A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
It is now evident that the Russians along with Wiki links have hacked into this election which not only influenced the result but as I believe had insiders to hack the results!It is also evident that the trumpster man himself or at least his people had secret dealing with the Russians to accomplish their goal of getting the despicable Trumpster in office!This was a coup Di ta! FBI director Comey also needs to be investigated for leaking false rumors with out and evidence or even probable cause about Secretary Clinton.At least Attorney General Loretta Lynch should hire an independent prosecutor to look into this!
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Log Cabin Fools
I am talking about the Log Cabin Republicans.A group of gay republicans.In the past 8 years they supported President Obama,They also did not endorse George W.Bush.However they did support TRUMP! WHY on earth would they support a homophobic white supremest aligned with the KKK and the alt right!They must have been easily manipulated and easily fooled.also why would they support some who picks Mike Pence as their V.P. As Governor of Indiana Mr Pence not only said he believes in conversion therapy but also enacted many anti gay rights laws.These laws were repealed due to pressure from cooperate America.Why would any gay person support these men?Ignorance.self hate or STUPIDITY!
Friday, November 25, 2016
right on green party!
First of all I am once again very disappointed in Hillary Clinton and the democratic party for not fighting back and asking for a recount!I am also disappointed in the White House for speaking against this recount.They say that they want a smooth transition.well HELL NO!A smooth transition to what FACISM,RACISM,HOMOPHOBIA..NO NO NO.This is why democratics loose and will continue to loose if they keep up this no guts passive way of thinking!This is also why the electoral college must go.A voting system based on slavery!With the popular vote third parties will have more of a chance of making in roads to having a voice in elections!
Monday, November 21, 2016
Wake Up Dems
This election was stolen mainly by voter suppression.Along with the Russians hacking into the DNC and along with Director Comey violating protocol along with the possibility of violating the hatch act! So do not just sit back and let this election be certified! It is not for the good of this country if a man who is surrounded by white supremest become our president! WAKE UP!
Sunday, November 20, 2016
no apology no unity
Well Donald T the man who stole the election by voter suppression.and conspiring with Russians for your HATE TALK.If you want unity then apologize for your hate talk! No apology no unity! Democrats do not normalize him.The term the new normal is really a term to suppress civil rights.
What Next
Well folks for all of you who believe in democracy it has been a bad month.Why because of the undereducated working class.Fist of all chumps the economy is getting better.Look at the numbers of if know how to count.You say your wages are stagnant well in the past couple of months they have gone UP! Next if they have not blame the insensitive GOP and racist greedy insurgents for blocking keen legislation to improve economic stability.And now it will only get worse .How can you all believe that a big New York City developer who has a documented history of greed and deception will help you gullible people, is unwise to put it nicely.You have been duped not reap your losses.
Monday, October 31, 2016
double standard Mr Directer
Admit it MR FBI DIRECTER!you no damn well you have caved in to republican pressure.You can not tell me this move was a cowardly act of political partisan.Sir you were advised not to do this by the Attorney General ,however you decided to go rouge!Pathetic sir it is time for you to not only clarify your position,but also submit your resignation.You have not only disgraced yourself but the FBI as a whole.You know better sir now fix this and go away!
Friday, October 28, 2016
With all due respect Mrs Clinton
I voted for you Mrs Clinton and I still would,however I am a partisan a strong democrat.However a large majority of Americans are independents.Now we have a October Surprise.Thanks to your carelessness when it comes to your emails.Knowing that you had a FBI investigation going on why the hell did you run! Bernie Sanders would of had this in the bag.If you loose it will be your own fault.it will be a disservice to the democratic party and to people of the Unites States.
Friday, October 14, 2016
Wake up Silly People
Here is another reason why supporters just do not get it!Why on earth would anyone vote for a candidate who is the favorite of Vladimir Putin.One of the United States top enemy's!This will make America Great again.Very ignorant way of thinking!
The Yahoo Vote
I'm sorry but I can see no other way to describe the angryold white people who still support Trump.I mean really.What are they so mad about when you have to vote for a lunatic.It is that same old and backward anti minority and homophobic way of thinking.It is fear and anger and these silly red necks feel that way.A very old and pathetic way of thinking.It is blaming your problems on others,such as undocumented immigrants,minorities ,gays transgender or who ever.We do not need this backward way of thinking!
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
We are back!
after a long hiatus Tonys Blog is back in action! Well lets talk about the presidential race.With all the back and fourth Hillary Clinton still maintains a national lead!Yeah!Her lead has also improved in most swing statdone yet.What does impress me is her 5 point lead in Florida and her double diget lead in Colorado!However their is much work to be done yet.The bi
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
creul and unusuall punishment
I am speaking about the insensative Judge Zagel.The power hungry and vengeful judge who refused to resentence former governor Rod Blgoivich,An evil and insensitive decision .Better then an appeal I urge President Obama to comute his sentence!Judge Zagel you resentence of the former governor was evil and pathetic! You judge should be impeached! I call on President Obama to commute the former governors sentence!
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
right on senator!
Yesterday republican Senator Susan Collins a moderate from the state of Mane had the courage to say that she would not endorse n for Donald Trump.Bravo to you Senator!When will Senator John McCain and Paul Ryan and others have the same courage!
Monday, August 1, 2016
Trying to degrade a fallen veteran's family?Disgusting and pathetic.Trump an embarrassment to the country.Also TRAITOR!
Friday, July 22, 2016
Come on down Bernie Voters!
We need you now more then ever!I hope you can see the danger of what can happen with Trump in the white house.Kiss your freedom goodbye.Hate,anger,and despair will rule the land.He must be stopped before it is to late!
very white no diversity,and fear mongering
The above title of this blog just described the Republican convention.Shameful to say the least! No diversity,nothing for minority groups.Just placating on peoples fears.Mr Trump and family had created the old .divide and conquer method.This along with the hate they are promoting.This campaign is very similar to past dictatorships in Europe.Finding an ethic scape group,such as Mexicans and Muslims.History has shown us the similarity in Germany and Italy in the 1930s and 1940s.The anger and hate the speakers shown by leading their flock into hateful disgusting chants!There is no place for this attitude in America so I say do not give these vicious leaders a chance to lead the free world.Or the word freedom will be a word of the past! please leave a comment pro or con.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
A deep breath
After all the violence that happened this weekend it is now time for everyone to take a deep breath.Reflect on all that happened and unite against violence towards everyone!
Friday, June 24, 2016
Bad Mover Brits
Thank you Brits for tanking the stock market today.Leaving the Euro Union was a reckless move. this will bring economic consequences upon the world.And you not so Great Britian will see the worst!Selfish motives aligned with hate and ignorance guided your decision.Shame on You!
Tuesday, June 14, 2016
automatic weapons ,hate,terror
What do these three issues have in common.Killing.An automatic weapon should only be in the hands of law enforcement or a solider in combat.One does not need an automatic weapon for self defense!If they think they do then a mental health evaluation is needed Infact if any one wants to own a weapon then a mental health evaluation should be required and renewed every four years!Why is that so difficult!Also the examination shall be paided by the person who applies to own a weapon Also the hate must stop.When the hate stops the terror stops!.
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Crowds Fading
Well Donald Trump is no longer packing them in.He also continues his racial slur,by calling Senator Elizabeth Warren Pocahontas.The phrase is used due to her having a portion of native American blood.Again what is more shameful is the GOP leaders who continue to give him their support.If saving your precises GOP means supporting a racist,then just maybe your party is not worth SAVING!
Friday, June 10, 2016
no guts no glory
I am talking about the GOP establishment.The fact that they will not take away their endorsements of Trump is not only wrong but gutless.Shame on you Paul Ryan and the good old boys.If you endorse a racist then you are NO BETTER!
Thursday, June 9, 2016
Move ON Bernie
Senator Bernie Sanders ran a great campaign.I even voted for him,however it is time for him to suspend his campaign.I understand and hear what he says.However this will all go down the drain if he stays in the race much longer and turns into a spoiler!The democrats do not need another Ralph Nader!So Bernie with all due respect GET OUT OF THE RACE!
Donald Trump has stooped to name calling, racism,attacking a federal judge because the judge is of Mexican heritage.Even though the Judge was born in Indiana.This type of hate and anger is not only no place for the white house but no place for anyone who resides in the United States.Donald Trump is no longer a joke!He is a dangerous unstable person who has no business running the country!
Monday, May 23, 2016
Beware GOP
There is an old saying be careful for what you wish for! Donald Trump is a nightmare.If you do not believe me,then just pay attention to what he says.First he wants to strong arm Japan and South Korea by extorting these countries by making them either pay more or the bases will close.The other day I was talking to a Trump supporter who said the bases should close.His ridiculous reason for this ,North Korea is to BROKE to invade the south.That is just the worse off the wall statement anyone can make! All their resources goes into the military which by the way is STRONG!Oh they also have NUKES!There are many other reasons however I leave that to another post.Please if you agree or disagree please leave a statement on this blog
Thursday, May 12, 2016
hate,racism and anger
The three words that describe the title of this post describes Donald Trump.Or at least it describes his campaign.History has shown us that this type of person can be devastating.Not only to the the country but the world!So if you support this tyrant please take a second look!
Sunday, May 1, 2016
New Demographics
The country is less white,less religious,and becoming more acceptable to what use to be taboos.Hence interracial marriage,gay rights,gay marriage.The country is also becoming more single and less married.This is fact .This is not a bad thing.As stated on one of my facebook post,you do not need a religion to be a good person.There are lots of secular people and families who are outstanding good people.Even the Pope acknowledges this.So if one practices a religion or not that is fine.It is the content of ones character that counts.So Republicans this is fact not fiction.So be prepared.Your party will either disappear into oblivion or you can change your thinking and be more like the old North East Rockefeller republicans.
Friday, April 15, 2016
Wild Debate
The democrats had one heck of a debate last night! Just remember this my fellow democrats in November we must forget our differences and come together.Why because we must beat the evil Republican Empire!
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
grumpy greedy white guys
A couple of weeks ago I met two cranky greedy old white guys.Who all they care about themselves and the rich.The whole thing is that they could care less about minorities gays or even equal pay for women.They were from lake County IL.When you disagreed with them they got bent out of shape!That just proved their own ignorance and stupidly!
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Japan and South Korea
Once again the madman Trump has made another stupid comment!The blowhard says that if Japan and South Korea do not pay more fore U.S.bases stationed there, he will close them.To hell with national security I guess.The basis are there for a reason TRUMP!Most of all to keep stability in Asia.I mean with unstable counties like China and especially North Korea,with the bases closed chaos and blood will be spilled.Also the bases serve for intelligent reasons.Once again the Donald has proven to be ignorant and restless when it comes to national security!
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
The real reason behind terror
Unlike what most GOP presidential candidates say strong force alone will not end terrorism.What really causes terrorism is isolation,poverty,discrimination and racism.This is not an excuse to commit a terrorist act but it sure helps provoke one!
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Johnny Jack Boot Strikes Again
The Trump Storm Trooper keeps moving on.The problem is they continue to get more violent and bloody! The monster is inciting riots and the government needs to stop him and his storm troopers to prevent any more destruction and violence! I understand people are fed up with what they believe is the status quo.Then vote for Bernie Sanders! DA!One protester was seriously attacked and sucker punched again! This needs to stop now!
Saturday, March 19, 2016
House of Trumps
For all of you SILLY TRUMP supporters if you cannot see what is going on then you are easily conned by the Trump campaign.There is no way this rich ego maniac blowhard can beat either democratic candidate.Seriously if you take away the African Americans Hispanics,milenios it is mathematically impossible.Oh lets not forget the women's vote!
Sunday, March 13, 2016
Trump Hate fear and Ignorance
That describes Trump supporters.The tyrant is just pounding out the hate and violence and his supporters are nothing but angry confused white people who just do not get it! Or maybe they do get it!If you are a hater and a racist then Trump is your man! If not then you are confused and ignorant like many Germans were when they elected Hitler and the NAZI Party.America needs more intellect and less reaction.
Monday, February 29, 2016
Chris Rock Rocks
Did any one see the Oscars last night.FANTASTIC! Chris definitely rocked the room! And yes black lives matter!
Apple Rocks
We need to applaud Apple CEO Tim Cook for standing up to the FBI.No way should they be allowed to hack into any ones phones.No matter who they are.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
Return of The Insurgency
Well here we go again!Maybe our GOP senators need a history lesson.If a president is elected to a 4 year term that means his or her responsibilities are for the full term.To obstruct what he needs to get done is not only bad for the country,but unpatriotic and an act of legal TREASON!No better then any traitor.Go up and DO YOUR JOBS!
Saturday, February 13, 2016
Old Conservative white folks Strike Again
You know enough is enough conservatives.You all act like you are the only people who represent the United States.Well your not and you are fast becoming the minority and thank goodness for that!I was talking to one older angry white women was angry about Beyoncé and her performance at the Super Bowel.Well to damn bad LADY! America is more then just people who think the way you do!If you do not like what you see then turn of your damn TV!Beyonce is talented and hot1 Oh and bye the way the black panthers were a non violent political group!If you do not like then you turn of your TV and move to another planet!
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Bernie Rocks
Bernie Sanders has surprised every one.Why because of what he stands for.The economy is rigged and it is time to redo it !So the folks at Tonys Blog For The Center Left support and endorse Bernie Sanders for President of The Unite States
Friday, February 5, 2016
The Grown Ups Debate
Unlike the silly republicans Senator Bernie Sanders and Secetary Hillary Clinton had a debate for intelligent adults.Yes there were heated moments but all in a professional manner.
Unlike the clown show of GOP canadidates who never give a solution but instead just constantly say the same old gutter talk about our president and the democratic candidates.What do you expect the party of YAHOO Illiterates.
When will they ever learn.Or when will the goofy people who vote for them learn!
When will they ever learn.Or when will the goofy people who vote for them learn!
Friday, January 29, 2016
GOP Debate?
Don't tell me I did not waste my time.If you did watch it why would you waste your time?
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Evil Rick Schnieder
Yes the Governor of Michigan who to decided to save money by using a polluted lake for the drinking water of Flint. This was an act what many would call criminal negligence.Or at the very least civil negligence.What ever the case may be This man must be held accountable for his actions.
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Right on Tina Fey
Well one positive thing about Silly Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump is the return of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin.Last night on Saturday night live it was great to see Tina Fey at her best!Once again playing the dizzy redneck Palin.She does it so well and it is sounds so real.So thank you silly Palin for your contribution to late night comedy.You failed at just about everything else you tried to accomplish!
Saturday, January 23, 2016
Drill Stupid Drill
That is right Sarah Palin.Thanks to alternative energy cars with better gas mileage your drill baby drill is a wash out!DAH!At least you can still see Russia from your house!
hate,deciet,and ignorance
I have just described the GOP front runner!Most of his followers are the same.A Sarah Palin redneck endorsement is nothing to brag about.Pathetic!
Monday, January 18, 2016
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Thank You Mr President
Thank You Mr President for all your accomplishments.You brought our country forward into the 21st century.Now millions of the uninsured are now insured,the end of don't ask don't tell.You have raised fuel efficiency and many of us have seen are health care premiums go down.The,US.auto industry is making record profits.Also the U.S.has had record low dependency on foreign oil,along with the lowest gas prices in years.You ended the war in Iraq brought our soldiers home.Because of your diplomacy skills the 10 sailors who were detained in Iran were brought home within a 24 hour time frame UNHARMED! Thank You Sir and lets make your final year in office the best!
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Red Neck Terroist
These despicable armed militia terrorist that have taken over a wild live refuge center need to leave and face the consequences for their actions!No one should be allowed in to bring food or aide to them.If they need medical attention then maybe a doctor my enter provided no food is delivered to them.They want to eat then they should surrender to the federal authorities .Folks that are attempting to help them are offering aide to felons which is also a crime.So get out you right terrorist!By the way where are all the self rightest conservatives on this issue!
Monday, January 4, 2016
guns and no health care
Well we are in a new year.As usual the party of fear , hate, and insurgency still wants people to go with out health care and their support of zero gun control.Thank goodness for executive order.Supporting anti gun control is a heath hazoord!However the jack ass GOP could care less about our health and well being.Well what do you except for angry white people.
Friday, January 1, 2016
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