Saturday, August 31, 2013

hans off Syria

John Kerry you were right when you said the American people are weary of war. However Sir when you said being war weary is not a reason to avoid are responsibilities,you were right but for different reason.Bombing Syria .You should know this sir.I recall Viet Namn also a civil war with atrocities being committed.You were also one of the largest voices back the3n against the that war,So what is your reason for supporting a military Acton now?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Racism alive and well

Yes that is right.Most of this has gotten worse since President Obama took office.Right wing republicans mostly in the south and rural ares of the Midwest are the ones responsible for this shameful activity.Let me be clear not all rural areas are like this.However this rural and urban divide must stop.This surge in racism must stop.Look GOP there will always be another ELECTION SO INSTEAD OF BECOMING A MODERN VERSION OF THE KKK,stick to the issues on the next election.DAH it does not take a brain surgeon to figure this out.Of  course you are the party of stupidly..

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Welcome Back Ed Schultz

Welcome back to weekdays on msnbc.Why they ever took you off the weekday circuit we wll never know.However you are back and that is all that counts.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

BackGround Checks

Our country would of had another school tragedy involving guns this morning if it had not been for the courage of a school employee who talked the gunman down.The incident happened in the State of Georgia. It turns out that the gunman just happened to be not only a convicted felon but also encountered mental health issues.Now if this man went through a background check this incident would of never happened.So what does it take for a do nothing republican House of Representatives to act on this issue.I say vote the CLOWNS OUT.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Senator Cruz where is your birth certificate

Yes Senator Cruz where is it?Senator Cruz from Texas admitted that he was born in Canada to an American Mother President Obama was born in Hawaii to an American Mother in 1961.Hawaii became a state in 1959.Even if the President was born in another country which he was not,he was still born to an American mother.So Senator and tea party insurgents what do you have to say to that.Admit you are just RACIST.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Due to the lack of services that to should help our citizens they are cut due to the evil sequester.This WRONG GOP.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Putin and the Religous Right

Who would of thought that Putin and the religious right would have anything in common.They do their stand on gay rights.I think both of you better check your priorities

Putin and Russia

You would think a head of state would have better things to do then making anti gay laws.This just goes to show that Russia once again has moved back to the dark ages.Putin is a nut and a thug who must prove his so called man hood.Well Mr Putin if you insist on this oppressive stupidity then the Olympics should be moved to another country.This way you will loose out on improving your economy.Get into the 21st century sir.If any one from Russian s see this your country is in trouble.Mr putin must go.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Stop destroying the country

I mean you in the Republican House.To hold up a budget because you do not like the law of the land is pure evil.Stop or get out.Grow up and lets move forward.Tea Party destruction will not be tolerated.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Give it up

Yes you crazy birthers.What birtherism really is is racism.And that is no joke.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

privacy vs seurity

The answer we need both.There needs to be a way where we can be protected with out the government monitoring our phone and email records.