Monday, December 27, 2010

Lame Duck

Congrats to the lame duck session of congress and most of all to the president. Start treaty. Repaeall of dont ask dont tell,unemployment bensfits extended for thirteen months,benefits for 911 first responders. Lets hope the new congress can continne with this support of the american public.However i believe that the greedy republicans who blocked the dream act vote should be ashamed. That was very UNAMERICAN

Saturday, December 11, 2010

enemys of the state

FOX NEWS , GLEN BECK, SHAWN HANNITY, and FAT ASS RUSH are no better then BIN LADEN and the rest of the terroist in the world. And you supporters of this band of evil are no better.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I say NO, NO, NO,. Mr President we must not and cannot give in to the evil empire know as the ugly republicans.Not only is it both wrong and immoral for them to hold up unemployment benefits,but holding up national security issues like the stark treaty with Russia is nothing sort of treason. MR President we must not let the greed of the ugly republicans continnue.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

unemployment benefits

I will mak this brief . Senate republicans in their greedy and evil nature are willing to hold up unemployment benefits along with other importent issues, just so all their greedy billionare buddies and gals can continue to have their tax breaks. By the way the debt problem will  never be solved this way. Right on republican JACKASSES . You have destroyed this country. And for you teaparty folks you all can rot with the DEVIL. You guys suck..

finnaly a bipartisan bill

Well it is not the most controversial but it is something. On December 2 2010 a day of bipartisan politics in the U.S.Congress voted for the Commerical Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act. Or as I call it the keep the noise down bill.This bill will prevent advertisers from rasing the volume during their tv commericals to catch the attention of viewers who tend to wander away from their tv sets at this time. Now as I said this is not cotroverisal like healthcare or tax cuts,but it does show that congress can work like adults if they want to.

Big Fat Chenny

An allied county Nigeria in the next few days will be inditing former v.p dick big fat chenny for bibry charges concerning his association with haliburton. Acoording to progressive radioNigera which by the way is an allied african county has ahd enough of cheenys shanniagans and will get a Nigern court to issue a international warrnt. Since the U.S. justice department refuses to look at MR Chennys actions nigera has had enough.Post please

political dinosaur

John McCain that is the one who I am talking about. Why because even after the military study stated that gays openly serving in the armed forces will not effect daily operations Senator McCain still refuses to except this. In a recent news statement the senator stated that combat troops do not want this. Combat troops of what era Vietnam? I think it is time for this dinosaur to retire while he still has some what of a reputation to savor.

middle class cut tasks

Well now what is wrong with that. Acoording to a news interview conducted by progressive radios Stephannie Miller with congressmen Frank Vallone D New Jersey a middle class tax cut would stimmulate the econmy. Reasons are as stated the middleclass will spend the money thus stimulate the economy. And as we know it does not take a MBA to know this.However once again the evil greedy republicans can give a damn about the middle class.Why you may ask well becouse if their rich buddies do not get a tax break them they will filubuster the vote in the senate and kill it. Now it is well known if the middle class get a tax break they will spend the money. As for the rich and corperations they will just sit on it. So listen you facist rtepublican pigs this con you game you are acting out will only last so long.

go lisa,go

She may be a republican but she is allright with me,at least for now. The reason why I am stating this is becouse in the Alaska republican primary she was defeated by tea party and Sara barracuda Palin backer. However Lisa Murkowski struck back and ran a unprecedented write in campain. Well she won relection to her senate seat as an independent. There is an old saying the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Well as we know the tea party and the barracuda lady are the enemy. So even though the senator says she will caucus with the republicans for now she is right on. After all any one who can defeat a sara barracuda candidate in her her own back yard and make a fool out of her,is RIGHT ON. Thanks Lisa and please continnue on this track. Please all who read place a post. I especially want to hear from you idots.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

don,t ask don,t tell

Well folks now the homophoic senate has run out of excuses not to pass don,t ask don,t tell. The continuing saga of letting gays in the military. It is a shame that that an industialized county like the United States has to go thru all this red tape to pass this issue. Well first a federal court has RULED that don,t ask don,t tell is unconsitutional. Next the U.S. military did a study stating that allowing gays to serve in the military will have little or no effect on running it,s operations on a day to day basis. Also most of military personell agree with this. So all you macho homophbic idots what is your problem? Could be that manny of you republican senators are a bunch of closet queens and this just might remind you of who you really are.Most likley yes. As far as the bible thumping christen right is concerned about this life style being inmoral. All I have to say is SEPERATION of CHURCH and STATE. Of course you guys are the AMERICAN TALIBAN. Even Robert gates SEC of STATE for both the Obama and Bush adminstartions agrees that this shameful poilcy must be overturned. Post an opinion I w2ould really like to hear from some of you homophobic republican closet queens.

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