Monday, August 31, 2015


The above title describes the new security system at major league ball parks.All this is, is a waste of time. I have had friends who walked in with pocket knives ,keys still in the pockets and nothing detected.It is theater so MLB can say they are looking out for us.NONSENSE.If they really want to look out for our safety then why not do something about fans getting hit by bats or falling down from the upper deck.I have had with all the terrorist paranoia.Who needs terrorist when we have become terrorised ourselves.Listen if someone studies the situation they can succeed in committing a horrific act regardless of security!This is suppose  to be a democracy however that is slowly changing and the American public is either to ignorant or to paranoid to believe it.As long as we all go along with program it will only get worse!

no longer funny

Donald Trump is no longer funny.In fact he is now pathetic.When he stared insulting an aide of Hillary Clinton just because of who she is married to,well Trump should talk about who the real sleaze ball is.Just shows how sleazy the GOP has become.

Friday, August 28, 2015

why your taxes are really high

Lots of conservatives love to blame the poor and the needy for their tax bill.However what is really causing high taxes is the over bloated defense budget.Drones to kill people, weapons to kill people.Social Programs that help the poor and disabled are not the problem.This may be as little as two percent of the U.S. budget.That is it.So while all you so called hawks continue to put down the poor WAKE UP!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

enough is enough Trump

The man cannot help himself Donald Trump along with the evil Scott Walker now want to deny the right to citizenship to persons born here.Hey JACKASSES you cannot pick and choose.There is a thing called the 14th ammendent!

anchor babies ?

Hey Trump enough is enough! This is pure racism!And now if I am correct I believe even Jebby used the term once!Listen Jackass GOP read the 14th amaendent.Illegal imigrants do the jobs no one else wants.So give them a pathway to citizenship!

Monday, August 17, 2015

slow news month

Yes just put on any of the cable news channels.And all you see is Donald Trump trumping along.Next the continuing non issue of Hillary's emails.BORING!

Friday, August 14, 2015

You Go Trump

I may disagree with about everything he says,however at least he is expressing what the GOP truly believes!You go Donald.

Jimmy Carter

I am sure you all heard the sad news of President Jimmy Carter.No matter what your political affiliation is everyone must admit that he was and still is a great humanitarian and a man of peace.Here at tonysworld are prayers and best whishes go out to President Carter and his family.

Monday, August 10, 2015

anti choice is big goverment

I will say it again.What is more BIG GOVERMENT then telling a women what she can do with her body!.Give me a break.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A New Iran

The deal with Iran is a good one.The country is evolving.Halve of the population is under 30.And they  are a very westernized demographic.They are not militant and can be a good ally in fighting ISIS.So all you silly conservatives get with it.

The Donald

Yes he is the true GOP candidate! He is what the party is all about.He is not a fake like Jebby.