Thursday, October 2, 2014

dumb and dumber!

No I am not talking about the movie.That would actually be a sign of intellgence after what I have to say!I am talking about postal employee clerks and their dumb supervisors.Do not mistake the clerical staff with the mail carriers.I believe that the carriers do a excellent job.However the clerks are a different ballgame.Last week I went to mail a carton of cigarettes at a post office in Florida.                   Long story short the obnoxious clerk along with their rude and ignorant supervisors refused to provide this service to me saying that it was illegal to mail cigarettes.WRONG! The law  states that one adult can mail a carton of cigarettes to another  adult.Provided that it is sent by express mail and a signature is signed by the receiving party.what IS IRONIC ABOUT THE SITUATION IS THAT I HAD THE LAW IN MY HAND RIGHT OF THEIR WEB SITE.                 One would think that when in doubt they would check with this out on their computers.Or that they would know what the laws are.Obviously thsy are to stupid and lazy to do this.I will say this however I mailed a carton in Illinois. The clerk their was not sure but she did the research and discovered that it was legal.It seems like the small town folks know what they are doing.Anyway I brought my business to UPS.No problem there and it was cheaper to.So I say if the post office cannot provide the proper service their the clerical aspect of it needs to SHUT DOWN.