Saturday, March 10, 2018

ypung people rock!

Thanks to the wonderful students and teachers at Parkland High School the Florida legislature and governor signed gun control legislation.I do not like the part about certain teachers who wish to be armed in the classroom may do that.Even if they do have the proper training.However the rest of the bill is a good start.Thank You Students and Teachers you make us all proud!

Monday, March 5, 2018


What is with you gun freaks!!Enough is Enough1 No civilian should have an assault weapon Also no law enforcement should have one unless if it is an emergency.If you think you need one then you have a serious problem!Yes you have a right to own a gun,HOWEVER that does not mean that it should not be regulated!Oh and buy the way  Well that is to be do not use the look at Chicago excuse.Like some law enforcement do in the south!The reason why there are lots of guns in Chicago is because neighboring ruby red Indiana makes it very easy to get one.Yea your state former governor ans so called vice president pence!And you call yourself a devout Christen!Well that is to be debated! RESIGN!