Friday, November 30, 2012

public internet

Warning to all using facebook on an internet public sharing site can be a real pain.Think twice before you do it.At least it has been hard to on this public star bucks site.No more starbucks.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

U.N. Ambassodor Susan Rice

All right Senator McCain enough is enough.Stop being so damn selv rightous .   Leave her alone.You republicans just love attacking either a minority or a female.or in this case both.

Monday, November 26, 2012

A Deal?

Well i will not get my hopes up .However it is encouraging that the right wing republicans are moving away from their ridiculous Grover Norquist pledge. Again hands of entitlements.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

hands off pensions and entitlements

We won this election.This means that republicans must except this fact and keep their hands off well earned pensions and entitlements.Remember government is a good thing not a bad thing.You tea party folks and your treasones attitudes will not be tolerated.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

thanksgiving weekend

Hello again everyone.last Thursday was the thanksgiving holiday.As we all know the name of the holiday explains all.Givings thanks for what we have,are loved ones and opportunities.This season we all should give special thanks to the reelection of President Obama.For those of you who did not vote for him,I believe now is the time to give him a chance.After all he won and he will also be your president over the next four years.

Friday, November 23, 2012

black friday greed

Well here we go again.Only this time it is worse then last time.The greedy giant retailers such as walmart, target and macys and yes lets include best buy.These greedy stores are opening their doors f any where from 9 pm to midnight on thanksgiving night.They could give a damn about their employees spending a nice thanksgiving with their families.This is the problem with a consumer obsessive society.STOP IT .I mean it is both shoppers and retailers,your greed is nauseating.You are all a disgrace to humanity.please post if you like.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Grumpy Old Men Again

Willard and grumpy old man McCain just cannot get over the fact that they lost. Fist silly John McCain blaming the U.N. ambassador Susan Rice for making false statements concerning the Benghazi incident,and Willard Romney once again blaming the 47 percent for taking give aways from the president.Give u you guys you lost move on.

Friday, November 9, 2012


Well victory is sweet and it proves a point.First with the president winning this is a absolute rejection of the far right wing.Both socially and on the economic front.People are now more open to progressive ideas.Demographics are changing and most folks believe that the wealthy need to pay their fair share.Also we will never ever go back to the social policies of the 1950s.With the exception of Elvis and Rock&Roll.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

republicans are at it again

Yes that is right the rats are trying to steal this election again.In Pennsylvania they are asking for voter IDs when the courts rejected that rule.In Ohio voting machines are not working.The only way the Willard the rat wins this race is by stealing it.Another issue i would like to bring up is people I grew up with in Chicago. Which still is a great Democratic city.However many of my former classmates have switched parties.Why because they were easily brainwashed by the racist Republican party.The stupid tax complained well class mate Friends you are wrong.I am so glad most of you folks live in a blue state where your vote do not count.Your voting for Willard is a disgrace.I unrespectfully disagree with you all.Well goodby former classmate .If you all think Willard is so great then why not give up your medicare when it comes time.You wont why?becouse you all do not understasnd what is going on.