Sunday, December 30, 2012


What you said on m Meet The Press today is inexcusable.The fact to even suggest that eventually raising the retirement age  to 67 is WRONG.Oh yes it may be easy for you since you have a nice cushy job with N.B.C.,however most folks are not in your situation.Why doesn't anyone talk about our wasteful defense spending.Again it was the useless Iraq war that put us where we are now. Also Afghanistan is now no better.This has nothing to do with our troops but all to do with the former BUSH administration that put us there. Anyone disagree post a comment if you dare.


  1. I agree Mr. Tony....most of our fiscal problems are a direct result of that BUSH that snuck into the White House. That dog should have never been in there. How many trillions have been wasted just so BUSH could call himself a "War-President", he makes me want to vomit.

  2. Yeah let the right wing extreemists push the retirement age up is an absolute insult to all working Americans slaving away for meager pay. All the problems of this country are a direct result of BUSH and his two string pullers: Chaney and Rove. Hey.. I hear Rove is already trying to get some Hispanics to run for various offices in the next election. Won't that guy ever give up???
