
vote vote vote for your economic interest
Okay folks it is crunch time.If you make less then one million dollars you are a damn fool to vote for Romney.Wake up fools you know who you are.Just like the guys I talked to last New Years Eve they just do not get it.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
pushy pushy willard
Willard you are one pushy bastard.The rules do not apply to you do they?The world revolves around Willard.
obnoxious Willard
Willard you are an obnoxious lying son of a you no what.Watching the debate and the pres is socking it to him.Obama Rocks
Friday, October 12, 2012
Your the man Joe
Lets all give a big hand to our Vice President Joe Biden.He did a spectacular job on the debate last night,and showed that coincided frat boy Ryan who was boss.Now Vice President Biden is what I call a good old fashioned democrat.The kind that wins elections.I would also like to congratulate our moderatorMartha Radditz for doing a spectacular job in handling a very tough debate.Mr Jim Lear you need to take some lessons.Better yet no more moderating for you.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Mr President
Mr President I have waited several days to respond to your debate performance.Needlessly to say i am very disappointment.I do not know what your advisers have told you or what you were thinking.BUT it is time to start acting like the Chicago democrat you really are. Take some lessons from your former chief of staff and now mayor of the great city of Chicago and get tough.Show no mercy when it comes to Willard he will do anything to make the sale even lie his ass of which is what he did .Next time whack the son of a bitch in the balls.
Monday, October 1, 2012
That is right President Obama fans.Lets not get to complacent.There is still a lot of work to do.lets start beating the drum ands win this election.Wednesdays first debate is very important.The stakes are high.We must not be defeated.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
young people
Yes young people you are the future.Right now you are being called upon to vote and get involved in this election.That means vote and volunteer to help get the president elected.You cannot sit this out the stakes are to high.This election is especially importent to you,the future.
Thursday, September 20, 2012
longer school hours ?
Absolutely not.Longer school hours more homework is wrong.Children need to have more free time. All work and no play is stupid.Try to stop competing with other countries.Children can learn just as well with shorter hours and less home work.Also no more testing.
MSNB has it Right
I am referring to the title of Willard of OZ. Yes Mr Willard Romney is just like the wizard of OZ .Remember he was the all powerful OZ .It was OZ who said anything to get his power .Yes just like Willard.
Bad for America
I am referring to the disgusting right wing extremist who made this anti Islam film that provoked the attacks on US embassies in the middle east.Now in no way am I giving any sympathy to the people who are responsible for the attacks.These folks need to be hunted down and brought to justice ASAP.However the idiot who made this film is just as responsible for the attacks.Not only that but people like this are a threat to our national security and should be investigated.Free speech is not only a right but a responsibility.Please post your comments
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Not very smart
If you are struggling financially and vote for Willard Romney,you are not only ignorant but just plain stupid.
Shut Up Willard
Okay Willard we no who you are,and your greedy supporters at your greedy fundraiser know who you are. You are a one percenter and now after your stupid blunder yesterday,there is no way you can back out. JACK ASS.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
A Governor with backbone
I am talking a bout Governor Bev Purdue of North Carolina. A governor who stood up to the republican legislature when they tried to suppress voters rights.Right On
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Mr Piggy
Hey Mr Mitch Piggy McConnell how come your children do not serve in the military.Oh that is right it is okay be a war monger as long as your children do not have to serve.
Mitch the Pig
Yes that is pig face Senn Mitch McConnell who instead of working for the country as paid to disrupted the country by concentrating on trying to not get the president reelected. What a useless ass.
Calling all independents wake up watch the democratic convention and you will see that the democrats are the only ones who will protect this country from extremism.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Go Ron Paul Supporters
The Willard Romney thugs would not even let Ron Paul be put up for nomination.What do you expect from cooperate fascist.The up side many of his supporters will not vote for Willard.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
GOP @ Willard
Not only has the GOP produced an extreme right wing radical agenda,but the star of this radical agenda Willard Romney himself will try to convince the middle class that he is working for them.WRONG
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
political courage vs political cowadrice
President Obama showed political courage when he fought to get the health care bill,knowing that it was most likely not politically popular. On the other hand Willard Romney and his clowns just sat by any let his party put anti choice language in their platform.Even in the case of rape or incense.Pathetic .and political cowardice.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
You know I really get a kick out of the GOP.They have gone so far to the right and when one of their candidates expresses their extreme view points,like Congressman Adkins they want him to drop out of the race for the senate. Hey Congressmen Atkins is the face of your party now. Don't kick him out embrace him or change your ways. GOP you can not have it both ways.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Yesterday I had lunch with some very conservative men. To make a long story short Even though we disagreed on many issues we still were civilized and even were able to come to some agreement on certain issues.I would like to express these gentlemen are conservatives not extremist.That my friends is the problem with the congress.There is now a large number of both extremist and obstructionist which is why the economy continues to struggle.Dialog is something we all need to practice.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
super pacs
Super pacs are not people.however what do you expect from an activist and biased supreme court.A note to Justice Kennedy . Your name does not fit your right wing image. Shame on presidents Bush2,Bush1,and Reagan for putting these folks on the court.
Illinois Pensions
The Illinois state legislator is talking about making cuts into retirees pensions. WRONG cut your own pensions. Pensions are a contract and unless the state of Illinois can claim bankruptcy hands off. Shame on you Illinois. Retirees deserve both their health care and 3 percent cost of living raises.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Look out Seniors
Calling all seniors and baby boomers.It is clearer then ever who to vote for. If you like your social security,if you like your medicare,if you do not want to be thrown off the cliff,then President Obama is your guy.Now that Willard has picked Paul throw gram ma over the cliff Ryan we know where he stands. Willard you just do not get it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
willards kind of town
NOT This is a democratic town.Willard will not even come close winning Chicago or the State of Iliinois
Friday, August 3, 2012
battleground states
Great news President Obama is ahead in most battle ground states.This includes Florida,Ohio Michigan,Wisconsin,and Pennsylvania.However there is still much work to do.So everyone keep up your support for the president and do what you can to help get him relected.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
calling all Indiana moderate republicans
Yes that is right all you Indiana moderates who voted for Dick Luger.If you do not want another right wing extremist in the congress then vote democratic.
Governor Pat Quinn
Governor Pat Quinn should be applauded for taking a stand against assault weapons.I hope Governor Rick Scott of Florida along with other Governors will also have the courage to take this stand. If you want to stand up to terrorism this is a good start.If you are a member of the NRA reading this please post a comment.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Stop the lies
Hey Willard tell your sleazy campaign to stop spreading lies about the president.We all understand that you are just craving to be president,but do it fairly.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Due to the tragic events in Aurora Colorado this weekend we take a break from politics.From all of us at tonys blog for the center left our prayers and thoughts are with the victims.
Friday, July 20, 2012
fight fair Willard
Listen Willard you know better.Using code words like the president is foriegn to to american ideas like success is nonsense and you know it. Shame on you Willard
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I mean you MR Out of shape Fat ASS RUSH.How dare you say that our president hates the country.If anyone hates it it is you. Yes you for spreading such dirty ugly lies.Rush you are a disgusting human being.And the folks who follow you are either misguided or as bad as you.If any of you gutless Rush supporters have read this please post a statement.That is if you have the guts.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
discloser act
Here we go again.The pathetic unpatriotic republican party once again will use the filibuster to block the discloser act.So for all you right wing thumping zealots who do not know what it is I will tell you.Individuals,unions corporation's and other special interests groups must identify who they are if they spend more them ten thousand dollars.What are they afraid of? I will tell you this is nothing but cooperate fascism .And this cooperate fascism is supported by the fascist republican party.
Monday, July 16, 2012
looney bachman
Yes she is back.That crazy paranoid loony toons Michele Bach man is back. Now she is accusing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of having a member of the Muslim brotherhood on her staff. Not only is this psychotic but it is down in the gutter. And the people in her district who vote for her are either just as evil or stupid.
right wing pig
Yes there are lots of right wing pigs.However the right wing pig I am talking about is Big fat ass Rush.Saying that the president of the United States hates the the country is nothing but pure treason.Yes that is right treason and the man should be fired and banned from the media.Also you fools who follow this pig,shame on you.
Willards Returns
Okay Willard what is the big deal? Or should we say what are you hiding? The people deserve to know where your money is being sheltered.Just what country do you invest in.Time is running out my man.Put up or shut up.Lets see more of your tax returns.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Willard Outsource Romney
Willard face it. If you were the CEO of a firm that outsourced jobs to other countries,you are an outsourcer. NO way to dispute this. Also Willard how about releasing more tax returns.Maybe I can get a Swiss bank account to.
post office
Keep our post offices open. Not only will this keep people employed but a vital service will continue to be of service to our citizens.
Monday, July 9, 2012
lowest taxes
Yes that is right all you right wing zealots.Tax rates are the lowest in 50 Years. So stop the winning if taxes for the top 2 percent go back to what they were in the 1990s. Remember the 1990s the Clinton years when the economy was booming. Oh buy the way Willard how about disclosing more tax info,like your Swiss and Cayman Island accounts.
Friday, July 6, 2012
All right the job numbers did not change.However work hours have extended,manufacturing jobs have been added. Also 80 thousand jobs have been added ,which is up from last months 55thousand jobs . When the euro problem is looked at along with a stubborn congress not working with president, I think things are much better then expected.Oh and lets not forget that American auto sales continnue to rise.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of july
Hi folks and remember if you are celebrating this holiday keep in mind that supporting the country is more then wrapping yourself up in the flag. It is how we live our everyday lives.How we work ,play and help each other.Remember talk is cheap it is action that counts.
Monday, July 2, 2012
To Hot
Right now I am in the town of Port Bryon IL.It is 95 degrees.It has been like this for almost a week.And the right wing nuts say there is no global . Really? Well mayby you nuts will have to catch on fire y the sun to make you believe.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Angry Old White Men Again
Yesterday I was out enjoying a blues festival with family and friends.And I must say for the nine hours I was there it was a wonderfull time. This is due to both enjoying the music and some new people I met.Now most of the folks I met were delightfull with up beat personalities. However there are always a few who are disgruntled no matter what.Unfourtantley there were a couple of grumpy old men complaing about the President in a very nasty way.Well unfoutnatley I got involved.No profanity or threats were made,however the volume of the discussion was loud.As usuall thease were grumpy old white guys,and not in the pleasent Walter Mathu style.When I felt it was getting personal I decided to mention the fact that lots of this disgruntleness is due to the president being of a mixed race. Well all of a sudden the grumpy old men said I was calling them a racist which is not true. However next time I will try not to bring race up at all.In fact I will tell the right wingers to just read my blog and post a comment.
Friday, June 29, 2012
Yes that is the description of the GOP and their desperate avenues to take over the goverment this November. They will say and do anything no matter how low and how down in the gutter they will get to win his election. Hopefully the votres will see thru this.
Thursday, June 28, 2012
health care upheald
stop the presses everyone the presidents health care law was upheald by a 5 to 4 decision. With consevative Chief Justice John Roberts upholding the law. In his majority opinion the Chief Justice stated that the individual mandate will be upheald due to the fact that if an indivdual decides to opt out of the program it is consitutional for them to pay a penality becouse the penality is a tax.Congres has the right to enforce and create a tax.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Mess with Texas
Yes the title of this entry is exactly what I mean.Yesterday as I was watching the PBS news hour,their was a story about the drop out rate. Texas in their infinite wisdome has a program in which the criminal justice system now takes over school disipline.For example cutting classes,acting out in class,talking backing to teachers and fights.When it comes to fighting I beleve that should be on a case to case basis,however it would be rare even for fightis to be referred to criminal justice. When students are in viloation of thease rules they are issued a summons to appear in court. Manny times the students can be fined hundreds of dollars and even get jail time. REALLY TEXAS are you kidding me.Also since this is not part of the traditional juvienal justice system the record does not get expunged when they apply for college. Result manny students will drop out to avoid this austrity. However when you look at the past two governors of the state,WBush and Rick Perry,are we really shocked.Well at least Dallas is back on the air.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
If you want a middle class tax hike then WILLARD is your man.If you want to separate hard working patriotic young people from their families then Willard is your man. If you want to outsource jobs and send them to China and India Willard is your man. Willard China and India needs him.
Friday, June 22, 2012
The silly and vicious republicans in congress voted that The U.S Attorney General in contempt. What a joke.Hey guys watch Steven Colbert to find out the whole truth and nothing but the truth.Please place a post.
Monday, June 18, 2012
Where are your manners?
This message goes out to all the right wing political pundits who have disrespected the president in public. The latest insult came from the Rose garden when the president was interrupted by a reporter from a right wing newspaper. Okay folks I am sorry but you cannot tell me that race does not play a part in this. Lets examine the situation first of all the incident took place due to the president presenting his temporary immigration policy he worked out with the Department of Homeland Security. The policy sates that instead of focusing on young people who came to this country undocumented with their families when they were children will not be deported. The reason is that due to the large volume of illegal immigrants the department will focuses on criminal offenders and individuals who are a possible threat to the nation. Sounds all right to me,but we all know the right wing it is there way or the highway.I would to hear from any of you right wingers,please post a comment.
Friday, June 15, 2012
citizens united
superpacs giving billions of dollars to campaigns is not corruption ?Just carpet bombing the airwaves is okay? According to the supreme court it is. Right that is the problem with life time appointments in today's world.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
goverment and taxes
Well for all you folks who wine and complain about taxes,I have this to say. Taxes is what protects are democracy.Our police,our fire fighters,our teachers,our food inspecters,medicare and social security. If you do not like goverment then you do not like yourselv. The people we are the goverment.So if you love yourselv you love your goverment.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Willard,are you serious
Come of it Willard you can not be sincere about people not wanting enough police,firefighters or teachers.How can we have a thrifty economy if are children are not educated?How can we have a fulfilling live if we are not safe from crime?Without firefighters;then who do we call in case of an accident,fire,or sudden illness.Without teachers and our first responders there will be no order in society.Now Willard you may be able to afford fancy prep schools along with private security and what ever else you need,but you are the one percent. Out of touch my friend.
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Watergate the good old days
Yes I know it sounds ironic but I will explain. Today on the news show Sunday Morning I had the pleasure of seeing an interview with Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward.Even though the crimes committed in Watergate were some of the worst in government corruption,the government stood together in seeking out the truth and to administrate justice. In this case both democrats and republicans worked together to seek out the truth.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
labor alive and well
Okay folks the media is just pounding away how recall of the walker guy is the end of unions.Not true.First of all it was not a total victory for the Walker guy.Walker and his right wing republicans lost the senate in the recall.The Wisconsin state senate is now controlled by democrats.Lets not forget that in Ohio a vote was taken to end collective bargaining rights for public employees similar to that of Wisconsin and the voters rejected it.NO if anything union members are more united then ever.
Friday, June 8, 2012
banana republic
First of all I would like to thank fitra2009 for posting a very supportive comment on our blog.Again thank you.Now on to our subject.Once again Florida has decided to ignore the letter they received from the justice department to stop purging voters rights.What is obvious is the fact that most of these voters are people of color.The state is also in violation if the 1965 civil rights act. Disgraceful.Yes Florida has become a Banana Republic and now the justice department must take legal action.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Justice Department
OK Florida and Governor Scott you got the word stop the purge. That's it stop the purge and let people vote.
D DAY in Wisconsion
Okay folks you have a choice.you can stay with a cooperate lackey like Scott Walker or vote for a man of the people. Be leaders and show the country that Wisconsin can lead the progressive movement.
Monday, June 4, 2012
Dismal but still much better
Yes last months jobs report was not great. However we are still gaining jobs not loosing them and that is still positive.All Willard wants to do is go back to the W.Bush policy.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Bravo to the Justice Dept
Right on Attorney General Holder for protecting the 1965 voting rights act.Governor Rick Scott and the far right wing Florida GOP are violating peoples rights and the law. They must be stopped even if it means an overseeing of federal personnel being sent down to Florida to enforce these rights.
Yes that is the jobs report for the month of May. Not nice.Who is to blame ,I say the GOP.Yes that's right. Remember the jobs bill back in September.The bill that would of created two million jobs along with saving the jobs of first responders. Well the facts are not one republican senator voted for it.Even worse the house of representatives under the leadership of John Banner refused to bring this up for a vote. Shame on the GOP.Please Post
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Florida Strikes Again
Well here we go again.The Florida GOP led by Right Wing Extremist Governor Rick Scott is trying to stop Hispanic democratics from voting using the excuse that are they are not citizens. In 2000 the state of Florida purged at least twenty thousand voters who had the same last names as convicted felons. I should note that at least ten thousand of these voters were African Americans. The GOP needs a history lesson on the Voting Rights Act of 1963. If we the voters cannot stop Rick Scott along with his Cooperate facist then it is the duty of the United States Jusstice Department to intervene.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
willards bed mate
Willard you are pathetic.Once again you have proved to the world that you will do anything to get elected. To continue to except fundraisers from a lying thug like Donald Trump is sleazy. You even refuse to correct him on the birther issue. Have an enjoyable night Willard I hope you are both happy.
Monday, May 28, 2012
happy Memorial Day
Hello everyone and a happy Memorial Day to you all. As we pay tribute to our veterans and military past and present,I wish to pay a special tribute to the brave men of WW1. In other words the Dough Boys.WW1 was short but it was a bloody and dirty war. The first war to use nerve gas. In the years following WW1 the Dough Boys were overshadowed by WW2. Not on purpose of course. My father was a WW2 veteran and along with living during through the depression many call them the greatest generation of all times. However they were the children of the Dough Boys like my grandfather who today I have his picture in full uniform hanging in my office. Manny of theaseWW1 veterans, like my grandfather were recently arrived immigrant's to the U.S. Also like grandpa they were awarded citizenship for their brave service. So here is to grandpa his brother uncle Joe and my dad along with many others for service to our country and protecting freedom around the world. I will be happy to except any comments posted on this issue. Thank You Tony
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Grove Norquist the right wing extremist and now insurgent has gone overboard.By calling the silicon valley executive a hero who will withdraw his U.S. citizenship because he does not want to pay his taxes . The bad thing about it is that the idiot G.O.P. subjects this Norquist traitor.
Friday, May 25, 2012
political coward
May I say more. You all no who I am talking about it is no morale's Willard Romney. Can you believe this jackass. I mean to except a fund raiser hosted by Donald Trump,give me a break. The man who continues to bring back the birther movement.I mean really? If you except his support then that makes you a birther.So two can play that game. I hate to bring up religion but if your with the birthers then how many wives do you really have? So Willard be a man for once in your live and stand up to Trump.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
winning in swing states
Yes that is right the president has a slight lead in Florida,Ohio,and Virgina.the leads are from 4 points in Florida and Virgina and 48 to 42 in Ohio. We will win this.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Now that the NATO summit has ended both the city,police,and protesters acted in a lawful manner. Yes there were some disrupting moments,however in general, job well done. Congratulation's Mr Mayor you proved your skills in keeping a great city safe and secure.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
no political courage
Once again Willard Romney has proven that he has no political courage. When the famous Billionaire family the Rickets who are also owners of the Chicago Cubs received preliminary permission to run an ad implementing President Obama to Reverend Wright of Chicago Willard did not mention anything about it until this was discovered by the Washington Times. This ad was racist and Willard should be ashamed.
Willard you are a coward.
Willard you are a coward.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Willard the raider
Folks we have a clear choice. Willard is the guy who laid you off. Willard is the guy who busted your union,took away your benefits,and shut down the town factory. Willard is a cooperate raider if you cannot see that you folks better wake up.
Monday, May 14, 2012
Romney at liberty
Romney spoke again about the one man one women thing to suck up to the christen right.Liberty University is a Christen University founded by the late Reverend Jerry Farewell. Willard when you loose in November I suggest you go back in time and be on an old tv show named to tell the truth.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
lay off joe
For all of you who think Joe Bidden was wrong for coming out for same sex marriage,give him a break. He did the right thing and the president needed a little push on this issue.
Friday, May 11, 2012
walk away walker
Yes that is Scott Walker the Wisconsin Governor who believes in divide and conquer the union vote. Even though publicly he said he was for unions and was just trying to save the budget.Right and W. Bush did not steal the election in 2000.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
A Landmark
We all should congratulate President Obama for coming out to support marriage between same sex couples. This took courage and guts and I salute him for it. Thank you Mr President
Willard the flim flam man
Now Willard how can anyone take you seriously . You are now taking credit for the auto bailouts . Really,even after you said they should go bankrupt and let the system take care of them.Really and what private sector system was going to lend them money after bankruptcy. Willard you even make a lousy con man. Pathetic.Calling all fans of Willard Romney please place a post on my blog. REALLY
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Disgracefull Again
Well once again Willard Romney has shown that he is a disgraceful human being with no ethics what so ever.While addressing an audience of supporters, a woman spoke out and told Willard that the President of the United States of America should be arrested for treason. Granted we know that Willard has no control over what folks say, however he needs to stand up to someone like that and correct her. After all Senator John McCain did when he was confronted in a similar situation. Any opinions please place a post.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Terrorist Stoped
In Yemen due to good work by the CIA a terrorist was apprehended befoer any harm could of taken place. Thank You MR President for your outstanding service in keeping our country safe.
Friday, May 4, 2012
unemployment drops for april
Yes that is right unemployment dropped to 8.1percent due to 11500 jobs being added. Oh I know the good old boys on wall street along with their yes man Willard Romney say this is bad.Funny isn't it since they are the ones who caused this economic downturn. Well now that the republicans no longer have their so called strong on defense argument this is all they have left. PATHETIC. And lets not forget W. Bush who cut taxes for his wealthy friends which prevented the country to pay for its two wars. One war Iraq which was a waste of money and lives.All you republican air heads please place a post.If you have the courage to do so.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
bad for Florida
When the mayor of Tampa ask that guns be forbidden in the demonstration zone at the republican convention this September,Florida Governor Rick disagreed. After what just happened in Sanford,is this for the good of the people of Florida,or is this political?
step to your right please
That is right Willard because you went so far to the right in the primaries you are now controlled by them. The best you can do Willard is try to flip flop your way out of this. Willard you are a fake.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Cheap Shot
Well Willard once again sleaze has overcome your personality. When asked if he would of ordered the attack on Mr. Bin Ladens headquarters,he said sure even Jimmy Carter would of ordered it. What Willard was referring to was the failed mission on an attempt to save American hostages in Iran. The event was a tragedy and to say this is sleazy and mean.
one year
Today marks the one year anniversary of the raid on Osma bin Ladens compound,which resulted in his death. Should President Obama use this as a campaign strategy? Hell Yes. If W.Bush were in office he sure would. Ever since the late 1960s republican presidents have used weakness on defense against democrats so why the hell not? John Kerry was wounded in Viet Nam and the sleazy republicans made him look weak. Let me tell you sleaze is no stranger to Willard Romney.Please post a comment.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
congress and student loans
Well the house of representatives passed a bill not to raise the interest rates on student loans. Yea but there is a catch to it. They want to chop away at the health care bill in return. What a joke.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Rubio strikes again
Marco Rubio one of Willard Romney's choices for V.P. voted against the Violence Against Womens Act. Nice going Marco and Willard what is your reasoning this time?
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
student loans
That's right republicans raise interest rates on student loans. Oh yea that will help the economy.With very few folks going to college that will be just great in a global economy. Give me a break.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Young People
Attention all young people. This november get out and vote.You did a good job in 2008 but not 2010. Which led to right wing extremist legislators along with a right wing extemist congress. We must vote the right wing out before it is to late.
Well we all remember the word change during the 2008 presidential campaign.Well it did. Here are the facts. Equal pay for Equal work,Saving the U.S. auto industry,hate crime prevention act,Student loan reform,Wall street reform,Middle class tax cuts,Repeal of don't ask don't tell, Rasing fuel efficiency standards,Ending the war in Iraq. Oh yes and lets not forget the end of Mr Bin Laden and most of Al Queda. If this is not change folks,then what is?
Monday, April 23, 2012
Hey folks would you like to go back in time. Well guess what now you can do it. Its very simple just vote for Willard Romney. Yes in Willard Romney's America we will return to that simpler time of the 1950s. Just think no contraption or birth control of any kind. Back alley abortions. Jim Crow laws in the south. Well hey at least the 1950s was the birth of Rock and Roll. Elvis is back.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Earth Day
Hello everyone today is earth day.So please respect and help keep Mother Earth clean and safe.Do something green today.Take care Tony
Saturday, April 21, 2012
defense spending
When one thinks of defense spending,what first comes to mind is the military. However there is another kind of this spending. That is taking care of our poor. I am not talking about bums. I am talking about people who are victims of the economy or similar circumstances. In fact many of these folks are working poor. When the government helps the poor we are defending our country. We are preventing young people from turning to crime.We are also giving them opportunities to contribute to society. This will create a thrifty working class,which in turn creates a strong and healthy population. Now what better defense is there then this.
Friday, April 20, 2012
fat and dumb
Yes that is what the GOP stands for. They criticize the first lady for promoting a healthy life style for children. Rick Santorum said the president is elitist for promoting higher education. What does all this stand for Fat and Dumb.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
TREASON is what right wing extremist Ted Nuggent former rock star is all about. The malfunctioned gun freek made threatening statements about President Obama.The Moran said that if Obama is reelected that he, Mr Nuggent will either be dead or in jail. Well if that is not a threat or an act of treason what is? His so called apology just did not cut it.. Treasonous bastard.Also where is the GOP on this issue? If you are a supporter of this insurgent please post a comment.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
banna republic
No not Cuba but Florida. Yes that is right FLORIDA. Here is why. Anti union,anti gay rights,bad gun control laws,stand your ground and a war on reproductive rights. Along with a right wing extremist governor and legislator,what more proof do we need. Oh yes do not forget the 2000 presidental election. They even stole that election banna republic style.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
buffet law
Well once again the GOP strikes .By striking down this law they once again prove that they do not give a damn about the middle class.Why should some billionare like Willard Rommey pay less taxes then us. Mr out of touch could care less about us
war on women
It is true willard rommey knows it. He also knows he cannot win with the current gender gap between between him and President Obama.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
little havana
Allright little havana give Ozzie Guillen a break. You do not have to agree with him. After all I believe freedom of speech is one one of the reasons why cuban exiles came to the U.S. The man sent a sincere apology no laws were broken get over it and enjoy baseball.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
gun freaks
Most of the pro gun lobby once again are the white male macho types. You know who you are. Listen goofs no one says you cannot own a gun. No one is saying you cannot not go hunting. You can even own a hand gun. However the state does have a right to impose restrictions.like a sincere background check,a waiting period, and a psychological exam. Also no state should permit a civilian to carry a concealed weapon. It is this kind of law that destroyed the lives of two young men in Sanford Florida. I will have more on this subject later.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
the issues
Okay folks on the up comming election can we all stick to the issues. Keep religion out of politics. On meet the press Billy Grhams daughter was part of the discussion pannel along with other faith based leaders. Among them was a catholic bishop. I must say even though I do not agree with everything that Mr Grhams daughter says she seemed much more open minded on this issue then the bishop. I do apologize for not remembering her married name. She mentioned that both Jimmy Carter George W Bush both born again Christens with two very differnt point of views. As she said it is the issues on how to decide who to vote for. Please post an opinion. Happy Easter Tony
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Christen Wrong
You are not the Christen Right . You are the Christen wrong. You do not respect the civil rights of anyone who excercises their free will. Keep your religious faith out of goverment. I understand manny of you are brainwashed and do not know any better. Post please
Saturday, March 24, 2012
defensive medicine
Health Care providers who pracitice this kind of medicine are unethical and wrong. The reason is to avoid a law suit. However this is wrong becouse usually it is not what is in the best interest of the patient. Having a patient take test that are unnecessary is not only an inconvience but posibly harmfull to their health. If this happnens the doctor should be libel.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
small retailers to
Well we all hear about the small buiness the so called heart of our econmy. Well that is true however they can also be bad guys to. Espically the ones who hire season help such as in places like florida. I use to be a seasonal employee now I am rarely called. If they are having econmic problems the it is their duty and moral obligation to let me know. It is wrong to ignore. Shame on you
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
here they go again
Well instead of talking about job creation,the damn republicans again want to tear away at the health care plan. They want to bring in their own tort reform. This would inflict on patients who have been victims of malpractice.They would once again refuse to accept patients with preexisting conditions. Wasting time and money. Anyone who is a supporter of this basturd party should be ashamed.If any of yoy disgrceful republicans has the guts to place a post please do.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
greed is everywhere
Okay to be fair lets talk about unions. Now as a union member and supporter myselv,I have to agree that most unions are excellent and a contribution to our society. However some unions I have problems. Yhe unions i am talking about are in the trades. Electricans,and plumbers are just a couple. For thease guys to just walk in the the door you are paying huge amounts of money. Then comes the rip off hourly rate. The fact that they are very skilled foes not give them the right to rip yiu off. We are all skilled in one thing or another. Thanks to the greed of their unions is why thease folks are so high and mighty. So you see none gets a free pass pass with me even my so called union rip off brothers. again most unions are great.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Religious Freedome
Well here we go again. The republican knuckle heads who want to be our next commander and chief our accusing President Obama of commiting this action. Nothing could be further from the truth.The president already made a deal for insurance companies to cover this at no cost to the employer. This is a health issue not a religious issue. This just goes to show that once again the christen rigt and far right catholics want to controll us in the fashion of the taliban. And the repubican knuckle heads like puppets go right along with them. DISGUSTING.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hands off Iran
Yes they are evil,Yes they do bad things to people and yes they are a fanitical society. However there is no doucumented proof of them creating nukes.You do not go to war on speculation. Israel if you commit this crime you should be on your own with no aide what so ever. Please post an opinion.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Israel our enemy ally
Now I know on this one I will get both democrats and republicans mad,well TOUGH. I beleive it is due to Israels opression of the Palenstiens why most of the trouble in the mideast occurs. Iran as bad as they are are is a soverign country. If Israel wants Iran to not have nukes then they should get rid of theirs also. Still to this day nucelar weapons program has been proven. If any of you pro Isreal fols want to comment,please do.Tony
Saturday, March 3, 2012
boycott limbaugh
Calling all sponsors of the Rush Limbaugh radio program. Withdraw your ads from his show. Anyone who calls a young law student a slut needs to be fired. Do the right thing or we will boycott you. Tony
Friday, March 2, 2012
Rush the whore
Well this ass is nothing but a big fat pig. Calling a college student a whore becouse she testified to the importence of contreption coverage is pure crap. Rush go home and play with yourselv. You already made millions off the right wing chumps but this is even a new low for you. You followers of Rush are just as bad. If any of you Rush pusssies read this place a post. Tony
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
wake up white blue collar voters
Listen folks if you work a blue collar job then why in the hell would vote for for the GOP. This makes no sense. First the GOP is anti union. Next GOP guys like Mitt Rommey have radided commpanies and caused manny blue collar employes to loose their jobs. This has also resulted in union busting,which means the employes who were able to keep their jobs had to suffer wage and benifit cuts. Common on guys do not be brain washed by the GOP preditors.
Monday, February 27, 2012
another planet
Where do the GOP candidates come from. Mayby planet Mongo who knows? One is a cooperate raider who cannot communicate.One must be sexually oppresed. I mean comon birth controll.One wants to bring back child labor, another wants no regulation at all.So what is wrong with americans who support these goofs. IGNORANCE and GULLABLE. This means you gop supportes. Common sisys post.
School Prayer
Okay lets talk about an angry white guy who is for school prayer. Now this dude was working for a promiment company and guess what, he was layed of. Now the guy is working for a little more then miniumum wage,but yet he still votes republican. Folks this is mind boggling to me. Fox news along with right wing talk radio has folks like this take leave of thier senses.On the issue of school prayer this gentlemen stated that he believes not only that prayer should be part of the education system but it is not a violation of seperation of church and state. This dude must also be a rush limbaugh devotee. Guys I am not evern going to get into the logic on how the guy sees it that way.However if anyone agrees with me or the school prayer dude please send a post of your viewpoint. Obama Rocks Tony
Thursday, January 12, 2012
uneducated or just ignorant
I recently attended an event in Orlando where there were a couple of right wing idiots. The folks were not rich infact they sounded like they were struggling to make ends meet.They vote republican. One of the guys attending this event was a true redneck. From the discussion we had it seemed like he was struggling to make ends meet..Soif this is the case why in the hell would a person like this vote republican.I will tell you why ignorance and racism. If this person had an ounce of brains in his skull he would know that he is a pawn for the right wing.The one percent who takes advantag of you angry white guys is laughing all the way to the bank while you try to make ends meet. My answer get some education idots while you can,before the 1 percent and the republican party take that away also.Next Iwill discuss how another angry white guy is for school prayer.
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