Wednesday, December 14, 2016


It is now evident that the Russians along with Wiki links have hacked into this election which not only influenced the result but as I believe had insiders to hack the results!It is also evident that the trumpster man himself or at least his people had secret dealing with the Russians to accomplish their goal of getting the despicable Trumpster in office!This was a coup Di ta! FBI director Comey also needs to be investigated for leaking false rumors with out and evidence or even probable cause about Secretary Clinton.At least Attorney General Loretta Lynch should hire an independent prosecutor to look into this!

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Log Cabin Fools

I am talking about the Log Cabin Republicans.A group of gay republicans.In the past 8 years they supported President Obama,They also did not endorse George W.Bush.However they did support TRUMP! WHY on earth would they support a homophobic white supremest aligned with the KKK and the alt right!They must have been easily manipulated and easily fooled.also why would they support some who picks Mike Pence as their V.P. As Governor of Indiana Mr Pence not only said he believes in conversion therapy but also enacted many anti gay rights laws.These laws were repealed due to pressure from cooperate America.Why would any gay person support these  men?Ignorance.self hate or STUPIDITY!