A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Monday, November 30, 2015
domestic terror
Funny how the GOP keeps silent about a terror attack on Planned parenthood.Where is the Christen right on this one.Or where is the holy er then thou Ben Carson.Johny Carson yes BEN NO!
Friday, November 27, 2015
Mean and insenseative
Scott Walker now at 37% approval rating due to his war on unions and working folks.People of Wisconsin get out and vote in all elections so a tragedy like this does not happen again!
Evil Patsy
I am talking about Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.The man who attacked working people out of his own greed to sell out wall street and cooperate America.Well guess what this poor excuse for both a governor and even a person at times,now only has a 37% approval rating in his state.This is why people must vote in every election!If any of my right wing friends think otherwise post a comment if you DARE!
Monday, November 23, 2015
Yes that is what right wing conservative jackasses are feeling right now.They are running SCARED!And they aer falling for the fascist antics of Donald Trumph!Remember it was Paris that was attacked not the U.S.Paris is not in the US.Of course Trump does not have the brightest nor the most open minded fans so they might not know that Paris is not part of the U.S.Of course republicans in general are not the brightest people either!
Friday, November 20, 2015
ignorant old right wing white people
Once again I heard from some paranoid old silly white people about how they are afraid of Syrian refugees.lets take this stupid ignorant old man I ran into at a local businesses here in Florida.He started mocking President Obama about letting 10,000 Syrians in.Hey STUPID! first of all these terrorist were not Syrians they were European citizens of France and Belgian DA!Secondly the vetting processes for refugees from the Mideast takes up to two years.So Stupid racist ignorant old man you SUCK!Oh yes and I explained to this ignorant old jackass that he was wrong and an idoit!
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
syrian refugees
I support President Obama on letting 10,000 refugees into the U.S.all this hate going on right now is pathetic People.do not learn from the past and let their emotions get the best of them.By not letting them in this will only escalate the problem in the long run.Jeb Bush to his credit also agrees letting them in.The United States has an excellent vetting program and will not let anyone slip by.Remember the September 11th attacks happened during the W Bush attacks!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Clown Show
I do not know about you folks but no way will I waste my time watching the GOP clown show tonight!
Monday, November 9, 2015
democratic form
If you saw the form one should realize that this a form for the mature candidates the foolish GOP candidates.
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