Thursday, December 31, 2015


Well it is  hard to believe it will soon be 2016.So Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The president is protecting us

Thanks to cooperation between federal and state and local authorities many potential terrorist cells have been broken up this week in New York City.See the president does know what he is doing.So to the ignorant ugly speaking old white man I talked to last month.What do you have to say to about that!I still believe all this hate over the President Obama is all about him being part African American.If you disagree then have the courage to post a comment. By the way GOP what happened to Dr Carson.Seeeeeee!

Monday, December 28, 2015

Trump Keeps Trumping

Donald Trump continues to rise in the polls.However this just shows how low the GOP has fallen!They went from a moderate party to a disgusting hate mongering party.Similar to the brown shirts in NAZI Germany.There are a few exceptions but even the candidates who speak out against Trump are still bad!

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Big Blowhard

When Hillary Clinton said Hell No to Donald Trump when he wanted her to apologize for speaking the truth!Good for her! Trump is endangering this country.His supporters are just to naive and ignorant to understand this!Not to smart! If they had common sense they would not be for Trump!

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fear and hate

Over reaction of fear and hate are poisoning the USA,Along with that  comes prejudice and hurt.The GOP candidates are the mostt guilty of this.So I say this, think before you speak and act.Do not react!

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bored Billinare

Trump is a bored billionaire.We all know damn well that he cannot get his anti constitution agenda passed.However since he has what I call the high school drop out club they keep cheering him on.Well what do we except from such an ill informed crowd.He is also causing disruption and violence from his rhetoric and that is BAD!The only good thing coming out of this is the destruction of the GOP.Please if you are Trump supporter please post a comment.Or if you agree also post a comment.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Hate and fear

Donald Trump has now gone beyond from bad to worse!His preaching of hate and fear is now in the danger level to say the least!By preventing an individual from entering the country because of their religion is unconstitutional .He knows this.However his uninformed supporters ignorant as they are just cheer him on like sheep.He is making fools are out of you folks,I think it is time for you all to take a U.S.Government class.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

What is really going on

Lots of my s right wing friends including some family members are now extreme right wing!Here they go beating the drums of war when they really do not understand any of it.That is why Donald Trump has for the most part has a not so intelligent  crowd.What is going on is a war of  philosophy.For the most part a war like this is not fought with weapons but education.It is a war of ideology and thought.The nation must educate itself so all of us know how to change this.It means becoming more in tune,thinking before reacting Taking a more analytical approach. It is also a conflict that will involve Federal State and local law enforcement.Along with intelligence and CIA operations over seas.And yes if needed some special forces.But military troops cannot stop a lone wolf.That is what is happening.I did not see right wingers want to go to war with right wing rednecks after the Timothy McVeigh incident.However when a minority is involved well all they want to do is demonize all of them and talk crazy.Now I am not saying all of my right wing facebook friends are like this but it sounds that way!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

goverment shut down

Well if their is a government shut down it will once again be the fault of the pathetic right wing extremist tea party republicans,Once again they stand against everything what the U.S. stands for!They want to destroy this country due to their hatred and greed.! They are pathetic and it is time the GOP stans up to them!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Frankenstein Monster

The GOP created a Frankenstein Monster in Donald Trump which is going out of control! How, it is really very simple.By their anti immigration, anti refugee, anti minority, anti worker talk they have become the party of HATE!.Now they have lost control of it.Donald Trump is a runaway train filled with racism and hate! He is fast becoming the new republican mainstream.Well they got what they wished for.Now they either own it or speak out strongly against their fascist values!Lets not forget their deceiving a president when he attends a summit in Europe.Their war mongering their hatred of the poor, who want to see people without health care.Yes they have become a wall of of shame and the party and only the party is responsible.Look at Trumps supporters a group of older not very bright white folks.Folks who live on hate and fear!Folks who do not represent what the country is all about!

Monday, November 30, 2015

domestic terror

Funny how the GOP keeps silent about a terror attack on Planned parenthood.Where is the Christen right on this one.Or where is the holy er then thou Ben Carson.Johny Carson yes BEN NO!

Friday, November 27, 2015

Mean and insenseative

Scott Walker now at 37% approval rating due to his war on unions and working folks.People of Wisconsin get out and vote in all elections so a tragedy like this does not happen again!

Evil Patsy

I am talking about Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin.The man who attacked working people out of his own greed to sell out wall street and cooperate America.Well guess what this poor excuse for both a governor and even a person at times,now only has a 37% approval rating in his state.This is why people must vote in every election!If any of my right wing friends think otherwise post a comment if you DARE!

Monday, November 23, 2015


Yes that is what right wing conservative jackasses are feeling right now.They are running SCARED!And they aer falling for the fascist antics of Donald Trumph!Remember it was Paris that was attacked not the U.S.Paris is not in the US.Of course Trump does not have the brightest nor the most open minded fans so they might not know that Paris is not part of the U.S.Of course republicans in general are not the brightest people either!

Friday, November 20, 2015

ignorant old right wing white people

Once again I heard from some paranoid old silly white people about how they are afraid of Syrian refugees.lets take this stupid ignorant old man I ran into at a local businesses here in Florida.He started mocking President Obama about letting 10,000 Syrians in.Hey STUPID! first of all these terrorist were not Syrians they were European citizens of France and Belgian DA!Secondly the vetting processes for refugees from the Mideast takes up to two years.So Stupid racist ignorant old man you SUCK!Oh yes and I explained to this ignorant old jackass that he was wrong and an idoit!

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

syrian refugees

I support President Obama on letting 10,000 refugees into the U.S.all this hate going on right now is pathetic not learn from the past and let their emotions get the best of them.By not letting them in this will only escalate the problem in the long run.Jeb Bush to his credit also agrees letting them in.The United States has an excellent vetting program and will not let anyone slip by.Remember the September 11th attacks happened during the W Bush attacks!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Clown Show

I do not know about you folks but no way will I waste my time watching the GOP clown show tonight!

Monday, November 9, 2015

democratic form

If you saw the form one should realize that this a form for the mature candidates the foolish GOP candidates.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

gop debate

I only saw bits and pieces of that clown show.The world series was more entertaining.What a joke of a debate.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Backward and mean

Once again I must talk about Ben Carson.I know he is pro live but how dare he or anyone else say that  a women is not entitled to an abortion due to rape or incest.Easy for you to say Carson your a man.You are also a joke of a presidential candidate.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Treason,Contempt Ignorant and Selv Serving

My title has just described this deceitful Benghazi hearing yesterday.For the most part we saw angry frustrated white men trying to destroy a female political candidate for president.What did they gain from this?NOTHING but  lost even more creditability.Pathetic! On the other hand Secretary
Clinton looked great!She handled those GOP bully's with great skill.Once again she proved she did nothing wrong or illegal.The GOP is so worried about not getting back the White House that they will stoop to the dirtiest and disgusting tactics.How can any decent human being vote for this evil! Please if you agree or disagree leave a post.Thank You

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Jebby Haunted by Brother

Admit it Jebby your brother did not keep the country safe.He had many warnings about an attack on the U.S and decided to play golf instead. However I will give Jebby this.He is loyal to his family no matter what, and that is a good thing.However he should have enough common sense not to hire the same advisers his brother had.This means we cannot trust Jebby.Face it Jeb there has been to many Bushes.Enough is Enough!

Monday, October 19, 2015

The Middle East

The middle east just continues to get worse.The Israeli Palestinian conflict continues.All this over a country that is smaller then New Jersey.So how does the world community stop this.Who knows? Sooner or later something must give.Maybe Israel should of been made a international zone governed by the UN,Then their is the question of a homeland;for these two groups.Maybe the state should be controlled by both factions or split the area in halve through a U.N. resolution.This should of been done in 1947.So how does the world end the violence.? Well I do not have the answers however this problem cannot go on.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Debte Tonight

Watch the democratic debate tonight.You can see what a real vision for the country's future should be.This is unlike the stupid clown show in which the GOP debates are all about.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Out of middle east

This latest incident of a hospital accidentally bombed by U.S.forces means this endless war has to stop.WITHDRAW and let the middle east handle their own war!

Thursday, October 8, 2015

GOP moving even farther to the right

Wow! Kevin McCarthy a right wing conservative from Bakersfield California will not run for Speaker of the House.Lets just hope the far right will bring the GOP into oblivion!

Get Over it GOP

 The GOP continues to fight the funding of planned parenthood.Even though they know damned well that none of their funding goes to abortion services.98% goes to women's health like cancer screenings,check ups and other vital issues supporting women's health.  .The Hyde amendment which was passed into law in the late 1970s signed by president Jimmy Carter is still in effect.Read your history.GOP abortion is here to stay it is a women's choice and only her choice along with guidance provided by her doctor.Never the less it is still her choice and her choice alone!So grow up get over it and except your defeat!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Comedy Central

Well the Daily Show had a good start with its new host.Keep up the good work!

Nothing will change

Just because our current speaker of the House is resigning does not mean that anything is going to change.The House of Representatives will still have the insurgent tea party members and all the other destructive GOP members so it will be business as usual.Nothing to celebrate about.

Monday, September 21, 2015


I guess the GOP cannot help themselves.They keep saying stupid things.Ben Carson saying that if one has a Muslim background they should not be allowed to run for president..News Flash where in the constitution does it say that you can discriminate like that!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Naive people

It is just amazing how naive some silly people can really be.Foe example lets take an acquaintance of mine.I refer  to him as silly Jimmy.This gentlemen works in the health care field and resides near Dixon IL.He is a good person who will cause you no harm.However he is super naive.I had discussion concerning obesity I made a joke of restricting their calorie intake.His response was there people.No kidding.Instead of educating them and sending out some tough love he gives a silly pathetic answer.He would of made a great flower child.Silly Jimmy with this attitude you are not helping anyone.He also says they will do what they want.Yes however silly Jim there is persuasion and education.He may not hurt any one but he sure is not helping any one! Of course that is why he earned the title Silly Jimmy!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How dare you Governor Rauner

How dare you not pay the health care providers when employees and retirees have guaranteed health insurance.Letting people stay sick which can be life threatening in some cases is criminal.And if the health care providers turn folks down they are just as bad!Governor Rauner you are  inhumane and will put people lives on the line just for your own agenda.This is criminal.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Back to Work

Right Wing religious Zealot Kim Davis is back to work.However the licencing of gay couples are being issued by her deputy clerks pursuant to court order.On the other hand this elected official should not be allowed back to work.This is due to her unwilling to preform her duties pursuant to her oath of office.Therefor impeachment is in order for her or any one who violates this oath.You do not get to pick and choose which laws you want to uphold.If this is against your views and you will not preform them then either resign or be impeached.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Relgious Hiprocacy

Well we just saw the latest of religious hiproacy from the disoriented extremist Kim Davis.Oh yea she is very sincere to her faith.WRONG!First it has been proven that she has had numerous affairs while still being married.She also bore children out of wedlock.And married 4 times.Now I do not have a problem with any of the issues listed above.However quit wrapping yourself in the bible and stop talking about following Gods law.That is your silly opinion Kim the hypocrite!

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kim Davis and The Christen Wrong

This pathetic hateful person by the name of Kim Davis thinks that she along with her fellow Christen Right fanatics is a martyr,WRONG! She is no better then a radical Muslim fanatic an American Taliban.Lard Ass Mike Huckabee one the leaders of this religious terrorist movement is even worse by capitalizing on such  horrific actions taken by Kim Davis .Any way they are loosing their spunk.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Iran Deal

Well it looks like the Iran Deal will work out after all.I mean if the U.S.became the lone wolf in stopping the deal,that would be pathetic!Not because they would be going just to go along for the sake of going along, but it is a way for PEACE. Of course your war mongering GOP just wants war and occupation.What do you except from a party of goofs!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Do your job or RESIGN

I am speaking to the clerk of the courts in TENNESSEE who has disobeyed the law and a court order for refusing to marry same sex couples.Her excuse she says she works on GOD AUTHORITY.Well my dear lady that does not cut it.That is only your interpretation.Either do your job resign or be in contempt of court.You are wrong and need to be removed from office if this continues.You are also in contempt of court.ROW UP OR GET OUT.

Monday, August 31, 2015


The above title describes the new security system at major league ball parks.All this is, is a waste of time. I have had friends who walked in with pocket knives ,keys still in the pockets and nothing detected.It is theater so MLB can say they are looking out for us.NONSENSE.If they really want to look out for our safety then why not do something about fans getting hit by bats or falling down from the upper deck.I have had with all the terrorist paranoia.Who needs terrorist when we have become terrorised ourselves.Listen if someone studies the situation they can succeed in committing a horrific act regardless of security!This is suppose  to be a democracy however that is slowly changing and the American public is either to ignorant or to paranoid to believe it.As long as we all go along with program it will only get worse!

no longer funny

Donald Trump is no longer funny.In fact he is now pathetic.When he stared insulting an aide of Hillary Clinton just because of who she is married to,well Trump should talk about who the real sleaze ball is.Just shows how sleazy the GOP has become.

Friday, August 28, 2015

why your taxes are really high

Lots of conservatives love to blame the poor and the needy for their tax bill.However what is really causing high taxes is the over bloated defense budget.Drones to kill people, weapons to kill people.Social Programs that help the poor and disabled are not the problem.This may be as little as two percent of the U.S. budget.That is it.So while all you so called hawks continue to put down the poor WAKE UP!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

enough is enough Trump

The man cannot help himself Donald Trump along with the evil Scott Walker now want to deny the right to citizenship to persons born here.Hey JACKASSES you cannot pick and choose.There is a thing called the 14th ammendent!

anchor babies ?

Hey Trump enough is enough! This is pure racism!And now if I am correct I believe even Jebby used the term once!Listen Jackass GOP read the 14th amaendent.Illegal imigrants do the jobs no one else wants.So give them a pathway to citizenship!

Monday, August 17, 2015

slow news month

Yes just put on any of the cable news channels.And all you see is Donald Trump trumping along.Next the continuing non issue of Hillary's emails.BORING!

Friday, August 14, 2015

You Go Trump

I may disagree with about everything he says,however at least he is expressing what the GOP truly believes!You go Donald.

Jimmy Carter

I am sure you all heard the sad news of President Jimmy Carter.No matter what your political affiliation is everyone must admit that he was and still is a great humanitarian and a man of peace.Here at tonysworld are prayers and best whishes go out to President Carter and his family.

Monday, August 10, 2015

anti choice is big goverment

I will say it again.What is more BIG GOVERMENT then telling a women what she can do with her body!.Give me a break.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

A New Iran

The deal with Iran is a good one.The country is evolving.Halve of the population is under 30.And they  are a very westernized demographic.They are not militant and can be a good ally in fighting ISIS.So all you silly conservatives get with it.

The Donald

Yes he is the true GOP candidate! He is what the party is all about.He is not a fake like Jebby.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Right is Wrong

If you are anti union anti middle class anti poor pro war pro anti choice the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer than the GOP is your party.If not and you still vote that way then you are CONFUSED!

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The saving grace for Florida

Yes sir the saving grace for Florida is the the State Supreme Court.If the reader can remember recent history it was the State Supreme Court in Gore Verses Bush that ordered the state to preform a statewide recount of the vote. The decision was overturned by the U.S.Supreme Court.So much for States Rights! It was also the Florida Supreme Court that said it was legal to put medical marijuana on the ballot.That initiative got 58% of the vote in a;record low turnout.However it needed 60% to pass.But that is fine because it will be one the ballot again in 2016.Most likely it will pass then.And just recently the Left leaning court ordered the Florida Legislator to redo the states congressional map.This is due to a constitutional amendment that passed recently to have fair representation.The map is Gerrymandered to favor GOP with a extreme right wing governor and legislature it is nice to have this progressive court protecting our rights!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Trumph The Real Republican

Hey all you GOP insurgents Trump is your man.He  is really what you guys are all about but will not admit it.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Stop the Iran Bashing

Look everyone Iran could be a good ally when it comes to ISIS.Also lifting sanctions on Iran will be good for the Global Econmy.That includes the U.S.The real enemy is Saudi Arabia they are the ones who fund ISIS and there are strong indications that they had a major role in funding the 9/11 attacks on the pentagon and world trade centers.Their human rights violation makes Iran look like a trip to Disney World!Got insurgent republicns do not want to believe this.

Friday, July 17, 2015

High Treason

Yes that is what I think about Scott Walker.why the way he stomped on works rights be attacking unions both in the public and private sector along with ending a state minimum raise is not only un-American but unforgivable.He is pathetic and should be tried for HIGH TREASON!

Saturday, July 11, 2015

climate change

For the folks who continue to deny this what more do you need?I men record rains,droughts,record heat record cold.I mean what more do you need.I would like to here from you folks.

Monday, July 6, 2015

selling themselves out !

.I am talking about a discussion I had with two so called liberal women who are willing to compromise their Illinois state pensions due to the fear of loosing them.NON SENSE.The Illinois State Supreme court upheld the unions in protecting them from any cuts. However these two so called earthly women are nothing but dangerously gullible along with being very foolish. It is naive people like this who blindly fall for what the politicians are telling them.A government like the State of Illinois can always raise revenue.Did you ever here about raising fees and taxes,Crack down on cooperate give aways?This discussion occurred on a very boring fourth of July party I went to.I should of considered the source before I went.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Happy Fourth

Happy fourth everyone.With all the progressive accomplishments in recent weeks we all have something to celebrate! Enjoy yourselves eat well and healthy!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

culture wars won

It looks like the left has won the cultural wars.After the landmark decisions upholding The Affordable Care Act along with Gay Marriage there is not much left.Or I should say mostly all is to the LEFT! It is about time.The new generation is moving in the right direction!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supreme Court

The high court made the right decision today.The Affordable Care Act Is here to stay!And your glad  GOP because if this law was overturned you would of been in BIG TROUBLE.I ask again what is wrong with all people having access to good affordable health car?

Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Peak of Hate

After the act of racial domestic terrorism that happened in South Carolina this week I hope that this is the peak! I still believe that most of our under 30 generation is color blind along with being free from homophobia and other issues that contribute to hate and violence.also take down the confederate flag of hate There is no place for it with exception of maybe a history book as a reminder of an outrages part of our countries past and how the nation must move on!

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

No Jebby No Way!

Anti choice, anti marriage equality,unequal pay,has the same war hawks W had.Wake up all you silly republicans!All the Bushes do is start wars and break the economy.Of course if you had political intellect you would not be a republican

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Health Care

Hey GOP what is your problem with health care.Let me say this,if the supreme court overturns this latest debate over health care you will have to answer to millions of people why thy lost their health care.Good Mr Speaker and Mr Senate Majority Leader.HA! HA!

Monday, June 15, 2015

The most progressive non progressive city

The answer to the title of the blog is New York City.First I would like to explain that this is changing thanks to their most recently elected Mayor.One who is a good progressive.However lets take a look at some recent activities that support the title of this blog.First New York City has been at the top or close to the top for minor marijuana offenses.This is despite the states decriminalization law of small amounts in possession.However there is a loophole to this law.If the marijuana is in plain view they still can be arrested.So what do some police officers do some  they tell them to empty their pockets and it is now in plain view.Pathetic.You would think NYPD would have better things to do!Also the young man who was awaiting trial for three years in Rikers Island Correctional Center a city jail.Why did this happen because the young man was poor and could not pay for the thousand dollar bond.Oh yea the charge was stealing a backpack.The ordeal was so traumatic that the this young man committed suicide recently.Hey New York have you heard of pretrial services.Hey Judges did you ever think of lowering the bond!And prosecutors who seem to represent FASCISM at its best by requesting such a high bond.It is you disgusting people who are responsible for this boys death.In my opinion you Judge and prosecutors MURDERED THIS YOUNG BOY!Hope you can still sleep1 However most sociopaths can sleep.This was a sociopathic act.You guys sicken me!

Friday, June 12, 2015

White racist attitudes at pool party

From what I understand the African American teens were invited to the pool party.In fact it was white adults who were there who started abusing the teens by using racist language along with physical abuse.I also believe that the police officers who just stood around watching their fellow officer violate the rights of a 15 year old girl were just as guilty.Time for some soul searching folks.

Thursday, June 11, 2015


Police need to know that they can no longer get away with abusive behavior.Due to technology just about everyone has a camera.Wake up get smart.Again I refer to the Chicago Police as a good example on police conduct!

Monday, June 8, 2015

send in the clowns

Here they come the GOP Clowns ready to contest anyone who stands in their way to be POTUS.WRONG!Soon Clown BUSH will enter the race.YEA another BUSH remember the first two.Both brought down the economy.That goes double for W.Destabilising the middle east ,and JEBBY wants to hire the same advisers his big brother had.No way the country cannot afford BUSH 3.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Job Growth

That's right more them 280.000 jobs were added to the market place in the month of May.Also personnel income grew to.Wow can this be why the GOP rather talk about national security instead of domestic issues!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Patriot act bad

I am tired of hearing U.S.Senators trying to defend violation of civil rights by their fear mongering.Rand Paul is right on this one.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

death penalty begining of the end.

As far as this subject is concerned it is moving in the right direction! Now I can understand the other sides point of view somewhat.However facts are facts.First of all the death penalty never was a deterrent to crime.Now if one is a fiscal hawk it has been proven many times that it cost more to execute a person then a live in prison sentence.How,well look at the appeals process.Weather the individual wants an appeal or not it is automatic.That is the right thing to do.A sentence of death once executed is permanent for the offender.It must be beyond all reasonable doubts.Also in are far less then perfect criminal justice system there have been several innocent people on death row who have since been cleared of all charges.Also the state does not have a right to murder a human being.Yes the word is MURDER.Also when an individual is sentenced to death this does not put closure on the victims family due to the appeal process.So when one looks at the reasons as mentioned in this blog post why would any one support it with the exception of pure revenge!My friends revenge is not justice.Please if you re reading this leave a comment.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Climate Change is Real

Look what is going on!The floods in Texas are historical and catastrophic.The temperatures in India reaching 120 degrees.If you do not believe in climate change then you are not facing the TRUTH.WAKE UP!

ISIS and Gangs

When you study the recruitment facts about ISIS you see that it is almost identical.Both groups seek out disenfranchised youth.For example they may come from a dysfunctional family with no support.Or a youth who feels isolated .When you look at it there is really no difference.Like the gang,. ISIS becomes their new family.What needs to be done in the world is catch the signs of isolation and depression before these youth take the wrong alternative!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Man Bernie

Well I think it is a positive fact that Bernie Sanders is running for president.Granted his chances are dim,however his influence on the race will be positive.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day

This goes especially to my Dad who served during WW11 and Grandpa and Uncle Joe who served in WW1 and for all our current members in the Armed Forces STAY SAFE.Enjoy your families when you see them.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Stop the Clown Show

This includes all GOP hopefuls for president.They are all a joke.Especially Jeb.The guy who wants to bring back his big bros forign policy program.Keep dreaming Jeb!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Infrustructuer infrustrucuer

Calling all GOP obstructionist.If you want a safe and secure county to live in then fix the infrastructure.DA!If are bridges roads ,runways and railroads are to be safe then what is the problem?Sounds like a no brainier to me.Also it will provide jobs which will be good for the economy DA!So get work and stop all your obstructing!

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Tpp down for The Count

The trade deal the president wanted known as TPP went down.I for the most part am a big supporter of the president,however this was not a good deal.This not to say that trade is bad.However there must be provisions that protect the American worker.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

social justice vs defense

Once again I must speak out against the over bloated defense budget..Way to much money is being spent on war building weapons homeland security and other related issues instead of looking into problems such as social justice.poverty,the declining middle class.How can the defense budget be reduced?Simple.First as far as ISIS is concerned ,Iran is doing a hell of a job destroying them.This is why a treaty with Iran along with other reasons is a good idea.

Monday, May 11, 2015

You go Illnois Supreme Court

Right On Right On.Illinois Supreme Court says NO to pension cuts.Right ON! RIGHT ON! If the state is in financial trouble they cannot break the contract that protects the pensions.As one justice says the legislature has the power to generate revenue even if it means raising taxes.So do not blame pensioners folks blame the state for mishandling the money!also blame the W BUSH administration for screwing up the economy and stock market.Once gain we can blame this partly on W BUSH.

Friday, April 24, 2015

American HealthCare ?

Let me start out by saying that the Affordable Health Care Act is a positive accomplishment.We all should be thankful to to President Obama and all the Democrats who helped get it passed.However until we an get a single payer system like they have in Canada our system will be no better then second class!Why because as long as their are insurance companies and health care providers that put profit before the patience it will only get worse.Greedy doctors who over bill the insurance companies,insurance trying to get away by not covering certain procedures must end.Oh and of course when we have medicare Ripoffs such as Governor Rick Scott of Florida who pulled the biggest medicare rip off in the 1990s,well how can the system get better!My friends until we get the single payer system, this will only get worse!To put it in a more aggressive terminology.Health Care in America SUCKS!

Monday, April 20, 2015

young look old mind

The title just described Florida Senator Marco Rubio .Oh also persidental candidate!.Mr Rubio ha abandoned his immigration reform after supporting it.Released a tax plan that would cut taxes for cooperation's but raised taxes on the middle class.Against a women's right to choose.even in cases of rape and incest.denies the science of climate change!

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Work With Iran

Jackass GOP and even some democrats who do not want this treaty to pass are one of three things.EVIL Bigoted or just plain Stupid!.

broken system

The American Criminal Justice system is broken!With stupid victimless crimes on the books,racial profiling and out of control militarized cops,the system needs to be completely revamped.NOW!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

!5.00 an hour

I have to compliment the city of Seattle for raising their minimum wage to 15.00 an hour.If everyone makes a good wage then we all benefit.Like Henry Ford use to say.I pay my workers a good wage so they can afford to buy the cars they make.Well sounds good to me!So stop the greed all you cooperate suck ups and work for the good of everyone!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Hillary Rocks

The way I see it once she gets going there is no stopping her.She will win both the primary and the general election!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Rick Monster Scott like commiting manslughter

Rick Scott is at it again.By refusing to work for Medicaid Expansion he is indirectly committing manslaughter by not helping the uninsured get health care.This is a sociopath move by a despicable man and a despicable Florida GOP legislature.It is is time to get these cooperate suck ups out of office!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Kirk is Acting like a Jerk

Senator Kirk there was a time when I thought you were somewhat progressive especially for a republican.However recently you have moved to the right which means you cannot be trusted.Your worst statement concerns condemning the presidents diplomacy on Iran! However worse then that was your statement saying the U.S. should BOMB IRAN!PATHETIC SENATOR I hope you loose big in 2016!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Give Peace a Chance

Dialogue with Iran and compromise is the safest way for peace and security.Do not listen to a war monger like the Prime Minister of Israel

Monday, March 30, 2015

Grumpy Old White Man

Today I will talk about Grumpy Old White Men who are union members and vote Republican.Are you Crazy.Voting against your own well being.I know a few of these silly men.Once again it all boils down to RACE. They just can not help themselves.A sensitivity program for these grumpy men is needed.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

no medicare,no insurance,no practice

To all you doctors who do not take all insurance.then you should loose your license to practice!Simple as that.If you cannot deal with the red tape then you do not have the proper temperament to practice.Shame on you.This especially goes for all you cool and so called hip ones who practice yoga and mediation who pretend they care about people.If you did you would except insurance,medicare and medicaid!PHONY

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


For the most part nobody should be obligated to vote for any specific candidate.However if your were like me and part of the Chicago Democratic Machine Culture this was not the case.After all the machine provided many of us with a decent livelihood and retirement. Moving on I believe this obligation extends to various social .groups in our society.Lets take the Log Cabin Republicans.This is a group of gay activists for the most part who support the republican party.They support the GOP because they believe they are for fical responsabilty.This is not only ridiculous but sort of a betrayl of their obligations and as activist.First we all know damn well the GOP is not fiscally responsible! They are war mongers!Some Log Cabin Republicans I have talked to said they vote for the man not the party. .To me this is not fulfilling their obligations.It was and still is the democtats who support and work for GAY MARRIAGE.It is the democrats who support equlity in the workplace.As far as voting for the man and not party.PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!Well over 90% of GOP members are homophic hypicrates who do not and will not support the GAY COMMUNIY at all.Recently in many state and federal elections their has not been very little GOP officals running for office who do.So please folks that old I vote for the person not the party does not fly.As far as I am concerned I will no longer support any group gay or straight that is not at least 99% democratic GAY OR SRAIGHT! Infact I will withdraw my support for any group or lifestyle when they start yelling out discrimination if they are not 100% democratic.If you are LOG Cabin member and you do not like this TOUGH!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

GOP moron budget

Once again Paul Ryan and his band of Robin Hood in reverse our at it again.Attacking the poor and middle class with their budgets.Mr Ryan you and your cooperate yes men will not get anything!

Friday, March 13, 2015

High Treason

These right wing extremist GOP Senators should be indited for treason under the Logan Act.Conspiring with the enemy to go against the white house and the USA.To provoke War.SHAME ON YOU FOOLs

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Hey GOP do not listen to this jerk! The security of the United States comes first.When the United States is secure so is Israel and the rest of the world.What is wrong with dialogue.If Netanyahu wants war then he should send his own country to war! What a ASS!

Monday, March 9, 2015

He did it again

The worlds most right wing and anti workers governor has struck again.This time in a very conceded and selfish move he signed right to work legislation in the state of Wisconsin.For all you silly cheese heads who voted for this selfish and greedy man you are either greedy or just ignorant!

Sunday, March 8, 2015


50th anniversary of bloody Sunday.And yet voting rights is still an issue in this country.Pathetic!Brought to you by the GOP.The leader in taking away civil rights.


Really is that all the GOP has to use to go against Hillary Clinton.Really are you idiots that desperate!Get a live GOP.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Chicago Elections

Run off elections for Chicago Mayor!I believe why Mayor Rahm Emanuel was forced into a runoff election is due to his closing 50 Chicago schools mainly in African American neighborhoods.Also his unfair labor practices towards the teachers union and labor in general is what provoked this action.

Monday, February 23, 2015


I am talking about the OSCARS!Once upon a time the Oscars were a very cultured and entertaining event.That is no longer the case.To have to sit and watch evy single award be presented with an overabundance of commercials is beyond ridiculous.One of the few bright spots was Lady Gagas performance with Julie Andrews coming out afterward.Lady Gaga performed songs from the Sound os Music which premiered 50 years ago and starred Andrews.Also the theme song from the movie Selma was preformed which was also a high point.I do believe Selma was shafted which was by the far the best picture.Also with none of its stars being nominated was pathetic.I imagine the people who decide the awards are filled with grumpy old white people..The host was not good either.Having to come out in his under ware showed desperation.Next year I think I will record it and only watch about an hour of it.Glad its over.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

tough on defense WRONG!

GOP the party of hypocrites,zealots and insurgents.Not only are you guys phony patriots but now you are like an indirect ally of ISIS.By holding the homeland security budget hostile! You are not only putting the nations security in danger.You are indirectly aligning yourselves with ISIS.Yes by watching all this infighting you are letting them know that you do not put the security of the country as a top priority.They will take advantage of this!GOP join ISIS your right  wing philosophy does not belong here.Hope you are proud of yourselves.

Monday, February 16, 2015

ashamed of some americans

Maybe they just cant help themselves,or maybe they are just to miserable and ignorant.I am talking about mainly older white Americans who continue to talk nasty about our first African American president!It is shameful.Now I am sure as usual race is a major part of this.On the the up side this voting block is becoming out numbered by the under 30 crowd and minorities .Thank goodness the old fashioned macho white male will no longer rule this country!t is this type of attitude that makes ashamed at times to be an American.However thanks to the new voting block I do not have to feel this way!

Saturday, February 14, 2015

old white people

Here we go again.The grumpy old white folks just cannot get over their stubborn ways.Just look at their candidates Scott Walker hater of the working class,Jeb Bush,just what we need another Bush!And last but not least bridge gate Chris Cristy.Fortunately the grumpy old white people will soon be out numbered by progressive young people and the minority vote.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Illinois Govnor a joke

Illinois's new GOP Governor Bruce Rauner has made his first assault on labor unions.The anti workers Gov issued an executive order that fair share workers who work for the state do not have to pay union dues.Fair Share workers are those who choose not to join the union but are still required to pay a portion of the dues.It should be noted that fair share employees still have the same right of dues paying members with the exception of voting for union officers.The misguided and evil governor took action after a U.S supreme court ruled that home health care workers who do not belong to the union due not have to pay dues.However this order most likely will fail.First the supreme court did find that full time employees are still required to pay dues.Also there is a good chance that the Illinois supreme court will overrule this.Next since the Illinois legislature is controlled by a super majority of of democrats who are key allies of the states labor unions.All this is a joke! What this disgusting order is really about is creating right to work zones.Eventually Rauner would like Illinois to become a right to work state.However that right now will never happen with not only a democratic controlled legislature even some GOP members of the legislature are union allies.Bruce Rauner a jackass and a joke!

Monday, February 9, 2015

Weapons NO

For once the U.S.needs to listen to its European counterparts.No weapon to Ukraine.Why escalate.This statement is more directed towards Congress then President Obama.The Chancellor of Germany has it right!

Thursday, February 5, 2015


So GOP now that your in the majority how do you feel about being blocked in the senate through the almighty filibuster.Ha!HA! Now it is your turn to be blocked!All you have is hate legislation against the dreamers.Well guess what guys,Your so called power is nothing.You have gained NOTHING!So what do you pathetic traders want to do?Prevent funding of the homeland security department.Give me a break!I am sure ISIS is laughing over the infighting.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Having it both ways.

The title of this post reflects former Florida Governor Jeb Bushes immigration policy. It looks like Jeb took a page from the Mitt Romney policy.That silly policy is self deportation.The guy says he is pro immigration but against the presidents executive order.So what is his plan?The Romney plan?Yea right! We have had enough of the Bush Crime Family!

The Deficit

Well for all you silly anti President Obama and tea party insurgents here is what is happening.The debt went from 1 trillion to $483 million in 2014.Thanks to economic growth.Unemployment way down to 5.6%.More then 200.000 jobs created every months.Good Jobs too!So what is the problem.RACE!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

The monsters meet in Iowa

That is what the anti union anti worker GOP stands for .The worst of the bunch who attended this band of fools event is the pathetic satanic monster Scott Walker.People of Wisconsin protest this man on a daily basis.The man claims to be a Christen BULL SHIT.He must be stopped NOW. .;We must use every effort the LAW allows us to stop him.The man is worse then ISIS

Saturday, January 24, 2015

sower puss

Did you see the speaker of the house at the State of The Union Address.What a sour puss all he could do is make faces..Looks like that stupid GOP victory was short lived.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

What happened?

Well the GOP insurgent party today cancelled their vote for a 20 week abortion ban! How about that. It looks like the party of the misguided,the extremist and the ignorant felt the pressure!RIGHT ON!You know what party of insurgents you won in 2014 and already lost in 2015.HA! HA!Obama Rocks!

Sunday, January 18, 2015

here we go again!

This damn GOP just will never get it.On the anniversary of Row V Way the jackass GOP once again will try to get rid of it.They no they do not have the votes.Also they know damn well that President Obama will not sign such a violation of women's rights!GOP friends you have a right to disagree even though you are wrong as usual!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mandatory Sick Leave

This is not a benefit.This is in the interest of society.First do we want an employee sick with the flu or any other disease at work! Of Course Not!Next we now live in a society where both parents work to make ends meet.If the one person looses a days pay or even their job,to take care of a sick child,is that good for society? Of Course Not.So all you GOP insurgents do not use that useless statement that government is interfering with the private sector.Just do the right thing and support something for the common good for a change!

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

social security under attack

The GOP just cannot keep their ugly hands off social security.Why?they want to destroy what is left of the middle class.They want to pit young against old,and both old and young against the handicapped.The only program they want to fund is cooperate welfare for all their fat cat Donner's.Pathetic and unpatriotic!

Friday, January 9, 2015

hurting social security

Ok once again Mitch McConnell and his his grumpy old white males and a few females want to destroy social security even though their is a surplus!Well they must be senile and cannot add.Or they are just evil monstrous human being! If you believe social security and medicare is going broke you lack intelligence.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Medicare Expansion

It looks like some GOP governors  are willing to provide Medicaid expansion for their low income citizens.They are the folks who do not make enough earning to qualify for the Affordable Care Act to get insurance but would qualify for medicade under the presidents expansion program.Gov Pat McCrory R NC Gary Herbert R Utah,Tennessee Gov Bill Haslam R along with possibility of Gov Gregg Abbott of Texas.Still not responding is the Monster himself the evil and despicable Gov RICK Scott of Florida! Pathetic!

Infrastracture stupid

For those of you who can remember when Bill Clinton ran for president his campaign used a term its the economy stupid.Well now Senator Bernie Sanders independent from Vermont has introduced a $1 trillion dollar infrastructure program that would ensure the economy of a stable future.To me it sounds a lot like the work programs during the Great Depression of the 1930s.Sounds good to me.After all the debt is shrinking at a very fast rate..If all you big government republicans want to cut spending I have one word.DEFENSE!

Monday, January 5, 2015

GOP Congress

Well folks here we go.Right wing oppressor of human rights Mitch the jackass McConnell takes over as senate president.His first agenda is to get a super majority to pass the unhealthy keystone pipeline deal which will cause more damage to the environment! Democrats and the president must not let this happen!