A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Stop the lies
Hey Willard tell your sleazy campaign to stop spreading lies about the president.We all understand that you are just craving to be president,but do it fairly.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
Due to the tragic events in Aurora Colorado this weekend we take a break from politics.From all of us at tonys blog for the center left our prayers and thoughts are with the victims.
Friday, July 20, 2012
fight fair Willard
Listen Willard you know better.Using code words like the president is foriegn to to american ideas like success is nonsense and you know it. Shame on you Willard
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
I mean you MR Out of shape Fat ASS RUSH.How dare you say that our president hates the country.If anyone hates it it is you. Yes you for spreading such dirty ugly lies.Rush you are a disgusting human being.And the folks who follow you are either misguided or as bad as you.If any of you gutless Rush supporters have read this please post a statement.That is if you have the guts.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
discloser act
Here we go again.The pathetic unpatriotic republican party once again will use the filibuster to block the discloser act.So for all you right wing thumping zealots who do not know what it is I will tell you.Individuals,unions corporation's and other special interests groups must identify who they are if they spend more them ten thousand dollars.What are they afraid of? I will tell you this is nothing but cooperate fascism .And this cooperate fascism is supported by the fascist republican party.
Monday, July 16, 2012
looney bachman
Yes she is back.That crazy paranoid loony toons Michele Bach man is back. Now she is accusing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of having a member of the Muslim brotherhood on her staff. Not only is this psychotic but it is down in the gutter. And the people in her district who vote for her are either just as evil or stupid.
right wing pig
Yes there are lots of right wing pigs.However the right wing pig I am talking about is Big fat ass Rush.Saying that the president of the United States hates the the country is nothing but pure treason.Yes that is right treason and the man should be fired and banned from the media.Also you fools who follow this pig,shame on you.
Willards Returns
Okay Willard what is the big deal? Or should we say what are you hiding? The people deserve to know where your money is being sheltered.Just what country do you invest in.Time is running out my man.Put up or shut up.Lets see more of your tax returns.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Willard Outsource Romney
Willard face it. If you were the CEO of a firm that outsourced jobs to other countries,you are an outsourcer. NO way to dispute this. Also Willard how about releasing more tax returns.Maybe I can get a Swiss bank account to.
post office
Keep our post offices open. Not only will this keep people employed but a vital service will continue to be of service to our citizens.
Monday, July 9, 2012
lowest taxes
Yes that is right all you right wing zealots.Tax rates are the lowest in 50 Years. So stop the winning if taxes for the top 2 percent go back to what they were in the 1990s. Remember the 1990s the Clinton years when the economy was booming. Oh buy the way Willard how about disclosing more tax info,like your Swiss and Cayman Island accounts.
Friday, July 6, 2012
All right the job numbers did not change.However work hours have extended,manufacturing jobs have been added. Also 80 thousand jobs have been added ,which is up from last months 55thousand jobs . When the euro problem is looked at along with a stubborn congress not working with president, I think things are much better then expected.Oh and lets not forget that American auto sales continnue to rise.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Happy 4th of july
Hi folks and remember if you are celebrating this holiday keep in mind that supporting the country is more then wrapping yourself up in the flag. It is how we live our everyday lives.How we work ,play and help each other.Remember talk is cheap it is action that counts.
Monday, July 2, 2012
To Hot
Right now I am in the town of Port Bryon IL.It is 95 degrees.It has been like this for almost a week.And the right wing nuts say there is no global . Really? Well mayby you nuts will have to catch on fire y the sun to make you believe.
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Angry Old White Men Again
Yesterday I was out enjoying a blues festival with family and friends.And I must say for the nine hours I was there it was a wonderfull time. This is due to both enjoying the music and some new people I met.Now most of the folks I met were delightfull with up beat personalities. However there are always a few who are disgruntled no matter what.Unfourtantley there were a couple of grumpy old men complaing about the President in a very nasty way.Well unfoutnatley I got involved.No profanity or threats were made,however the volume of the discussion was loud.As usuall thease were grumpy old white guys,and not in the pleasent Walter Mathu style.When I felt it was getting personal I decided to mention the fact that lots of this disgruntleness is due to the president being of a mixed race. Well all of a sudden the grumpy old men said I was calling them a racist which is not true. However next time I will try not to bring race up at all.In fact I will tell the right wingers to just read my blog and post a comment.
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