A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
Go Ron Paul Supporters
The Willard Romney thugs would not even let Ron Paul be put up for nomination.What do you expect from cooperate fascist.The up side many of his supporters will not vote for Willard.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
GOP @ Willard
Not only has the GOP produced an extreme right wing radical agenda,but the star of this radical agenda Willard Romney himself will try to convince the middle class that he is working for them.WRONG
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
political courage vs political cowadrice
President Obama showed political courage when he fought to get the health care bill,knowing that it was most likely not politically popular. On the other hand Willard Romney and his clowns just sat by any let his party put anti choice language in their platform.Even in the case of rape or incense.Pathetic .and political cowardice.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
You know I really get a kick out of the GOP.They have gone so far to the right and when one of their candidates expresses their extreme view points,like Congressman Adkins they want him to drop out of the race for the senate. Hey Congressmen Atkins is the face of your party now. Don't kick him out embrace him or change your ways. GOP you can not have it both ways.
Friday, August 17, 2012
Yesterday I had lunch with some very conservative men. To make a long story short Even though we disagreed on many issues we still were civilized and even were able to come to some agreement on certain issues.I would like to express these gentlemen are conservatives not extremist.That my friends is the problem with the congress.There is now a large number of both extremist and obstructionist which is why the economy continues to struggle.Dialog is something we all need to practice.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
super pacs
Super pacs are not people.however what do you expect from an activist and biased supreme court.A note to Justice Kennedy . Your name does not fit your right wing image. Shame on presidents Bush2,Bush1,and Reagan for putting these folks on the court.
Illinois Pensions
The Illinois state legislator is talking about making cuts into retirees pensions. WRONG cut your own pensions. Pensions are a contract and unless the state of Illinois can claim bankruptcy hands off. Shame on you Illinois. Retirees deserve both their health care and 3 percent cost of living raises.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Look out Seniors
Calling all seniors and baby boomers.It is clearer then ever who to vote for. If you like your social security,if you like your medicare,if you do not want to be thrown off the cliff,then President Obama is your guy.Now that Willard has picked Paul throw gram ma over the cliff Ryan we know where he stands. Willard you just do not get it.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
willards kind of town
NOT This is a democratic town.Willard will not even come close winning Chicago or the State of Iliinois
Friday, August 3, 2012
battleground states
Great news President Obama is ahead in most battle ground states.This includes Florida,Ohio Michigan,Wisconsin,and Pennsylvania.However there is still much work to do.So everyone keep up your support for the president and do what you can to help get him relected.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
calling all Indiana moderate republicans
Yes that is right all you Indiana moderates who voted for Dick Luger.If you do not want another right wing extremist in the congress then vote democratic.
Governor Pat Quinn
Governor Pat Quinn should be applauded for taking a stand against assault weapons.I hope Governor Rick Scott of Florida along with other Governors will also have the courage to take this stand. If you want to stand up to terrorism this is a good start.If you are a member of the NRA reading this please post a comment.
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