A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Saturday, December 30, 2017
Stupid Comment
When this person who stole the election makes a comment joking about global warming due to a temporary cold front across the nation,All i have to say is read a book for once in your live! Pathetic!
Wednesday, December 27, 2017
Saturday, December 16, 2017
Sold Out
It looks like the few so called Gop moderates sold us out on the tax scam.This means you SUSAN COLLINS.You are no longer a person we trust!.I hope you loose reelection!
Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Thank You Alabama
I mean it sincerely Alabama Thank You! You did the right thing and this is the beginning of the once again new south! Keep up the good work!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Irma and the GOP
I know hurricanes have been around since time with out beginning.However they are more intense and happen more often.Why climate change.It is the destructive right wing GOP climate change deniers who are responsible for the destruction.Got you again GOP!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Diveded We Stand
Yes this country is about as much divided as it was in the 60s and 70s or even during and after the civil war period.However does that mean its a bad thing.maybe not.I will tell you why.First of all in many ways are daily lives are divided.This happens in work,family,and with friends and social groups.When this happens this does not mean we will get physically or verbally abusive.In fact division can be a good thing.Why,because it not only will teach us how to work out our differences through dialogue ,but help us learn about each other.The main thing be yourself.Stand firm but listen to the other side.I myself can be very hard headed and spark up anger when someone disagrees with me.This does not mean I will get mean and violent in any way.But by using our anger in the right way through positive dialogue the situation can be worked out.Learning is a live long situation.so if you believe you said something wrong or controversy,do not beat yourself up over it but learn over it.it might not even of been wrong or bad no matter what others may think.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Right on NFL
I am not much of a football fan however I commend the NFL for standing up to the TRUMP MONSTER.Mr Monster the flag stands for freedonme of expression which means if one feels the country is in distress then you respecrfully show it.They are nor burning the flag or dragging it thru the mud.They are addressing the issue of police brutality which needs to be addressed,Idf anything they are respecting the flag.1 Grop up idiot!
Saturday, June 3, 2017
climate change global warming
What the title says is true!And the so called POTUS could care less! You would think a man with a 10 year old son would be concerned about his future! Of course thinking and doing research is not what the so called orange man in the white house knows how to do!
Thursday, June 1, 2017
Obsuction of Justice
The so called POTUS wants to block Former FBI Director James Comey to testify in public.Are you sure you have nothing to hide MR So called POTUS.
Russia Russia
Some silly Trump supporters continue to be against a Russia investigation on both his and his campaign involvement in the 2016 election.Well if there is nothing wrong then welcome the investigation!
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Terror Alerts
Once again what seemed to be a lone wolf action in Manchester England but not yet confirmed has up scaled the terror level in the UK.In the U.S. it has been noted that concert halls and other places of public gatherings will most likely step up security.My question is how much more can one do.Yes we want to be safe.On the other hand we do not want to be a police state either so what is the answer? For once I have to say I do not know.But a happy medium must be found!The world cannot continue to move in this direction!.I will say this that each individual needs a positive awareness from with in to star the healing process.To be continued.
Tuesday, May 23, 2017
unfit to serve
Last night on MSMBC Ron Reagan the son of President Ronald Reagan spoke on the controversies surrounding Donald Trump.Mr Reagan basically said that Trumps action and words are irresponsible dangerous and has put our country in a state of crisis.He also made an observation that Trump is mentally unstable and should be removed fron office!What all this adds up to is a country that needs to take action and resolve this issue.I happen to agree with Ron Reagan that this is no longer a partisan issue.Republicans need to to step up to the plate to begin steps on removing Trump fron office.If not, the consequences for The USA can be serious to say the least.
Sunday, May 21, 2017
Well the VERY FEW TRUMP friends I have do not seem so cocky any more.This is especially true when it comes to social media.I am not saying that all of sudden they have come to some kind of political sensibility.No Way! However they have a much harder time identifying why they support this evil not so bright narcissist.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
since this blog is viewed all over the world,I wonder if any of my Russian fans have any thing to say about the current crises that is going on between our two countries.Please leave a post!
White House under Seige
Well the good news is that a special prosecutor has been appointed.Now lets see what happens.However do not get impatient this will take a while.
Wednesday, May 17, 2017
A conservative court
For all you folks who voted for Donald Trump because you wanted a conservative supreme court.That was not only wrong but highly naive.What you did do was vote to have your freedom taken away.Please wake up and smell the coffee
The United States is in a constitutional crisis! The country needs a special prosecutor to ensure our democracy!It is time to not think of party or politics. It is time to be do what is best for the country.This means you GOP!
Thursday, February 23, 2017
checks and balances
So far most of the checks and balances have come from the courts.Putting a stop for now on the Muslim ban was a good start.Also all the defiance from the people themselves at town hall meetings has got members of congress ruffled for their support in overturning health care and other issues proposed by Trump.Lets keep it up folks .Remember democracy is not free.It is a way of live we must keep fighting for!
Thursday, February 16, 2017
TOXIC has what politics has come to.Today I will not blame any one candidate or political party.I sincerely believe that the 24hr in your face news cycle has promoted this.That is why tonys blog will begin a new format .Instead of taking the 24 hr news approach I will take try to take a PBS approach..I will still be critical when I see what I think is a wrong,however I will try to promote a more positive and problem solving approach.Please stay tuned for more of my post in the near future.Thank You.
Monday, January 30, 2017
Right Aston
Ashton Cooper was spot on when he said no refugee should not be detained in my America! Mr Trump and I will not call you Mr President.Your facism and hate will not last we will not tolerate it!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
A Saturday Night Live writer was suspended for writing a degrading tweet about Barron .The 10 year old son of Presidential puppet to President Putin.It was wrong no matter how awful of person Donald is.However she made a mistake paid the price and it is time to giver her job back!
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Ignorant,old and backword
I am talking about an old lady I met at the MLK event I attended in Naples Fl yesterday.This silly not to bright old white lady was there with just a very small couple of out numbered stupid right wing groups.To make a long story short she was talking to two Hispanic gentleman about how Donald Trump is a great man and will be a great president! Well when the goofy lady went away to her shell the two Hispanic guys even said how ignorant she was to brag about Trump in front of them.Some people are either very arrogant,very stupid or both!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Right on Congressman John Lewis and Right on Senator Feinstein
This week a national hero of the civil rights movement Congressmen John Lewis of Georgia said that Donald Trumps presidency will be illegitimate.You know something he is right on! The Russians not only hacked the into the race but changed the results.This along with FBI director Comey who had no business to make a second investigation over the Hillary Clinton emails public!Especially when there was no evidence to support that. While were at it there should be an investigation on Mr Trump to see if he or any of his campaign staff directly or indirectly conspired in an act of treason with the Russians and the FBI.I would also like to congratulate Senator Diane Feinstein Of California to come and say that YES! the Russians along with the FBI changed the results of this election.TREASON!That is what say!
Monday, January 9, 2017
Saturday, January 7, 2017
Yesterday during a joint session of congress presided by Vice President Biden the election was certified for President of the United States.This was despite protest coming from members of the house.According to the rules a member of the house needs at least one senator to sign of to have a debate on the issue.Not ONE SENATOR SIGNED EVEN BERNIE SANDERS stayed quiet.This could of had a differnt out come but NO! the senators just sat back and did nothing.This shows how pathetic the democrats have become.No BACKBONE!
Friday, January 6, 2017
I am talking about Donald fat head Trump.We can stop this vicious monster from taking the white house.And it is all legal!Both the Hillary Clinton Campaign and the Jill Stein campaign need to file a petition in court that due to the Russian hacking and interference this election needs to be null and void! Foe once democrats show some BACK BONE!
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