A blog centering progressive view points; opposing view points are welcome to post. I would like to hear all view points.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
The Christen Wrong
You are not the Christen Right . You are the Christen wrong. You do not respect the civil rights of anyone who excercises their free will. Keep your religious faith out of goverment. I understand manny of you are brainwashed and do not know any better. Post please
Saturday, March 24, 2012
defensive medicine
Health Care providers who pracitice this kind of medicine are unethical and wrong. The reason is to avoid a law suit. However this is wrong becouse usually it is not what is in the best interest of the patient. Having a patient take test that are unnecessary is not only an inconvience but posibly harmfull to their health. If this happnens the doctor should be libel.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
small retailers to
Well we all hear about the small buiness the so called heart of our econmy. Well that is true however they can also be bad guys to. Espically the ones who hire season help such as in places like florida. I use to be a seasonal employee now I am rarely called. If they are having econmic problems the it is their duty and moral obligation to let me know. It is wrong to ignore. Shame on you
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
here they go again
Well instead of talking about job creation,the damn republicans again want to tear away at the health care plan. They want to bring in their own tort reform. This would inflict on patients who have been victims of malpractice.They would once again refuse to accept patients with preexisting conditions. Wasting time and money. Anyone who is a supporter of this basturd party should be ashamed.If any of yoy disgrceful republicans has the guts to place a post please do.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
greed is everywhere
Okay to be fair lets talk about unions. Now as a union member and supporter myselv,I have to agree that most unions are excellent and a contribution to our society. However some unions I have problems. Yhe unions i am talking about are in the trades. Electricans,and plumbers are just a couple. For thease guys to just walk in the the door you are paying huge amounts of money. Then comes the rip off hourly rate. The fact that they are very skilled foes not give them the right to rip yiu off. We are all skilled in one thing or another. Thanks to the greed of their unions is why thease folks are so high and mighty. So you see none gets a free pass pass with me even my so called union rip off brothers. again most unions are great.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Religious Freedome
Well here we go again. The republican knuckle heads who want to be our next commander and chief our accusing President Obama of commiting this action. Nothing could be further from the truth.The president already made a deal for insurance companies to cover this at no cost to the employer. This is a health issue not a religious issue. This just goes to show that once again the christen rigt and far right catholics want to controll us in the fashion of the taliban. And the repubican knuckle heads like puppets go right along with them. DISGUSTING.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Hands off Iran
Yes they are evil,Yes they do bad things to people and yes they are a fanitical society. However there is no doucumented proof of them creating nukes.You do not go to war on speculation. Israel if you commit this crime you should be on your own with no aide what so ever. Please post an opinion.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Israel our enemy ally
Now I know on this one I will get both democrats and republicans mad,well TOUGH. I beleive it is due to Israels opression of the Palenstiens why most of the trouble in the mideast occurs. Iran as bad as they are are is a soverign country. If Israel wants Iran to not have nukes then they should get rid of theirs also. Still to this day nucelar weapons program has been proven. If any of you pro Isreal fols want to comment,please do.Tony
Saturday, March 3, 2012
boycott limbaugh
Calling all sponsors of the Rush Limbaugh radio program. Withdraw your ads from his show. Anyone who calls a young law student a slut needs to be fired. Do the right thing or we will boycott you. Tony
Friday, March 2, 2012
Rush the whore
Well this ass is nothing but a big fat pig. Calling a college student a whore becouse she testified to the importence of contreption coverage is pure crap. Rush go home and play with yourselv. You already made millions off the right wing chumps but this is even a new low for you. You followers of Rush are just as bad. If any of you Rush pusssies read this place a post. Tony
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