A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Happy New Year
This is what needs to be done in 2014.Minimum Wage over $10.00 an hour.Less tax breaks for the wealthy and more fainess for middleclass and less well off americans.The gap between rich and poor must be reduced.Along with policies to protect are privacy and constitutional rights
Sunday, December 29, 2013
I sincerly beleieve that once the new health care law continues to get more folks to sign up for it the law will be a huge success.Along with that succces will come a spike in both the presidents poll numbers and the democrats in Congress.As usuall the GOP continnues with lies and treachery ,but I guess that is their EVIL NATURE
Monday, December 23, 2013
Happy Holidays Mr President
You did a great job this year sir!Enjoy your holiday and vaction with your family you earned it.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Duck Dynasty must go
This no room today for hatred and bigotry in the media.That is why Duck Dynasty must be cancelled until a formal apology is made by the star of the Mr Robertson.Racism ,hate and homophobia hiding under the Christen label is blasphemy.By the way I did see Sara Palin and her other right wing insurgents complain when Alec Baldwin was suspended for making an anti gay slander.Hippocrates .Guess what these people are not real Christens any way.The Evangelicals,Pentecostals follow there own bran of Christianity.They are not representatives of the Christen community but representatives of evil cults.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
bah humbug?
The answer is yes BAH HUMBUG is no longer owned by Mr Scrooge but now owned by the GOP.Not reducing unemployment insurance is pure greed and evil.The Republican answer to unemployment starve to death in the cold.The answer to health care get sick and die.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Fat Foot in Fat Mouth
Good Old Boy and over weight Rush is at it again.In recent months this obnoxious man has promoted fast food joints like Burger King over eating healthy.Of course he was was obnoxiously speaking out against Michell Obamas eat healthy for young people movement.Well look at the First Lady and look at Rush.Go figure? Now he is onceagain attacking women.Saying that in public you should tell a women to stop pointing her breast in your face.What a stup!But keep it up Rush all the major radio stations are droping you.Hopefully this means that the rst of the right wing insurgents like you will just fade into the OZONE.It will happen sooner rather later.The next generation the Milliens will not put with outdated right wing CRAP!
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Meeting with Dictaors
Well lets look into this so called controversy.Roosevelt met with Stalin who was an ally in World War Two. JFK met with Krushcef which really came in handy during the Cuban Missile Crisis which prevented a nuclear war! Nixon met with Mao and opened up China which by the way was the beginning of the end of the cold war. Carter met with Sadat and Began,Reagan met with leaders from the Soviet union.Once again republicans you have made fools out of yourselves.
McCain Sour Grapes
You should talk Senator.Yes President Obama shook hands with Raul Castro.That is called diplomacy.DA! Also my friend you shook hands and had a grand old time hanging out with Qaddafi.Listen McCain it is time to retire if you cant do any better then that.You have become a disgrace senator.Quit while you are ahead.Dialogue is what our leaders need to do senator!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Food Stamps are for the most part for hard working people making not enough money to feed their families.People like FAT ASS RUSH and all the traitors at FOX know this.However they are hateful racist people,. By the way more white people are on food stamps then minorities..
Saturday, November 30, 2013
single payer
One of the reasons why there has been problems with the affordable Care Act is because the plan still deals with insurance companies.Insurance companies are just out for profit.Do not get me wrong the plan has many protections in it that will help all of us.So when the right wing tea party nuts say this Socialism,they do not understand economics and should keep their mouths SHUT.Socialism I. wish it was.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Yes and I mean that.Last night on Thanksgiving night my brother and I called 911 and brought my mother to the emergency room due to sever back pain..A Nightmare!First they had her just laying on the bed for HOURS before she was even looked at.Finally the doctor came to look at her.The doctor was polite asked her the usual questions checked her out and ,gave her pain medication and ordered a cats span.When that was over we waited a couple of hours just to hear the results.;After almost five hours they said no fracture it was caused by arthritis's due to a cervical nerve in her back.That did not qualify for her to be admitted in the hospital.Even though she could not move or go to the bathroom by herself . This was all explained to the doctor all he said was well we can give her more pain medication before she leaves,WELL I JUST ABOUT HAD IT.My saturation point finally exploded .After yelling,swearing threatening to leaver my mother there and not bring her home,which I would not really do they finally agreed to admit her.I must give credit to the nurse I talked to because he shown a much more humanist attitude toward the situation.I would like to hear from folks in the medical community about their opinion on the situation.This is another example about profit before care.If I would of had to bring my mother home and something would of happened to her,rest assure I would sue their asses of.No TORT REFORM.Hospitals and doctors must be held accountable.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Demorcrats support the presidents health care plan.
There is nothing to be ashamed of fellow democrats.The presidents plan is working and you guys know it.First being denied for preexisting conditions is no longer,adult children may stay on their parents plan up until their 26th birthday.Also this thing about not being able to keep the insurance plan you like?Well it is not the presidents plan it is the financial choice of the insurance companies that have the choice within the guidelines to protect the consumer.All policies have a out of pocket maximum that will prevent bankruptcies.Also a policy cannot be rescinded if you get sick and can no longer have caps.Also this is not a government take over if anything it is expanding the free enterprise system.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Out Dated
The GOP knows they are outdated.The party of hate and deceit know damn well that they are outdated and soon to go into extinction if they do not see the errors in their way.Get with it or Get Out.
nucler option
Unfortunately this nuclear option was a must.Why? Because the republican party abused it to the point where business could not get done.When they hold up the appointments to the federal court just because they cannot get over that they lost an election is bad for the country.So Mitch Jackass McConnell GROW UP.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Florida from purple to blue
ST.Petersburg Florida once a republican stronghold due to its large senior population has swung democratic.First with the the first Democratic mayor elected since 1975.Next a democrat running for U.S. congress in that area is ahead in the polls.Why is this happening?Changing demographics that are also happening in other areas of Florida.A large flex of Hispanics and African Americans of voting age have emerged.Also thanks to expansion of the silicon valley generation young urban professionals are now moving to Florida.This is especially true in areas like Orlando another former GOP area,that has a democratic mayor and one of the most liberal members in Congress Allen Grayson. RIGHT ON.GOP your stranglehold is dissolving.
Friday, November 15, 2013
Stay with us dems
For the most part I am talking about red state democrats.What these democrats need to do is explain that the republican propaganda machine is up to their usual dirty tricks.Spreading lies that the new health care system has failed just because of a few glitches is ludicrous. Also when in the hell are Americans going to quit being stupid! I mean of course if a plan is not up to code and the insurer refuses to go up to code,then blame the insurer not the government.Well if you watch FOX and listen to RUSH I question your judgement anyway.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Stop Lying Mitch
Here we go again.Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell is using his cooperate fascist propaganda by criticizing The Affordable Care Act.Here we go again about people who's plans were cancelled.Hey Mitch it was the COOPERATE FASCIST INSURANCE COMPANIES that cancelled the junk insurance policies because they refuse to expand up to code.If an insurance policy cannot not do the right thing it should be abolished.So republicans like Mithcy Mac rather suck up to Big Insurance and let people keep their junk plans.PATHETIC.
Monday, November 11, 2013
A Fake and a Phoney
Yes I am talking about the big shot bully Chris Christie again.First of all there was nothing historic about his victory.This election first of all had a very low turn out.In the neighborhood of 37% .What is historic about that?Time magazine could of found someone better for their cover.
Why New Jersey?
New Jersey how can you elect a progressive like Cory Booker and then reelect a right wing conservative like Chris Cristie.Anti union anti women anti public employee,anti choice.Reelecting this man was a disgrace.
lies and myths continnue
Yes that's right.How many times must this be stated.The president is not the one who took away the health care from the 5% who had poor policies.It was the greedy insurance companies who took these folks off the roles.Why because they were not up to code and refused to become up to code.So I am asking the media explain the truth.Some like Ed Schultz have.The web site is not only being fixed but one can sign up by phone or in person.As far as young people are concerned they need health care just as much as anyone else.So young folks you must sign up and get covered.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Health Care is working
Yes folks that is right.The GOP in their cruel manipulative wisdom as usual is telling lies and stretching the truth about the program.First you can keep your own doctor and stay on the plan you have.The 5% of policies that cancelled folks were junk policies.In other words the plans were scams that did not make the standards.These include not being turned down due to pre exisiting conditions,preventive care such as physicals and nor being drooped if you get sick.Give it up GOP the people are wise to your lies and manipulation.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Yes the insurgent traitors also known as the tea party want to force changes in the social security system.Congress and the President must not cave in and let them use Social Security as a bargaining Chip.This is really not an entitlement it is what people earned.The tea party beside being traders are also pawns for cooperate fascism.However we will not let Cooperate America do this .This also shows the stupidity of tea party supporters who are working against their own common good.WAKE UP!
Friday, October 18, 2013
Hands of entitlements
Yes entitlements are still on the list of cuts the GOP would like to make.It is just like them to okay subsidies for big oil,pour billions into the defense budget and support the war machine.Who do insurgents like Paul Ryan want to hurt?Working folks like us who earned their social security and medicare benefits.No way! Also local governments on both sides of the isle hands of pensions!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Boehners biggest Bonner
Yes this goverment shut down Boehner right between the eyes.Instead of standing up to right wing tea party insurgents he sucked up to them ..All out of self preservation and greed.Shame on you again Mr Boehner.
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Well folks it is getting down to the wire.Retirement security which is already experiencing problems across the board will be in jeopardy.Portfolios may be drained another 1929 is just around the corner.Why is this happening arrogance,ego and the lust for power.Tea party radicals who do not except the way democracy operates will do anything to bring down the government.The speaker of the house and republican congressmen like Trey Radial of Florida's 14th district can change all this.However Speaker Bohner instead of acting like speaker of the United States rather be speaker of the insurgent tea party.Jefferson Davis would be proud of him.Congressmen Radial and others like him will do anything to avoid a primary challenge.This puts these shameful member of congress on the same level of the confederate insurgency of the American Civil War. End this now and prevent a catastrophe
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
A train wreck
That's right folks we have a train wreck in the making.We are just two days away from the country going belly up if the debt ceiling is not raised.These radicals in the congress who are willing to bring down both the presidency and the country are no better the confederate insurgents who started the civil war.The country cannot continue to let these treasonous villains prevail. They must be stopped.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Boehners Bonners Continue
Well just what does it take for this speaker of the house to get the message.Are you that self serving sir?Will you bring down the country? Are you willing to see our economy crash?Will you still continue to suck up the right wing extremist just so you can still be speaker?How do you sleep at night?
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Discharge Petition
We need 18 republicans to have the moral courage to sign a discharge petition with the democrats.This is for the greater good of the country.It is time to stand up and have moral courage,unlike Mr Boehner who lacks the courage and responseability as a public servant and a citizen.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Yes that means you Mr Speaker The point is you refuse to do just that.If you are are afraid of challening the most extreme voices in your party,then being speaker is not for you.If you do not have the moral courage to do this you are just as bad as the insane right wing hooligans who have started this.Well Mr Speaker what do yoy say?Do you want your legacy to be a true American who took a stand to save the country from default,or are you a coward?Right now you are defintley looking like a coward.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Health Care Rocks
Well right wing nuts 8 million people are signing up for health care.Now what do you insurgents have to say about this.Face it it is not the health care that bothers you,it is the fact that we have an African American President and you can not handle it.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
The Discharge Petition Day 5 of the Shut Down
Well this can be one way to break the shut down.This will take moral courage on behalv of the more reasonable republicans in Congress.House Democrats can force a vote on a clean funding bill.All that is needed is 218 votes.Democrats already have 200 votes,they only need 18 republicans.So the issue of moral courage is once again upon us.Will the center right republicans stand up to the far right wing of their party?We will see.
Friday, October 4, 2013
anarchist insurgents continue their purge
Today is day 4 of the of the Goverment shut down.A shut down caused by a radicall right wing faction of the republican party.This action is nothing short of anarchy and an insurgency to exstort the federal goverment.The republicans who are responsible for this are not only a disgrace but it is also a treasons act of nature.All they want is to see people suffer. They do not care about the dammage they have already caused to our economy.They are no better then the conferdreacy the federal goverment put down in the American Cilvi war.Shame of thease traitors.Mr Speaker you can change this. Stand up and be a human being and have the moral courage to fix this.Placteing to the insurgents is not the the way to govern.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Republicans are still talking the same old song and dance.I just love it when they accuse the president of being for bi business over the common people.GIVE ME a BREAK. I mean really has the GOP become that desperate.
Mean and Selv Serving is what the SPEAKER OF THE House represents.By leading this shut down he will be responsible for people not getting paychecks,hurting the econmy and other society ill This is not leadership,this is a LAKEY>Shame on You Mr Speaker.s.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Another reason for this shutdown is racism.Why because they hate the president.Republican racist officals hate the goverment.Not all of them but a very large percentage do.Dreadfull UGLY people.
Anarchy and Treason
Yes that is just what the republican tea party has become.Shutting down the government will not only hurt the economy but will impair vital services.This is morally criminal ,these thugs want to bring down the government and that is nothing short of treason. I call on a full investigation of these treasonous thugs.I call on the Speaker of the House to get some balls and stop the enemy while he still can.There is no place in the United States Goverment for Anarchy and Treason.
Monday, September 23, 2013
cutthroats,tramps,and thieves
Yes this is the name of the GOP.Only a cutthroat and a thug would shut down the government for their own personnel gaols. To all the fools that support the GOP you are either greedy unpatriotic or just plain STUPID.Yes I rarely agree with the governor of redneck Louisiana ,however he was right when he called the republican party the the party of stupid.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Well Mr Speaker you want to keep all your perks as speaker that you are willing to sell out your country.What the tea party wants is okay with you even if it means shutting down the government.Disgraceful.But what do you care your still speaker that's all that counts.
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
republicans are responsible
Here we go again.First the republican party is once again trying to get rid of The presidents health care program by cutting funding.Another mass shooting and still no move yet on background checks..If you want to own a gun,then you need to pass the same psychological test a law enforcement has to.Of course the gun lobby disagrees.They want to sell more guns and do not care how many folks are killed and wounded in the process. The gun lobby and the GOP are RADICAL THUGS.They must be voted out.A gun is only for thing.TO KILL.Which means trhe GOP are a bunch of mad dog killers.As usual the irresponsible state is responsible for all of the ABOVE.The reason the GOP is against gun control is that they world never pass a psychological exam.
Saturday, September 14, 2013
a personell message
Some folks might think the last couple of post might of been offensive to certain folks.my answer TOUGH.Either you like me or I do not like you.
Friday, September 13, 2013
religous tolerance
As some of you may recall in a past post in late July I discussed a heated issue I had with a member of the Pentecostal church.The discussion was heated becouse this person so arrogantly attacked an opnion of mine. I responded by defending myself and attacking back to shut the person up.It worked.However I sincerely believe that interfaith dialog works if both persons listen to what the other is saying.By attacking like this person did turns what could be a very heartfelt dialogue in to a hateful conversation.Let me reassure everyone this hopefully will not happen again.Talking to some people about faith is like talking to a drunk.They do not hear you so why bother discussing anything of importance with a person with this attitude.Now this summer I also had the opportunity to have an interfaith dialog with a priest and catholic scholars at different times.Now this discussion came out wonderful because we listened and respected each other.To m,y so called Pentecostal fiend listen to the other person in a conversation you might just learn something.
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Another silly white male
Now it really is becoming embarrassing how ridiculous some of my fellow white males have digressed.The other day in Chicago I was out with some friends.There was one man in paticular who expressed a racist reason why he was republican.The funny thing about it was he most likely did not even realize it was racist.However as said in the criminal justice system ignorance of the law is no excuse.In this case ignorance is no excuse for racism.The young man stated that he is a republican because he sees most of his check paying for programs taking care of people who do not work.Obis this silly person does not do reaserch and was just talking out of his behind.The goof also believes that democrats want to take away his second amendment rights.WRONG.If this goof would just read and listen to what is being said he would know that background checks do not take guns away from law abiding sane citizens.Of course this gentlemen may have a problem with the word sane. As the day progressed in to evening he became drunk obnoxious and even more silly to point I would no longer listen to him.So once again the obnoxious white male has proven why the republican party is collapsing.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Saturday, August 31, 2013
hans off Syria
John Kerry you were right when you said the American people are weary of war. However Sir when you said being war weary is not a reason to avoid are responsibilities,you were right but for different reason.Bombing Syria .You should know this sir.I recall Viet Namn also a civil war with atrocities being committed.You were also one of the largest voices back the3n against the that war,So what is your reason for supporting a military Acton now?
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Racism alive and well
Yes that is right.Most of this has gotten worse since President Obama took office.Right wing republicans mostly in the south and rural ares of the Midwest are the ones responsible for this shameful activity.Let me be clear not all rural areas are like this.However this rural and urban divide must stop.This surge in racism must stop.Look GOP there will always be another ELECTION SO INSTEAD OF BECOMING A MODERN VERSION OF THE KKK,stick to the issues on the next election.DAH it does not take a brain surgeon to figure this out.Of course you are the party of stupidly..
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Welcome Back Ed Schultz
Welcome back to weekdays on msnbc.Why they ever took you off the weekday circuit we wll never know.However you are back and that is all that counts.
Thursday, August 22, 2013
BackGround Checks
Our country would of had another school tragedy involving guns this morning if it had not been for the courage of a school employee who talked the gunman down.The incident happened in the State of Georgia. It turns out that the gunman just happened to be not only a convicted felon but also encountered mental health issues.Now if this man went through a background check this incident would of never happened.So what does it take for a do nothing republican House of Representatives to act on this issue.I say vote the CLOWNS OUT.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Senator Cruz where is your birth certificate
Yes Senator Cruz where is it?Senator Cruz from Texas admitted that he was born in Canada to an American Mother President Obama was born in Hawaii to an American Mother in 1961.Hawaii became a state in 1959.Even if the President was born in another country which he was not,he was still born to an American mother.So Senator and tea party insurgents what do you have to say to that.Admit you are just RACIST.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Due to the lack of services that to should help our citizens they are cut due to the evil sequester.This WRONG GOP.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Putin and the Religous Right
Who would of thought that Putin and the religious right would have anything in common.They do their stand on gay rights.I think both of you better check your priorities
Putin and Russia
You would think a head of state would have better things to do then making anti gay laws.This just goes to show that Russia once again has moved back to the dark ages.Putin is a nut and a thug who must prove his so called man hood.Well Mr Putin if you insist on this oppressive stupidity then the Olympics should be moved to another country.This way you will loose out on improving your economy.Get into the 21st century sir.If any one from Russian s see this your country is in trouble.Mr putin must go.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Stop destroying the country
I mean you in the Republican House.To hold up a budget because you do not like the law of the land is pure evil.Stop or get out.Grow up and lets move forward.Tea Party destruction will not be tolerated.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Sunday, August 4, 2013
privacy vs seurity
The answer we need both.There needs to be a way where we can be protected with out the government monitoring our phone and email records.
Monday, July 29, 2013
New York Mayors race
first of all who cares about this guys kinky habits.The problem is once they are discovered either say this is what you are into or stop it.Dude with all the technology in the world you must realize that you cannot do these things and lie about it.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
End the filibuster
The filibuster is only to be used for extreme situations not as a way to continually block legislation.When es it becomes obstruction the work of insurgents.That is what the tea party and Republicans are all about.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
politics and religion
Well first of all I will never stop talking about politics.Nor will I religion however one must always be prepared from an attack from the less tolerant.who are these less tolerant in my opinion it is The Christen right or as I say the Christen wrong.Here is an example why I express this opinion.Sunday night I had dinner with some very good friends.They also had two other friends their a mother and her young daughter.We had political conversations thru most of dinner and even though we did not agree we got along.. As the night went on we played cards. Still all is well.Then it happened the movie the Chronicles of Nirvana came up.I made the statement I did not see the movie due to its emphasis in Christianity.The other guest said that was NARROW MINDED. Well I then said if I prefer not to be exposed to Christianity then why would I see a movie about it. Well then after that name calling statement of narrow mindedness this person had the gull to say that Christianity.is in most movies.I asked how it is in most movies. She said when you see the difference between right and wrong that is Christianity.I say that is a lot of malarkey.Why because Christianity is not the only religion and philosophy that differs between right and wrong.Here again is the arrogance of the Evangelical Christens.It is there way or the highway.This women I believe is a good person at heart.This person also had the gull to put down the Catholic church the Unity and Unitarian Church. So I was unjustly attacked and I struck back.Who would want to spend eternity with all these born agains I sure do not.She also made outrageous statements such as other beliefs are what people want to believe not what is true.Well Ms I have this to ask you how do you no that is not what you are doing.The bible could be just that.There is np proof that the bible is true.I believe in something else.I may believe that the bible is just another popular book when it comes down to peoples belief in what they want to believe in.Just another tale in the Christen Wrong putting people down who express an opinion against their view points it is this narrow mindedness and intolerance as to why many of us on the progressive side call the Christen Right The American Taliban..Thank You and please post your opinions.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Florida Boycott
Yes i believe Stevie wonder did the right thing by refusing to preform in Florida due to the stand your ground.It seems like Governor Rick Scott will not do any thing to change this law either.So as a Florida resident I support the Florida boycott.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Not Gulity ?
Okay here is how I see it and some of you may be shocked by my answer.First of all I sincerely believe the jury made the right decision.Now before some of you get all huffy about this let me explain.First when you look at the facts of the case and all the evidence and Florida law.There were to many doubts.Which means if there is any reasonable doubt at all the defendant is not guilty.Not guilty legally that is.Folks it is not weather the person committed the crime it is weather it can be proven that a crime was committed.In this case the state failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime of murder 2 or manslaughter was committed.I am not saying that morally the defendant is not guilty.That is a question that will be with us for years.I am also not saying that there cannot be a civil trial either.as far as federal charges are concerned that should be based on fact only not media or petition's. So everyone take a deep breath and let the professionals do their work with out biases.
Monday, July 8, 2013
goodbye rick perry
Governor Rick Perry has been nothing less then a disaster for anything in the name of progressive.With issues like prayer in school and the most recent controversy over abortion clinics it is time to say goody to his yahoo politics.Good Riddens
Sunday, July 7, 2013
pass the bill
Okay house of reps it is time to pass immigration reform NOW.This especially goes out to you GOP reps.Do what you are suppose to do.It has been proven time and time again that not only is this the humane thing to do but it will also be a boom for the econmy. Also GOP quit fussing over the security issue.This country already is in over kill with security.Between the hassles at the airports Internet and phone spying GIVE ME A BREAK.So get to work and pass this bill.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Mess with Texas part Two
Today the extreme right wing Texas legislature will have a special session to pass their anti choice legislation.As we know this was filibustered by democrat Wendy DAVIS.It will most likely pass this time around however the resistance to this RIGHT WING EXTREMISM is stronger then ever.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Justice Roberts how could you? What kind of JUSTICE are ruling on the voting rights act. Yes race relations have improved somewhat.Sure there is no more poll tax nor is there a test African Americans had to take before they could vote either.HOWEVER discriminated voting ID laws and cutting back early voting is almost as bad.And you cannot tell me MR JUSTICE that you do not know this.How you can actually think most Americans believe your legal jargon. Shame on you and the other 5 justices who voted along with you.You SIR NO BETTER.
Thursday, June 27, 2013
Right On Wendy
Yes right one Wendy Davis for the courage you have shown in forcing that filibuster.Governor Rick Perry and the Texas republican legislature should be ashamed of themselves.For 40 years these right wing extremist have been trying to overturn Roe V Way which if happened would once again put women in harms way.However these extremist mostly men could care less.So once again lets all congratulate Wendy Davis for her heroic deed.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
extremist strike again
That is right folks the extremist GOP has done it again.This time they passed another unconstitutional anti abortion bill that is unconditional and attacks women's rights.Anti women Anti gay,anti labor,anti freedom,anti human.Brought to by today's GOP.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Run Charlie Run
Folks I am talking about the former and hopefully the future governor of Florida Charlie Crist.This weekend I had honor of meeting Governor Crist at a democratic event in Naples Florida.Let me tell you the reaction and the number of people in attendence was hugh.This was especially good news since Naples FL is not only a republican stronghold but also the home of current republican and tea party Govnor Rick Scott. As we all know Governor Christ is a former republican turned independent and as December 2012 he became a democrat.Governor Christ also threw in his support for the reelection of President Obama this fall.The Governor left the republican party because they no longer stand for the values he believes in. When Charlie Crist was Governor Florida was becoming one of the most progressive states in the country.Now under the leadership of Rick Scott and the tea party legislature it has become one of the most backward states again.People of Florida rise up and support Charlie Crist so he runs and becomes our next Governor.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
patiorit act
Okay folks enough is enough the patriot act has got to go.Why because we may not have a trustful administration in office in the future like we do now.Yes I trust President Obama but I never trusted any of the Bush presidents.Or a VP like Dick Cheney.No way those guys would trample over your rights with no remorse what so ever. So go away patriot act and do not come back.Also once you start giving up rights like privacy for security you have no security.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
rip off cable salletie
Let me tell you they all SUCK.That's right I have been having a problem with my cable and Internet.First of all in the near future I will cancel some of my movie channels.Possibly even HBO.Service is lousy when something goes wrong they can not figure out how it happened and they give you stupid answers.MORAN'S the whole lot of them.Best bet get a digital antenna and watch network and PBS if worst comes to worst.Next we all need to look hard for a decent Internet provider.if any one works for one of the incompetent cable agency's I wold like to hear from you.i do not n mean individuals who work for the companies but you are not working for good people that is for sure.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Give me a break.The gentleman who leaked information to the Guardian about how the government is invading the privacy of citizens is not spying.All he did was let the people know what was happening.It is the patriot act that is the bad guy here.Basically I believe since the beginning of the cold war this has been going on.The only difference is technology is more advanced.Chew on that for a while and send me a comment on this blog.
Monday, June 10, 2013
greed and war
Yes greed and war go and hand.I am a baby boomer.When I grew up the economy was booming.Even when their was a recession,in today's world it would be called a recovery.Why? Well here is what I have to say about it.First of all there is Greed.For example lets look at professional sports.To see a major league baseball game today with good seats for a good team tickets go anywhere from 75 dollars to well over 100 dollars. Now you tell me,what kind of middle class family can afford that? No athlete or any human being is worth tens of millions of dollars.GREED is the answer.Hollywood,rock bands all are part of the problem.CEOs they are the worst when it comes to the divide.Yes it is time to spread the wealth.Also unnecessary war billions went into Iraq and Afghanistan in the name of so called national security. In the 90s there was a rival of the economy.However when George W Bush became president,his policy's of greed and war took over.It is time for real reform now.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Chris Crisiti ?
What a phony,having the special election so it could benefit him.Fist of all let me say that is fine,but please do not come out like some reform crusader dude.Next let me say this.The man is no moderate by any means.Anyone who is anti worker,anti union,anti public school,and anti teacher is a right wing extremist.New Jersey what is wrong with you.You are a proud democratic state.So act like one.Do not give this rude obnoxious bully any more popularity.Please act like the proud democratic state you are.
Friday, June 7, 2013
Phone Taps
This has been going on since 2001.Don't blame the pres blame Congress and the patriot act.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Republican digruntlement
Deficit down,unemployment down,housing sales up,and they still whine.It just proves they are mad that the country is getting better under the direction of a president who they strongly dislike.So what do they do?They wine and cry like children and go on witch hunts.Grow up people the country has had with you right wing jokers.
Saturday, June 1, 2013
concealed weapons?
No individual who is not a professional law enforcement officer should have the right to carry a concealed weapon.Wyatt Earp had the right idea.When an individual entered Dodge City when he was Town Marshall it was required to turn in your guns.The penalty was 10 days in jail if a person failed to do so.This was an ordnance created by Marshall Earp and the Dodge City town council.So if all you gun rights extremist want to be like the wild west,follow Wyatt Earps example.
Thank you Mayor Bloomberg
Thank You mayor and thank you for your organization Mayors against illegal guns.Because of your courage to stand up against the NRA support for background checks among the people has increased sufficiently.Thank You for your service.
Friday, May 31, 2013
Going Going Gone
Yes that is what I have to say about right wing tea party extremist and so called congress women Michell Bachman She never did anything but use fear mongering to get her message across.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
no politics today
Due to the destruction caused by tornado's in Moor Oklahoma I will refrain from politics today.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Bravo Angelia
That's right what Angelia Jolie did once she found out that she had an 85 percent change of breast cancer by taking a courageous step of courage to correct it. both women and men need to have the type of courage this great heroin has.I myself will work on having this type of courage.Lets also congratulate her partner Brad Pitt for standing by her side during this courageous experience.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Bachmann for real?
Michele Bachmann is more then a joke.Impeachment?Are you serious lady.Talk about living in the republican bubble.If you feel so strong about freedom and honesty in government then you should of wanted to impeach Bush and Cheney about lying about Iraq.What are doing in a liberal state like Minnesota what an embarrassment for the state and the country.
petty scandles
All Right enough is enough.The administration has been cleared over Benghazi.The IRS issue is a joke.I mean give me a break folks.Nothing was illegal about this.The tea party and other groups like this promote an anti tax agenda.That is not social welfare,which is what they are suppose to be for tax exempt status.Again as I mentioned in previous blogs the self righteous GOP never said anything when progressive groups were being monitored by the IRS.GOP equals HYPOCRITES.
Friday, May 17, 2013
Republican Hypricrates
Oh yes it was all right for the IRS to target the ACLU .But to investigate the TEA PARTY my goodness that is wrong.Baloney once again the republican party has proven to be a bunch of hypocrites.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Christen Right is Christen WRONG
I was just talking to one of these folks the other day.The person said that Muslims want to kill Christens.WRONG .That is just an excuse for hatred.Hate is what the Christen Right is all about.Especially since they have no documentation of the main stream Muslim community ever supporting this type of action.If anything it is the Christen Right who wants to kill Muslims in the so called name of the lord.Hypocritical.
The Press
Stop Stop Stop.Now the press is whining about the justice department getting info on reporters phone numbers and other areas of concern.Well folks remember the leaks that went out in the past years over national security?GET OVER IT.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Get Over It McCain
Yea that's you John McCain 11 hearings have been held.Yes that is right 11on Benghazi and it is not the fault of the administration.You are still crying over your 2008 loss.Listen up SIR Listen Up you ran a bad campaign,not only did you support bad policies you also threw Goofy Sara Palin on the country.Besides it was George W Bush who really hurt your chances in 2000.Remember all the lies his campaign threw at you.So either shut up or retire and get richer making speeches.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
All right you useless nerdy republicans you have very little chance of winning major elections so what do you do,You make a political issue out of this ENOUGH.Grow up and act like ADULTS.
IRS and The Tea Party
All right folks the IRS did nothing wrong by investigating the tea party.After all they wanted tax exempt status and this is the price you pay.We all know that the tea party and right wing groups have crossed the line and have become extremist organizations bordering TREASON.Therefor they need all the government oversight possible.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Yes Gitmo is a disgrace.Since the detainees were not charged with a crime,nor given Geneva Convection rights they have to either have their day in court or released.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
using caution
We should all feel reassured that we have a president who wants to use caution instead of just rushing to war,unlike his predecessor George W Bush.In a press conference this week President Obama said that there needs to be more info about the Syrian Government using chemical weapons on its people.No red line has yet been crossed with the info the government has. Also sending ground troops is not an option.Whatever the case,jumping into war is wrong..Senator McCain Senator Graham and other so called hawks who want to beat the drums of war,will only bring more death and debt to our nation.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Last week is over and I say good ridden.First we had the bombs in Boston. Next the do nothing U.S.senate filibustering the background checks for guns. Very Bad.Worse then then that PATHETIC.The U.S.the only democracy in the world where even if you have the majority of the votes you still can loose.Grow up Republican senators and a few Democrats.It is time to either do what is right or RESIGN.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
What is with the paranoia.Yesterday I attended a vigil in Florida in a rather conservative part of the state.And the support was overwhelming. However as usual there were a few disgruntled angry white men.Who even got a little violent with their words over the issue. Should people with these kinds of temperaments have guns?I believe the current gun registration that is up for debate in the house does not go far enough. I still believe first, not just a ban on assault weapons but also a ban on handguns.This does not take away any weapons from the hunter.Next besides a national registry of gun owners,everyone who wishes to posses a gun even for hunting must pass a psychological test.One much like what police officers take. Why because you want to have a weapon that is attended for one purpose to KILL.This obsession over guns is sick and repressive.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Hands of social security and medicare
That's right Mr President as much as I respect you cuts in social security and medicare is not an option.If John Boahner and his GOP thugs refuse to have their billionaire buddies pay their fair share,then let it be on their heads.Also any democrat who votes for this budget will be have a strong primary challenge.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Doma must go
You right wing zealots need to to grow up. Separation of church and state means your religious views cannot affect the government.Let people marry if they want to. If you are for DOMA then you are BIG GOVERNMENT.Gay marriage will not hurt or effect anyone.Live and let live.However if the right wing believed in that saying they would of supported The Affordable Care Act. Right Wing Zealots and Hypocrites have no business in suppressing constitutional rights.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Bloomberg Rocks
Mayor Bloomberg of New York City is right. We need an assault weapons ban and universal background checks.Congress i know it is hard but have some backbone on this Issue.The NRA IS WRONG.And if you are a NRA member you should QUIT and be ashamed of what they now stand for.The NRA is now an insurgency that must be stopped NOW.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Spending less
Yes folks the U.S. is spending less.In fact back to 1972 standards.The defict is also going down.Whats the problem GOP.It IS GREED.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Ashley Judd Rocks
Right on the beautiful and talented Ashley Judd will kick Mitch McConnell's ASS in the Kentucky U.S.senate election.The election will be in 2014.RIGHT ON
Monday, March 11, 2013
Hello Everyone
Hi folks we are back after taking a week off. Big news budget and sequester.Again i have to say that the GOP must commit to more revenue spending ,leave entitlements alone,and quit k sucking up to the 1 percent.That is all for now.
Friday, March 1, 2013
Mad Man Scalia
Well Mr Scalia you are CRAZY.Which means you are not fit to be on any court let along the Supreme Court.Really voting racial entitlement.Disgusting you are also a disgrace to the Italin community.
No Joke
Well the extreme right wing GOP has once again proven that they are a party of obstruction.Workers being furloughed,student grants cut,aide to children cut,security of the nation in jeopardy.I have an idea, how about macho man Paul Ryan giving up his salary during the crisis.Okay how about halve the salary.Oh another thing Mr Ryan give up your health care.After all you work for the federal government they provide your health care,which means you have government health care. Double standard Mr Ryan,don't you think?
Thursday, February 28, 2013
mean spirted
That is all I really have to say about the majority of house republicans.That is how history will define them if they let the sequester go through.
violence against womens act
Well it looks like the house will do the right thing in this case. The Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women's Act will be reinstated.This of course is only after lots of pressure has been put on by mainly backward white republican conservative males.It must be a testosterone thing why some of these insensitive men voted against it.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Once again Speaker Boehner has hit a big LOW.Saying that the the president is using the military as some kind of pawn to get his budget passed is just plain wrong.Disgusting.
Sunday, February 24, 2013
5 days
Okay GOP time is running out.You have just 5 days to work this out with the president.Tell your tea party supporters to GROW UP.this is no time for obstruction.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Well the GOP strikes again they rather bring the country to a halt,break the economy then have their billionaire friends give up anything.Pathetic
Saturday, February 16, 2013
the new MCcarthy era
Yes the spirt of right wing extremist Senator Joe McCarthy is back.You see it in everyday activities in the Congress by the actions of tea party republicans .Or you can see that attitude being used during the Secretary of Defense confirmation hearings.An example can be from freshmen Senator Cruz of .you guessed it TEXAS.This arrogant phony had the nerve to accuse a war hero like Senator Haggle as basically anti American.Of course Cruz never served.Also when Cruz makes accusations that Iran is rooting for Haggle is a LIE..He is indirectly calling the man a anti American who supports terrorism.Just like Senator McCarthy in the fifty's when he accused officials in the government as communist.This has to stop.It is dangerous immoral and BAD for THE COUNTRY.How can one not say that the GOP is nothing but EXTREME RIGHT WING OBSTRUCTIONIST.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Obama Rocks
One great State of The Union speech.In fact it was so great that sour pusses like Rubio,Bohner and other GOP members were just negative with the same old tune.I mean just watch Rubio and his negative response after the speech.Or Speaker Bohner saying that the president has no guts.Well i thought it was very gutsy.Hey GOP YOU LOST GET OVER IT .Start acting like ADULTS.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
3 trillion on military and security
Hey everyone I said this before.The military and homeland security need to be cut.Actually homeland security needs to be eliminated.Gestapo searches and abuses need to cease at the Airports enough is enough over this paranoid crap.Need to cut at least halve the bases,need to cut halve the military staff.
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Post Office
Okay I will be brief and to the point.Stay open on Saturday.The savings will not be that much,also it will cut lots of jobs.Once again the GOP has shown its hypocrisy.They say they are for jobs but yet want to cut jobs.PHONEYS
Friday, February 8, 2013
All right GOP cut the B.S. just because the man will not be a puppet to the Israel Government and because he wants to share dialogue with Iran instead of carpet bombing them is more reason to confirm him.Grow up you fools.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
actions speak louder then words
Well yesterday House Majority Leader Eric Cantor presented a make over for the GOP.Good Luck.With tea party insurgents like Mr Cantor himself how will this be possible?This is the party that hates goverment,give tax breaks to the wealthy, disenfranchises the minority vote,and take away the rights of women.Ironically Mr Cantor is one of these folks.GOOD LUCK SIR.
Monday, February 4, 2013
exciting superbowel
Well the team I wanted to win did not.However it was a game filled with suspense and excitement.Mainly in the second halve.You have to give it two both teams they fought hard.Fans of both teams should be proud.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Yes it is that time of the year again.To me it is not that big of a deal,since I am primarily a baseball and boxing fan.Also it is captialism at its worst.However I may watch some of it anyway.At least Beyonce will be preforming at halve time.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Dream Act
This is the most humane issue that needs to become the law of the land.These are people who at no fault of their own came to this country undocumented because their families brought them here.And who can blame any family or individual who leaves their country to escape poverty.Manny of these young people are either students or employed and contributing to society.Remember unless if your are Native American you have immigrant roots.I have one good friend who immigrated from Europe.However he is firmly against the dream act.His reasons are that if he came legally so could everyone else.Easier said the done.Taking someone who has done everything right and knows no other country and then deporting them is INHUMANE.So to my good friend from EUROPE do not be so bitter and have a heart.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Republican back stabbers
Let me tell you.The way republican senators are treating their fellow republican Chuck Haggle once again shows just how low they can get.Fortunately he will be confirmed.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Grumpy Old Man
Yes once again I am talking about Senator John McCain.I saw the senator very rudely question former Senator Chuck Hegel for the Sectary of Defense cabinet position.I am calling on the people of Arizona do not vote for John McCain.It is time for the man to retire.There are many jobs he could have after serving in the senate.However it is time for him to gracefully LEAVE.If not VOTE THE GUY OUT.
insensative gun freeks
Earlier this week in the state of Connecticut a father of a six year old victim at the Sandy Hook elementary school testified before a panel.The gentlemen made clear that he himself is a gun owner and hunter.The gentlemen also said that he believed that stronger background checks are needed.He also stated that the mentally unstable should not have excess to guns.He also said that there should be an assault weapon ban.He stated that to protect ones home or to hunt there is no need to own an assault weapon.When this brave man made these statements he was heckled by some pro gun members of the audience.Grow up gun freaks it is this type of action that proves the point why we need better background checks and an assault weapons ban.
Monday, January 28, 2013
OKAY GOP or should I say the STUPID PARTY.And that is a quote from the Governor Of Louisiana .All you say is CUT,CUT,CUT,.How about this bloated military budget.Most operations now are done either by drones and special forces.How about getting out of places like Germany.Get out of the middle east completely.And as for Israel if they want to continue to occupy and destroy the land of the palatines then they should be on their OWN.They should stop begging the U.S.for aide.Personally I am tired of my money going to these tyrants.But No you the evil GOP would rather hurt the poor,the elderly,and the middle class.DISGUSTING.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
They just do not get it.
Once again the silly republicans just do not get it.Because they lost and lost big they want to change the electoral college.Instead of candidates winning a states electoral votes by winning the states popular vote.They want the votes to be counted by congressiona districts..For example most urban districts tend to go democratic due to a large percentage of minority and progressive voters. However rural districts in many cases tend to go the opposite.Therefore the electoral votes would be split.In this case Willard Romney would of won with more electoral votes thus he would be president.Even though President Obama won the popular vote by almost 5 million votes. In other words the only way republicans figure they can win is by disenfranchising.voters.Well guess what guys it will not go your way. Just keep digging your graves into a non existence party.GOOD REDDENS.
Meet the Press
Well guess who was on Meet the Press this morning.Silly Congressman Paul Ryan.Yes the same Paul Ryan who wants to cut medicare and social security.NEWS FLASH Mr Ryan I believe you are not Vice President.I believe you lost by almost 5 million votes.Get over it chump.You are ideas were strongly rejected by the American People.Grow Up.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Right on Hillary
It seems like these far right idiot republican politicians will never learn.Take that fool Ram Paul for instance telling Secretary of State Clinton that she should of been fired.Also the other right wing nut who was accusing her of being incompetent was acting dumb and insensitive.Well Hillary told him off pretty good to. This is one party that is doing well on destroying its.Right On.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Historical Speech
Yes the presidents speech was historical.Everyone liberal or conservative the president reached to you..Now republicans it is your turn to work with him and do the right thing.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Something to be Proud Of
Today my friends will the official swearing in of President Obama. First despite all the racism and hate that exists in our country,the first African American president has been reelected to a second term.This is big. So weather you voted for the president or not,this is a day to be proud.Thank You.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Now I do not mean every member,however after the statement of your so called NRA leaders,I wonder why any one would want to be associated with this yahoo organization. First if you really believe in this organization then I would start a campaign to impeach the current leadership.Lets face it my friends bringing in the presidents children in the argument is a low point to say the least.Saying that it is alright for the presidents children to be safe and not anyone else's is not only pathetic but unpatriotic. If you believe this trash then you are either pathetic yourself or just plain ignorant or both.GROW UP no one with common sense is with you.You are loosing.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Good for you Govenor Cuomo
That is correct.Today Governor Andrew Cuomo of New..York State signed into law the first gun control legislation since the Sandy Hook School shootings.Stricter back ground checks which will involve feedback from mental health professionals regarding certain clients.The amount of rounds a magazine can shoot off at a time.This is what is needed.The Governor should be congratulated by all for this brave and bold legislation.
Monday, January 14, 2013
the debit ceiling
The tea party insurgents in Congress just want to bring the country to its knees.Well this cannot happen.By not doing this they are saying that they are willing to bankrupt the country. This not only will cause a global disaster,but will hurt the poor and elderly the most.Worst comes to worst the president will hopefully sign a temporary executive order to prevent this atrocity.The tea party repesentives in congress are shameful,despicable human beings.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Where are you Commisioner Gainer
Well Commissioner Gainer I have yet to receive a call back from you concerning your so call pension reform.Not surprised . Why would you want to talk to a person who will be effected by your so called reform. You are a big phony.
Yes the American Civil Liberties Union continues to do a great job in protecting our civil rights.Weather it be voter suppression,unlawful search and seizure,separation of church and state,or any other liberty that the government tries to infringe upon us.The ACLU is there to serve and protect. I urge all to support this organization because freedom is nothing to take for granted.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Periwinkel & Gainer continued
Yes there is much more to known about the twp barracudas.It just amazes me that Cook County which has some of the highest taxes in the U.S. cannot fund their pensions properly.I know friends who viciously lost their homes due to not being able to afford the taxes.Also the county does not even provide a decent payment plan for these folks as other states due.
Also President Periwinkle laid off many hard working employees as soon as she got into office. Most of these poor souls were support staff who play a vital role in keeping the county running.Also many of the people she laid of were her supporters.I guess our prestige's Periwinkle never herd of attrition
Both Periwinkle and Gainer come from two of the most progressive wards in the city.Periwinkle actually comes from the same district as President Barack Obama.All I have to say is this. With progressives like Periwinkle and Gainer who needs the right wing?
Also President Periwinkle laid off many hard working employees as soon as she got into office. Most of these poor souls were support staff who play a vital role in keeping the county running.Also many of the people she laid of were her supporters.I guess our prestige's Periwinkle never herd of attrition
Both Periwinkle and Gainer come from two of the most progressive wards in the city.Periwinkle actually comes from the same district as President Barack Obama.All I have to say is this. With progressives like Periwinkle and Gainer who needs the right wing?
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Cook County Bd Members a Disgrace
In the State Of Illinois a pension is a contract that cannot be changed either by law or otherwise.In other words like any other contract once it is signed it has to be honored.If broken then the party responsible is libel.Well that is just what Cook County Board President Toni Periwinkle along with her henchmen Commissioner Bridget Gainer are trying to do. Both of these barracuda's want to cut the cola for well deserved pensioners along with offering a new inferior health care plan. Also it should be noted that in the State of Illinois it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to change pension benefits for current retires and workers.For heaven sake even Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan wanted to phase in medicare and social security benefit changes for people under 55 so current and soon to be retirees would not be hurt. Periwinkle and Gainer who pride themselves as progressives are nothing more then Bain Capital clones.Periwinkle and Gainer cruel,and sadistic human beings.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Chuck Hagel a good choice
I tell you the GOP just can never be satisfied.Chuck Hegel is republican .So whats the beef?
Personally I believe any one who can stand up to Israel for a change is what is needed.
Also what is wrong with using dialogue with Iran instead of Military Action. You know it is easy to bea hawk especially when someone else supports your wars. Pathetic.Oh yes by the way he apologized for his anti gay remarks,which occurred in 1998. An opinions out there?
Personally I believe any one who can stand up to Israel for a change is what is needed.
Also what is wrong with using dialogue with Iran instead of Military Action. You know it is easy to bea hawk especially when someone else supports your wars. Pathetic.Oh yes by the way he apologized for his anti gay remarks,which occurred in 1998. An opinions out there?
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Reublican obstruction
You guys once again are showing both your ignorance.How well I will tell you guys since you are not smart enough to figure it out for yourselves.Threatening to close down the government is just plain ignorant and bad for the country. The only good thing that can come out of it is that you guys get voted out of existence. You all are a bunch of traders.
Saturday, January 5, 2013
Trader Joe is Gone
Yes I mean Joe Lieberman the former vice presidential and senator of Connecticut .Thank goodness .In 2008 he supported John McCain for president.Disgraceful especially since he was a democrat at the time.Trader Joe is also a hawk when it comes to war.Of course I do not see his children serving.Also a big supporter of the terrorist state of Israel.Get Lost Joe that is the nicest thing I have to say to you trader.
Friday, January 4, 2013
Fox news hits new low
Yes that is right.A couple of days ago fox news actually said that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was faking her illness.Reasons are that she is avoiding the Benghazi controversy.This conduct is beyond shameful.Hannity and the rest of you pathetic self centered jack asses owe MRS Clinton and the country an apology.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
boehnors bonner
Yes that is right,Speaker Boehner did it again.This time by shamefully not allowing a vote on the same night of the fiscal cliff vote.Politics as usual Mr Boehnor.In the meantime hurricane sandy victims continue to suffer.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
Yes I agree with CUTS.However not cuts for the poor,middle class and elderly,but cuts on DEFENSE.Yes you want to know how this mess happened?Well let me tell you.Two unpaid wars one especially unnecessary,tax cuts that favor the wealthy,and just way to much spent on defense in general.My plan first a 50% across the board cut on defense spending in general.Next a freeze on hiring all new military personal,a withdrawal of all military bases in Germany and several more bases around the world.Due to technology the use of drones and the productivity of special forces there is no need to have a military as the size it is.It is time to move on first with the policy that war can once and for all be a thing of the past.
Next if some kind of military action is needed the drones and the special forces can handle it.Next a full withdrawal of all our forces in the middle east.Especially Saudi Arabia.Most important it is time for Israel to fend for themselves.The United States has sacrificed enough for this ungratefully country.I guarantee the threat of international terrorism will come down to minimum.
Next if some kind of military action is needed the drones and the special forces can handle it.Next a full withdrawal of all our forces in the middle east.Especially Saudi Arabia.Most important it is time for Israel to fend for themselves.The United States has sacrificed enough for this ungratefully country.I guarantee the threat of international terrorism will come down to minimum.
The Cliff
Well thanks mainly to President Obama and Vice President Biden we are still above the fiscal cliff.It was not the deal I hoped for ,however it is still a decent deal which favors not just a majority of U.S.citizens but all citizens.For the renegades of the ever dying insurgent tea party,I ask you this is it not patriotic for all to come together to make the country strong again?Please post a comment.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
congrats V.P.Bieden
Mr Vice President no it is not perfect but you still did well dealing with the right wing extremist GOP.Now lets just hope Speaker Boehnor can do his part.
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