A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Grumpy Old Man
Yes once again I am talking about Senator John McCain.I saw the senator very rudely question former Senator Chuck Hegel for the Sectary of Defense cabinet position.I am calling on the people of Arizona do not vote for John McCain.It is time for the man to retire.There are many jobs he could have after serving in the senate.However it is time for him to gracefully LEAVE.If not VOTE THE GUY OUT.
insensative gun freeks
Earlier this week in the state of Connecticut a father of a six year old victim at the Sandy Hook elementary school testified before a panel.The gentlemen made clear that he himself is a gun owner and hunter.The gentlemen also said that he believed that stronger background checks are needed.He also stated that the mentally unstable should not have excess to guns.He also said that there should be an assault weapon ban.He stated that to protect ones home or to hunt there is no need to own an assault weapon.When this brave man made these statements he was heckled by some pro gun members of the audience.Grow up gun freaks it is this type of action that proves the point why we need better background checks and an assault weapons ban.
Monday, January 28, 2013
OKAY GOP or should I say the STUPID PARTY.And that is a quote from the Governor Of Louisiana .All you say is CUT,CUT,CUT,.How about this bloated military budget.Most operations now are done either by drones and special forces.How about getting out of places like Germany.Get out of the middle east completely.And as for Israel if they want to continue to occupy and destroy the land of the palatines then they should be on their OWN.They should stop begging the U.S.for aide.Personally I am tired of my money going to these tyrants.But No you the evil GOP would rather hurt the poor,the elderly,and the middle class.DISGUSTING.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
They just do not get it.
Once again the silly republicans just do not get it.Because they lost and lost big they want to change the electoral college.Instead of candidates winning a states electoral votes by winning the states popular vote.They want the votes to be counted by congressiona districts..For example most urban districts tend to go democratic due to a large percentage of minority and progressive voters. However rural districts in many cases tend to go the opposite.Therefore the electoral votes would be split.In this case Willard Romney would of won with more electoral votes thus he would be president.Even though President Obama won the popular vote by almost 5 million votes. In other words the only way republicans figure they can win is by disenfranchising.voters.Well guess what guys it will not go your way. Just keep digging your graves into a non existence party.GOOD REDDENS.
Meet the Press
Well guess who was on Meet the Press this morning.Silly Congressman Paul Ryan.Yes the same Paul Ryan who wants to cut medicare and social security.NEWS FLASH Mr Ryan I believe you are not Vice President.I believe you lost by almost 5 million votes.Get over it chump.You are ideas were strongly rejected by the American People.Grow Up.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Right on Hillary
It seems like these far right idiot republican politicians will never learn.Take that fool Ram Paul for instance telling Secretary of State Clinton that she should of been fired.Also the other right wing nut who was accusing her of being incompetent was acting dumb and insensitive.Well Hillary told him off pretty good to. This is one party that is doing well on destroying its.Right On.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Historical Speech
Yes the presidents speech was historical.Everyone liberal or conservative the president reached to you..Now republicans it is your turn to work with him and do the right thing.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Something to be Proud Of
Today my friends will the official swearing in of President Obama. First despite all the racism and hate that exists in our country,the first African American president has been reelected to a second term.This is big. So weather you voted for the president or not,this is a day to be proud.Thank You.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Now I do not mean every member,however after the statement of your so called NRA leaders,I wonder why any one would want to be associated with this yahoo organization. First if you really believe in this organization then I would start a campaign to impeach the current leadership.Lets face it my friends bringing in the presidents children in the argument is a low point to say the least.Saying that it is alright for the presidents children to be safe and not anyone else's is not only pathetic but unpatriotic. If you believe this trash then you are either pathetic yourself or just plain ignorant or both.GROW UP no one with common sense is with you.You are loosing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Good for you Govenor Cuomo
That is correct.Today Governor Andrew Cuomo of New..York State signed into law the first gun control legislation since the Sandy Hook School shootings.Stricter back ground checks which will involve feedback from mental health professionals regarding certain clients.The amount of rounds a magazine can shoot off at a time.This is what is needed.The Governor should be congratulated by all for this brave and bold legislation.
Monday, January 14, 2013
the debit ceiling
The tea party insurgents in Congress just want to bring the country to its knees.Well this cannot happen.By not doing this they are saying that they are willing to bankrupt the country. This not only will cause a global disaster,but will hurt the poor and elderly the most.Worst comes to worst the president will hopefully sign a temporary executive order to prevent this atrocity.The tea party repesentives in congress are shameful,despicable human beings.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Where are you Commisioner Gainer
Well Commissioner Gainer I have yet to receive a call back from you concerning your so call pension reform.Not surprised . Why would you want to talk to a person who will be effected by your so called reform. You are a big phony.
Yes the American Civil Liberties Union continues to do a great job in protecting our civil rights.Weather it be voter suppression,unlawful search and seizure,separation of church and state,or any other liberty that the government tries to infringe upon us.The ACLU is there to serve and protect. I urge all to support this organization because freedom is nothing to take for granted.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Periwinkel & Gainer continued
Yes there is much more to known about the twp barracudas.It just amazes me that Cook County which has some of the highest taxes in the U.S. cannot fund their pensions properly.I know friends who viciously lost their homes due to not being able to afford the taxes.Also the county does not even provide a decent payment plan for these folks as other states due.
Also President Periwinkle laid off many hard working employees as soon as she got into office. Most of these poor souls were support staff who play a vital role in keeping the county running.Also many of the people she laid of were her supporters.I guess our prestige's Periwinkle never herd of attrition
Both Periwinkle and Gainer come from two of the most progressive wards in the city.Periwinkle actually comes from the same district as President Barack Obama.All I have to say is this. With progressives like Periwinkle and Gainer who needs the right wing?
Also President Periwinkle laid off many hard working employees as soon as she got into office. Most of these poor souls were support staff who play a vital role in keeping the county running.Also many of the people she laid of were her supporters.I guess our prestige's Periwinkle never herd of attrition
Both Periwinkle and Gainer come from two of the most progressive wards in the city.Periwinkle actually comes from the same district as President Barack Obama.All I have to say is this. With progressives like Periwinkle and Gainer who needs the right wing?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Cook County Bd Members a Disgrace
In the State Of Illinois a pension is a contract that cannot be changed either by law or otherwise.In other words like any other contract once it is signed it has to be honored.If broken then the party responsible is libel.Well that is just what Cook County Board President Toni Periwinkle along with her henchmen Commissioner Bridget Gainer are trying to do. Both of these barracuda's want to cut the cola for well deserved pensioners along with offering a new inferior health care plan. Also it should be noted that in the State of Illinois it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to change pension benefits for current retires and workers.For heaven sake even Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan wanted to phase in medicare and social security benefit changes for people under 55 so current and soon to be retirees would not be hurt. Periwinkle and Gainer who pride themselves as progressives are nothing more then Bain Capital clones.Periwinkle and Gainer cruel,and sadistic human beings.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Chuck Hagel a good choice
I tell you the GOP just can never be satisfied.Chuck Hegel is republican .So whats the beef?
Personally I believe any one who can stand up to Israel for a change is what is needed.
Also what is wrong with using dialogue with Iran instead of Military Action. You know it is easy to bea hawk especially when someone else supports your wars. Pathetic.Oh yes by the way he apologized for his anti gay remarks,which occurred in 1998. An opinions out there?
Personally I believe any one who can stand up to Israel for a change is what is needed.
Also what is wrong with using dialogue with Iran instead of Military Action. You know it is easy to bea hawk especially when someone else supports your wars. Pathetic.Oh yes by the way he apologized for his anti gay remarks,which occurred in 1998. An opinions out there?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Reublican obstruction
You guys once again are showing both your ignorance.How well I will tell you guys since you are not smart enough to figure it out for yourselves.Threatening to close down the government is just plain ignorant and bad for the country. The only good thing that can come out of it is that you guys get voted out of existence. You all are a bunch of traders.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Trader Joe is Gone
Yes I mean Joe Lieberman the former vice presidential and senator of Connecticut .Thank goodness .In 2008 he supported John McCain for president.Disgraceful especially since he was a democrat at the time.Trader Joe is also a hawk when it comes to war.Of course I do not see his children serving.Also a big supporter of the terrorist state of Israel.Get Lost Joe that is the nicest thing I have to say to you trader.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Fox news hits new low
Yes that is right.A couple of days ago fox news actually said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was faking her illness.Reasons are that she is avoiding the Benghazi controversy.This conduct is beyond shameful.Hannity and the rest of you pathetic self centered jack asses owe MRS Clinton and the country an apology.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
boehnors bonner
Yes that is right,Speaker Boehner did it again.This time by shamefully not allowing a vote on the same night of the fiscal cliff vote.Politics as usual Mr Boehnor.In the meantime hurricane sandy victims continue to suffer.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Yes I agree with CUTS.However not cuts for the poor,middle class and elderly,but cuts on DEFENSE.Yes you want to know how this mess happened?Well let me tell you.Two unpaid wars one especially unnecessary,tax cuts that favor the wealthy,and just way to much spent on defense in general.My plan first a 50% across the board cut on defense spending in general.Next a freeze on hiring all new military personal,a withdrawal of all military bases in Germany and several more bases around the world.Due to technology the use of drones and the productivity of special forces there is no need to have a military as the size it is.It is time to move on first with the policy that war can once and for all be a thing of the past.
Next if some kind of military action is needed the drones and the special forces can handle it.Next a full withdrawal of all our forces in the middle east.Especially Saudi Arabia.Most important it is time for Israel to fend for themselves.The United States has sacrificed enough for this ungratefully country.I guarantee the threat of international terrorism will come down to minimum.
Next if some kind of military action is needed the drones and the special forces can handle it.Next a full withdrawal of all our forces in the middle east.Especially Saudi Arabia.Most important it is time for Israel to fend for themselves.The United States has sacrificed enough for this ungratefully country.I guarantee the threat of international terrorism will come down to minimum.
The Cliff
Well thanks mainly to President Obama and Vice President Biden we are still above the fiscal cliff.It was not the deal I hoped for ,however it is still a decent deal which favors not just a majority of U.S.citizens but all citizens.For the renegades of the ever dying insurgent tea party,I ask you this is it not patriotic for all to come together to make the country strong again?Please post a comment.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
congrats V.P.Bieden
Mr Vice President no it is not perfect but you still did well dealing with the right wing extremist GOP.Now lets just hope Speaker Boehnor can do his part.
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