Thursday, May 31, 2012

Florida Strikes Again

Well here we go again.The Florida GOP led by Right Wing Extremist Governor Rick Scott  is trying to stop Hispanic democratics from voting using the excuse that are they are not citizens. In 2000 the state of Florida purged at least twenty thousand voters who had the same last names as convicted felons. I should note that at least ten thousand of these voters were African Americans. The GOP needs a history lesson on the Voting Rights Act of 1963. If we the voters cannot stop Rick Scott along with his Cooperate facist then it is the duty of the United States Jusstice Department to intervene.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hello Wisconsin recall Scott walker. Corporate yes men like Walker must be defeated.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

willards bed mate

Willard you are pathetic.Once again you have proved to the world that you will do anything to get elected. To continue to except fundraisers from a lying thug like Donald Trump is sleazy. You even refuse to correct him on the birther issue. Have an enjoyable night Willard I hope you are both happy.

Monday, May 28, 2012

happy Memorial Day

Hello everyone and a happy Memorial Day to you all. As we pay tribute to our veterans and military past and present,I wish to pay a special tribute to the brave men of WW1. In other words the Dough Boys.WW1 was short but it was a bloody and dirty war. The first war to use nerve gas. In the years following WW1 the Dough Boys were overshadowed by WW2. Not on purpose of course. My father was a WW2 veteran and along with living during through the depression many call them the greatest generation of all times. However they were the children of the Dough Boys like my grandfather who today I have his picture in full uniform hanging in my office. Manny of theaseWW1 veterans, like my grandfather were recently arrived immigrant's to the U.S. Also like grandpa they were awarded citizenship for their brave service. So here is to grandpa his brother uncle Joe and my dad along with many others for service to our country and protecting freedom around the world. I will be happy to except any comments posted on this issue. Thank You Tony

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Grove Norquist the right wing extremist and now insurgent has gone overboard.By calling the silicon valley executive a hero who will withdraw his U.S. citizenship because he does not want to pay his taxes . The bad thing about it is that the idiot G.O.P. subjects this Norquist traitor.

Friday, May 25, 2012

political coward

May I say more. You all no who I am talking about it is no morale's Willard Romney. Can you believe this jackass. I mean to except a fund raiser hosted by Donald Trump,give me a break. The man who continues to bring back the birther movement.I mean really? If you except his support then that makes you a birther.So two can play that game. I hate to bring up religion but if your with the birthers then how many wives do you really have? So Willard be a man for once in your live and stand up to Trump.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

winning in swing states

Yes that is right the president has a slight lead in Florida,Ohio,and Virgina.the leads are from 4 points in Florida and Virgina and 48 to 42 in Ohio. We will win this.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Now that the NATO summit has ended both the city,police,and protesters acted in a lawful manner. Yes there were some disrupting moments,however in general, job well done. Congratulation's Mr Mayor you proved your skills in keeping a great city safe and secure.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

no political courage

Once again Willard Romney has proven that he has no political courage. When the famous Billionaire family the Rickets who are also owners of the Chicago Cubs received preliminary permission to run     an ad implementing President Obama to Reverend Wright of Chicago Willard did not mention anything about it until this was discovered by the Washington Times. This ad was racist and Willard should be ashamed.                                                                                                                                                                           
Willard you are a coward.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Willard the raider

Folks we have a clear choice. Willard is the guy who laid you off. Willard is the guy who busted your union,took away your benefits,and shut down the town factory. Willard is a cooperate raider if you cannot see that you folks better wake up.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Romney at liberty

Romney spoke again about the one man one women thing to suck up to the christen right.Liberty University is a Christen University founded by the late Reverend Jerry Farewell. Willard when you loose in November I suggest you go back in time and be on an old tv show named to tell the truth.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

lay off joe

For all of you who think Joe Bidden was wrong for coming out for same sex marriage,give him a break. He did the right thing and the president needed a little push on this issue.

Friday, May 11, 2012

walk away walker

Yes that is Scott Walker the Wisconsin Governor who believes in divide and conquer the union vote. Even though publicly he said he was for unions and was just trying to save the budget.Right and W. Bush did not steal the election in 2000.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Landmark

We all should congratulate President Obama for coming out to support marriage between same sex couples. This took courage and guts and I salute him for it. Thank you Mr President

Willard the flim flam man

Now Willard how can anyone take you seriously . You are now taking credit for the auto bailouts . Really,even after you said they should go bankrupt and let the system take care of them.Really and what private sector system was going to lend them money after bankruptcy. Willard you even make a lousy con man. Pathetic.Calling all fans of Willard Romney please place a post on my blog. REALLY

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Disgracefull Again

Well once again Willard Romney has shown that he is a disgraceful human being with no ethics what so ever.While addressing an audience of supporters, a woman spoke out and told Willard that the President of the United States of America should be arrested for treason. Granted we know that Willard has no control over what folks say, however he needs to stand up to someone like that and correct her. After all Senator John McCain did when he was confronted in a similar situation. Any opinions please place a post.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Terrorist Stoped

In Yemen due to good work by the CIA a terrorist was apprehended befoer any harm could of taken place. Thank You MR President for your outstanding service in keeping our country safe.

Friday, May 4, 2012

unemployment drops for april

Yes that is right unemployment dropped to 8.1percent due to 11500 jobs being added. Oh I know the good old boys on wall street along with their yes man Willard Romney say this is bad.Funny isn't it since they are the ones who caused this economic downturn. Well now that the republicans no longer have their so called strong on defense argument this is all they have left. PATHETIC. And lets not forget W. Bush who cut taxes for his wealthy friends which prevented the country to pay for its two wars. One war Iraq which was a waste of money and lives.All you republican air heads please place a post.If you have the courage to do so.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

bad for Florida

When the mayor of Tampa ask that guns be forbidden in the demonstration zone at the republican convention this September,Florida Governor Rick disagreed. After what just happened in Sanford,is this for the good of the people of Florida,or is this political?

step to your right please

That is right Willard because you went so far to the right in the primaries you are now controlled by them. The best you can do Willard is try to flip flop your way out of this. Willard you are a fake.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Cheap Shot

Well Willard once again sleaze has overcome your personality. When asked if he would of ordered the attack on Mr. Bin Ladens headquarters,he said sure even Jimmy Carter would of ordered it. What Willard was referring to was the failed mission on an attempt to save American hostages in Iran. The event was a tragedy and to say this is sleazy and mean.

one year

Today marks the one year anniversary of the raid on Osma bin Ladens compound,which resulted in his death. Should President Obama use this as a campaign strategy? Hell Yes. If W.Bush were in office he sure would. Ever since the late 1960s republican presidents have used weakness on defense against democrats so why the hell not? John Kerry was wounded in Viet Nam and the sleazy republicans made him look weak. Let me tell you sleaze is no stranger to Willard Romney.Please post a comment.