Monday, December 27, 2010

Lame Duck

Congrats to the lame duck session of congress and most of all to the president. Start treaty. Repaeall of dont ask dont tell,unemployment bensfits extended for thirteen months,benefits for 911 first responders. Lets hope the new congress can continne with this support of the american public.However i believe that the greedy republicans who blocked the dream act vote should be ashamed. That was very UNAMERICAN

Saturday, December 11, 2010

enemys of the state

FOX NEWS , GLEN BECK, SHAWN HANNITY, and FAT ASS RUSH are no better then BIN LADEN and the rest of the terroist in the world. And you supporters of this band of evil are no better.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I say NO, NO, NO,. Mr President we must not and cannot give in to the evil empire know as the ugly republicans.Not only is it both wrong and immoral for them to hold up unemployment benefits,but holding up national security issues like the stark treaty with Russia is nothing sort of treason. MR President we must not let the greed of the ugly republicans continnue.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

unemployment benefits

I will mak this brief . Senate republicans in their greedy and evil nature are willing to hold up unemployment benefits along with other importent issues, just so all their greedy billionare buddies and gals can continue to have their tax breaks. By the way the debt problem will  never be solved this way. Right on republican JACKASSES . You have destroyed this country. And for you teaparty folks you all can rot with the DEVIL. You guys suck..

finnaly a bipartisan bill

Well it is not the most controversial but it is something. On December 2 2010 a day of bipartisan politics in the U.S.Congress voted for the Commerical Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act. Or as I call it the keep the noise down bill.This bill will prevent advertisers from rasing the volume during their tv commericals to catch the attention of viewers who tend to wander away from their tv sets at this time. Now as I said this is not cotroverisal like healthcare or tax cuts,but it does show that congress can work like adults if they want to.

Big Fat Chenny

An allied county Nigeria in the next few days will be inditing former v.p dick big fat chenny for bibry charges concerning his association with haliburton. Acoording to progressive radioNigera which by the way is an allied african county has ahd enough of cheenys shanniagans and will get a Nigern court to issue a international warrnt. Since the U.S. justice department refuses to look at MR Chennys actions nigera has had enough.Post please

political dinosaur

John McCain that is the one who I am talking about. Why because even after the military study stated that gays openly serving in the armed forces will not effect daily operations Senator McCain still refuses to except this. In a recent news statement the senator stated that combat troops do not want this. Combat troops of what era Vietnam? I think it is time for this dinosaur to retire while he still has some what of a reputation to savor.

middle class cut tasks

Well now what is wrong with that. Acoording to a news interview conducted by progressive radios Stephannie Miller with congressmen Frank Vallone D New Jersey a middle class tax cut would stimmulate the econmy. Reasons are as stated the middleclass will spend the money thus stimulate the economy. And as we know it does not take a MBA to know this.However once again the evil greedy republicans can give a damn about the middle class.Why you may ask well becouse if their rich buddies do not get a tax break them they will filubuster the vote in the senate and kill it. Now it is well known if the middle class get a tax break they will spend the money. As for the rich and corperations they will just sit on it. So listen you facist rtepublican pigs this con you game you are acting out will only last so long.

go lisa,go

She may be a republican but she is allright with me,at least for now. The reason why I am stating this is becouse in the Alaska republican primary she was defeated by tea party and Sara barracuda Palin backer. However Lisa Murkowski struck back and ran a unprecedented write in campain. Well she won relection to her senate seat as an independent. There is an old saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well as we know the tea party and the barracuda lady are the enemy. So even though the senator says she will caucus with the republicans for now she is right on. After all any one who can defeat a sara barracuda candidate in her her own back yard and make a fool out of her,is RIGHT ON. Thanks Lisa and please continnue on this track. Please all who read place a post. I especially want to hear from you idots.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

don,t ask don,t tell

Well folks now the homophoic senate has run out of excuses not to pass don,t ask don,t tell. The continuing saga of letting gays in the military. It is a shame that that an industialized county like the United States has to go thru all this red tape to pass this issue. Well first a federal court has RULED that don,t ask don,t tell is unconsitutional. Next the U.S. military did a study stating that allowing gays to serve in the military will have little or no effect on running it,s operations on a day to day basis. Also most of military personell agree with this. So all you macho homophbic idots what is your problem? Could be that manny of you republican senators are a bunch of closet queens and this just might remind you of who you really are.Most likley yes. As far as the bible thumping christen right is concerned about this life style being inmoral. All I have to say is SEPERATION of CHURCH and STATE. Of course you guys are the AMERICAN TALIBAN. Even Robert gates SEC of STATE for both the Obama and Bush adminstartions agrees that this shameful poilcy must be overturned. Post an opinion I w2ould really like to hear from some of you homophobic republican closet queens.

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

foreclosure fruad

Our nexr concern is the foreclosure fraud that is going on. We have the federal courts to blame somewhat for this. Now granted the banks had to be bailed out however that does not mean that that should be off the hook either. At the same time forecloser court has just become a routine on how manny cases can be completed in a day. Sort of like manny public defender cases in urban and suburban aresas where the volume is high.Why does this happen again becouse of an ignorant public. The banks want to keep the people stupid and they have succeeded. This may be the reason why there is no more democracy left in the US>

preventing a depression

Why the bail out why the stimulus becouse a depression was averted. Bailing out the banks a must. If banks collasp we go into a deep depression. If Detroit was not bailed out then millions of jobs in the auto industry would be lost. Once again this proves the ignorance of so manny ignorant americans. Either you missed history class that day or I have some swamp land in the everglades to sell you. I say it is a combination of both.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Airport security

After I recieved an email from the ACLU concerning the new security methods that are being used at the airports I am angered to say the least. Having some TSA agent looking at our naked bodies while blasting us with radaition from the new scanner machines is WRONG. This is a violation of our right to privacey. When we travel we do not check are rights at the door. Once again the fear mongering seems to never go away. The emplyess of the the TSA who are enforcing this with speaking up are COWARDS. If TSA workers have a union then griev this. You people are commiting a great injustice. So do something about it. This is not NAZI GERMANY or SOVIET RUSSIA. I encourgage everyone to contact the WHITE HOUSE and HOMELAND SECURITY about this ATROCITY. The terroist are laughing becouse we are becomming just like them. If we continnue to live in fear then why live at all. Since most Americans are not smart enough to know their history, here is a quote from history. Give me liberty or give me death. If anyone would like to express their concern please post a comment. Thanks Tony

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Florida Sucks

Well Florida you did it again. You elected that tea party dictator Rick Scott. Now Mr Medicare fraud himselv is the governor elect. Disgracefull. Florida you are a banna republic who sold out to cooprate america. FLORIDA YOU SUCK


Thanks Kendrick Meek for not dropping out. You never had a shot agaisnt Rubio but Charlie Crist did. Your egeo was just to big. Well you are done in political office. Thanks for scewing the state of Florida

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Nov 2 2010

Okay progressives especially young progressives this is your last chance. Either both the sunshine state and the country will continue to move forward or fall into one of the worse dictatorships since NAZI Germanny. Tea party pigs must be stopped. We will rise above thease thugs. Any tea party pigs and thugs out there? Please you gutless asses place a post.

Monday, November 1, 2010

tea baggers

Yes you teabaggers are either racisit or some of the most ignorant idots the USA has produced. If you people cannot figure out that wall street , the people you hate are behind this well I have swamp land to sell you in the FLORIDA EVERGLADES. Wake up you dumb asses.

last Chance

Okay young people it is time to quit your lack of interest and VOTE. Support your president our democracy is at stake. If John Bonner and his band of republican cut throats win you can kiss your freedomes goodbye. This has happened in other countries in the 20s and 30s and it can happen here. Post weather you agree or disagree.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Thugs and misfits

Well if anyone has seen the Rand Paul incident where tea party mifits stomped on a womens head, It reminds us of a country in europe in the 1930s. Who can that country be, Why none other thyen NAZI GEMANY. Yes the tea party has finally come down to that level.MISFITS and VIOLENT THUGS.

shut up juan

How in the hell can Juan Williams say FOX RIGHT WING Misfit NEWS represents diversity. Well Juan you sold out. Hey lots of people can be bought. However to the NAZI right wing is just wrong. You need to reprogram your deluted mind.

Wake up Florida

With such a right wing nut like this goofy rick scott guy you would think that Alex Sink would be miles ahead. Thanks to issue such as racisim disrespect for our President she running neck and neck. A another note when it comes to the senate Kendrick Meek is barley notcing 20 points in the polls. Also I believe Charlie Crist is the better candidate. I personally believe Mr Meek should of dropped out of this race. I also believe that a vote for Meek is really a vote for RUBIO. Look folks if Bobby Kennendy JR could endorse Gov Christ then you can VOTE FOR HIM. WAKE UP FLORIDA

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Juan Williams

Npr made the right judgement by firing Juan Williams he was warned before about this. Thats all I have to say except that NPR knows what they are doing.

Wake up young people

Comm on youngsters please get out and vote. It is not just presidental elections that matter but all elections,including midterms. VOTE before we loose our country.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

florida govenor race.

Well I am back folks. Floridians have a choice either vote for mr medicare fraud or an expierenced honest business person. The medicare fraud guy is Rick Scott. A favorite of the facist tea party movement. All the tea party can do is BITCH, Bitch,Bitch. Socilism my ass. I say to all you idiots then give back your social security. But a bunch of bible thumping racist facis will not do that.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dems making a comeback

Within the midterm elections closing in democrats are coming back. BOXER in Cal is a startling example.The crazy insane Ram Paul who was once way ahead is now tied with his democratic oppenet. Other races to be discussed at a later date. Oh yea and do not forget psycho lady in Delaware who is way behind her domocratic oppenet. Thats all for now glad to be back. Post if desired.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Conservatives do not support the consitution

If they did they would support the mosque to be built where the members of it want to build it. GROW UP

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

sill the party of greed and no

The GOP obstructionst continnues to be the party of greed and no. They say yes to keeping bush tax cuts for the top 1 percent but no to extend unemployment benefits to hard working Americans. This is wrong they do not care greedy thugs. What do you have to say.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

bp damage

The damage caused by BP is beyond any nightmare. The commpanny needs new leadership along with a US giverment take over.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Evil rich old guys

Yep that is what most the republican senators are all about. Blocking an extension of unemployment benefits is wrong and disgracefull. You guys are PIGS.

Tea Party SUCKS

That is right you extreme right wing radiacals. Answer this blog if you have any guts you tea baggers.

republicans still the bad guys

Well everyone hello from Chicago. It is nice to be here with the manny Obama supporters that live here. I have been here for a few weeks now, and plan on being here for most of the summer. It has been a while since wrote a blog so here goes. First as open minde as I try to be, republicans are still and always will be the bad guys. They block health care with their lies. They are soft on BP and oil drilling. They discard womens rights. They want to take away seperation from church and state,change social security and just rant with no solutions. and kiss ass to tea party extermist. This all boils down to RACISM.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

USA not founded on so called christen values

I am sure we all hered the propaganda from are extreme right wing christen friends. Here is the facts. The very first ammendent to the consitution states Seperation of Chuch and State. That means no state religion .Infact the forefathers came here for freedome of religion to escape the tyranny of the christen religion. Also most of the forefathers were not christens but deist, atheist, and agnostic. Next who says that values such as not killing stealing and cheating are owned by the Christens. I do know this the forefathers were thinkers aqnd read alot. They read manny theories of live and if most of them were not christen thir value system came from up bringing and experience. What about the fact that manny Christens were slave owners and either commited genocide such as the inquistion or either took a blind eye to the destruction of native americans. Also native american relgions teach values to. In that case who is to say that they did not learn from them. I am not a christen hater. It is just the bible thumpers who are cultist who start all the trouble. The Christen right the Unioted States Taliban. Please post . Tony

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Upcoming events why religion has no role in goverment

In my next post I will be talking about religion in goverment,and why it has no role in goverment. Stay tune this one will set of some sparks in the brainwashed rifgt wing folks.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

oil spill

It is just wrong to let the oil companies continue to drill. If what just happened does not explain this then follks you are in the twilite zone. Post if you like.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

palin, bauchman and other promoters of hate

lock and reload targeting dems all hate talk. Along with the other queen of mean M Bauchman are nothing but hateres. who rap themselves in the bible, the flag, and guns. What a contradiction. Just shows how dumb people can be. I think thease two broads would be better of going to bondage clubs and put thseir anger to a more constructive activity.if you are stupid enough to support thease two bimbos please place a post.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

give it up white folk

white people face it you are fast becoming the new minority. You are out numbered the republican party will soon be extinct. White folk it is over and thank goodness for that. What are you afraid of. no one will take anything away from you. Grow up or leave tthe country with BIG FAT RUSH. post if you are not a whimp.

bauchman , palin and tea party extremeist

yes this is my opioion tea party folks are nothing but a dangerous extremeist movement. i believe race is the main issue behind this. Calling our president a soacialist is just a cover up. I have said this before if this health care program is socialist, than what would you call medicare and social security. I do not see any of you tea party morons giving yours up. why becouse you folks do not know trhe meaning of socialism. I think you guys should read some history. Oh thats right you guys cannot read. you just listen to psycho bachman and halv gov palin. You folks really need to get a live. Hey how about joining a bondage club that is about the only thing republicans can do right. So that is why Palin is wearing leather. YOU BETHA. Please waco tea party folk show some gust and post something.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

go Jesse

I must say acting house seaker Jesse Jackson jr did well on preventing the GOP from disrupting the session in congress today. Thank you Congressmen Jackson we are proud to have you serve us. I just wish others would do the same. come on republicans post no balls ha.

Abortion funding

Health care will not fund abortion and you republicans no it. Gt off your damn soap box. My opinion is that it should be funded. So there CHUMPS.

republicans what a joke

Just look the repubs in cogress today. They are are trying every silly parlimentary tactic to derail this. Once again good old stuffy white guy club just can not get it. Post please

Today is the day

Well here we go. Health care vote. I know the republicans are gutlles greedy morans. Now it is time for conservative democratics to step up to the plate.Support your president support your country. All reading this please post a statement.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rather die then switch

That is the response of the idoit teabaggers.Pawns that is all you bible thumping idots are. When the gop gets what they want they will suck you dry. Drop dead.

party of no

there is nothing good about thease unpatoriot republicans. They even blocked an extension for unemployment benefits for a few days.They are gutless asses.They all want to see the presidentfail. Well chumps it will not work. You all SUCK. If any of you havt any guts at all resopond. The party of idoits and greed mongers.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

our federal goverment

I just love how thease useless teabaggers call themselvs patroits but hate our goverment. They rather pour tons of money into big insurance but not to make our country better for all. They may deny this but all they are is dumb ass pawns for the right wing republicans. Nothing more. Well the republicans do tend to get a much narrower brand of folks. This includes uneducated whites , people who do not wish to grow in knowledge,racisit,ignorant and just plain stupid. Thats all for now.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

terroist trials

Here we go again.Once again the republicans in congress are beating the drum of fear and defeat. They insist on a military tribunal which is exactly what the terroist want. Look every terroist who was arrested under the almighty bush and big fat chenny administration was tried and found guilty on U.S soil.Not only that but they are serving time in U.S. prisons. So what is the big deal. I will tell you, the republicans in congress just cannot except the fact that THEY LOST. SO get over it. NOW. The party of no is out to bring the country down.Post if you like. Tony

Friday, February 12, 2010

tea party ?

Are people kidding. Give me a break. news flash this mess were in was caused by the greed and ignorance of the bush admn. Now I do not know how much education you people have but this cannot be done over night. Also you may not believe this but you have to pay taxes in order to preserve our democracy. There would be no military no schools roads , mail, library.ect.
Oh if health care is such a bad idea then I suggest you give up your medicare and social security. OH no you cat do that.You people are either STUPID or SELVISH. post something if you have any bacj bone.Tony

supreme court lackeys for wall street

Well the right wing lackeys of the supreme court have once again shown their selvish and dangerous side. By treating corperations like people and letting them spend as much as they want on political campaigns we will no longer have a voice in the electoral process. We will no longer have democrats or republicans we will only have wall street and insurance canidates. Oh right that is called republican. Post if you like. Tony

Sunday, January 31, 2010

President Obama calls republicans bluff

For anyone who saw the State of the Union along with the president speaking at the republican retreat,he stood up to them and explained in detail how they were blocking legislation in a unfavorable debate. This only proved that up untill now the republicans are the party of no.In my opinion all republicans want to do is see the president fail even if they bring down the country with him. It will not happen republicans. Your ethics and name calling will fail just like your lost party is. The party of no and gas guzzeling pick up trucks. That is all for now. agree or disagree please post a comment.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Response to comment about Joe liberman

Oh yea standing up for big insurance over uninsured working folks takes guts. It is comments like this that show just how low the intellct in this country is. This means you anonymos. Read a good book and learn something. Are you one of the angry white guys ? Let me know Tony

Thursday, January 7, 2010

civil rights vs security

AS I stated on my last post we are turning into a global police state. Listen up people I for one am not willing to give up my civil rights. This is especially true since we gave up enough already. I am sure the Bin Laden gang is laughing up a storm watching the western world and their paranoia. As I said before terror does not necessarily mean any one needs to be killed. All they have to do is strike terror, and they have accomplished that. To body scan make people take off their shoes is not what this country is suppose to be about. Remember none of this would of happened if BUSH and BIG FAT EVIL Chenney were asleep at the wheel. Or were they?  Please post a comment espically all you BIG FAT Chenney fans. Tony.

Monday, January 4, 2010

global police state revised

This most recent attempt to set of a bomb on a commerical airline has caused over reaction and panic. This is exactly what the terroist want.A terroist act does not have to fully be composed to succeed. All the act has to do is create terror,which is what this act accomplished. As usuall people around the world are in a state of panic and anger. Both of these measures will not only lead to body scanners at our airports,but may also include grocery stores,trains,subways,and check points on our roads.All this leads to is a global police state.When people are willing to give up their civil rights for protection this is old fashioned ignorance. This is especially true in the U.S where intellect and dialogue are a dying breed among the citizens.I would like to here from all points of view. No matter if you agree or not please post a comment. Thanks Tony
